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Semantic Web Jobs: Akraya

Akraya is looking for a Senior Engineer in Sunnyvale, CA. This opening is for a contract position lasting six to nine months. According to the post, “This job is part of clients  Finance engineering team.” Responsibilities of the position include the following: “Model Financial data. Write finance data APIs & unit tests. Document code, procedures and system designs.” Read more

Learn From Semantic Usage of Industry Giants

SemTechBiz - NY - October 15-17, 2012 in New York, New YorkSemantic Technology & Business ConferenceOctober 15-17 in New York, will feature case studies focused on experience gained at respected companies including Viacom, Martha Stewart, Tribune Company, JP Morgan, and Elsevier.  Attend sessions like Semantics in Media, To Catch a Thief, and Watson Goes Back to School-The Evolving Role of Semantic Technology, to learn about the business value that can be delivered with semantic applications. View the full conference program here. Save $100 and register now.

United Nations Trying to Control the Internet?

Larry Downes of Forbes reports that the UN is trying to claim some authority over the internet. He writes, “Yet another anachronistic regulator is trying to flex its muscles over the Internet.  But this time the U.S. government is actually the one trying to stop them. That’s right.  It’s the United Nations.  Specifically, the International Telecommunications Union, a 150 year-old bureaucracy that started life establishing telegraph standards.  The ITU has since mutated into coordinating international telephone interconnection and radio spectrum, and became part of the U.N. in 1947.  But it has never had a meaningful role in dealing with the Internet. At least until now.” Read more

Google Knowledge Graph Launches Worldwide for English-Language Users

Dieter Bohn reports, “At a small event [yesterday] at Google’s San Francisco offices, the company announced that its Knowledge Graph product will be launching worldwide [today]. It’s unfortunately limited to English language users, but Google says that is taking care to change what information the Knowledge Graph presents based on location. In the example the company gave, a search for ‘Chiefs’ would present information about the football team in the US, but the rugby team in Australia.” Read more

School Days: Reading, Writing, and Linked Data

Courtesy: Flickr/jjorogen

September’s getting closer, and for just about everyone, the coming turn of the calendar page brings to mind thoughts of the school year ahead. More specifically, for educators and students, the new school year is just as likely to call up images of iPad tablets and smart-boards as it is to bring forth memories of freshly sharpened pencils and blackboards.

But it’s still probably true that dreams of Linked Data don’t dance through their heads as they contemplate the curricula. But that will change, especially in higher education, where online and remote learning increasingly plays a role — and sooner rather than later.  A paper published earlier this summer, Linked Data for Open and Distance Learning, provides some interesting perspective on the idea. Authored by Mathieu d’Aquin, Research Fellow, Knowledge Media Institute at The Open University, it explores how Linked Data can revolutionize the arena of open and distance learning.

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New Book: Semantic Web & Model-Driven Engineering

Fernando S. Parreiras has written a new book entitled Semantic Web and Model-Driven Engineering. According to the description, “The next enterprise computing era will rely on the synergy between both technologies: semantic web and model-driven software development (MDSD). The semantic web organizes system knowledge in conceptual domains according to its meaning. It addresses various enterprise computing needs by identifying, abstracting and rationalizing commonalities, and checking for inconsistencies across system specifications. On the other side, model-driven software development is closing the gap among business requirements, designs and executables by using domain-specific languages with custom-built syntax and semantics. It focuses on using modeling languages as programming languages.”

It continues, “Among many areas of application, we highlight the area of configuration management. Read more

Semantic Web Jobs: The Cypress Group

The Cypress Group is looking for a Solutions Architect in Boston, MA. According to the post, “Our Solutions Engineers are experts in applying our Anzo products to help our customers integrate, analyze, and operationalize their critical business intelligence information. We are looking for people to: Work closely with Fortune 500 & other leading customers to understand business challenges and design appropriate solutions. Use and extend the Anzo product suite to rapidly build customer solutions. Manage implementation projects to ensure smooth communication with the customer and timely completion of project tasks. Collaborate cross functionally with product management, development, and sales as required to improve and showcase the Anzo products.” Read more

Describing Classifieds with GoodRelations

GoodRelations, the web vocabulary for eCommerce, has shared specific instructions for how to describe classified ads as part of the GoodRelations Cookbook. This particular “recipe” begins, “The special challenge when exposing structured data for classified ads are the following: (1) You typically just have a headline, a body text, and incomplete contact information. (2) The exact identity of the offering party is unknown and often limited to a screen-name or just the phone number.” Read more

Semantic Start-Up Travels Road To Gaining Third-Party Developer Interest

Many semantic start-ups hoping to bring their platforms and APIs to wider public notice among the development community do so by crafting the first applications to leverage their technologies themselves. That’s the case with Kudos Knowledge, which has created Enliten, a personal newspaper using its Semantic Social Intelligence (SSI) technology to deliver news and information from hundreds of sources filtered according to user interests.

“The important thing for us was to show we had capacity,” explains Lee Sinclair, product director of the Australian-based company, which also has developed CelebTweety Social to connect users to information about their favorite celebrities, and Chat Search for Skype for mining conversation histories on that platform, based on its SSI technology. The basic concept behind Semantic Social Intelligence is something that the company internally calls the “.Me” to filter the world for the individual user.

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Video: Linked Data for Libraries

The OCLC has created a video entitled Linked Data for Libraries. The fourteen minute video provides an introduction to the concepts and technology behind linked data as well as how linked data works and how it is used in libraries.

According to the organization website, “OCLC is a nonprofit, membership, computer library service and research organization dedicated to the public purposes of furthering access to the world’s information and reducing information costs. Read more

Concept Searching Products are SharePoint Ready

According to a new article out of the company, “Concept Searching, a global leader in semantic metadata generation, auto-classification, and taxonomy management software, and developer of the Smart Content Framework™, is pleased to announce that its core products, conceptSearch and conceptClassifier for SharePoint, are up and running for SharePoint 2013.” Read more