Mitt Romney’s nervous laugh
December 2 — Now that Newt Gingrich has soared to front-runner status, it looks like Mitt Romney has developed himself a nervous laugh:…
Herman Cain alleges ‘network’ of enemies out to get him, hedges on supporting Mitt Romney as nominee
November 11 —
Top Herman Cain aide Mark Block falsely claims campaign has ‘confirmed’ accuser’s son works for Politico
November 9 —
Chris Wallace calls out Mitt Romney for being only Republican candidate to duck Sunday show interview
October 31 —
Mitch McConnell hilariously claims Republicans aren’t sabotaging the economy to hurt Obama politically
October 24 —
Sarah Palin goes on a rant about how debate moderators should force candidates to answer questions
October 19 — Must be she she’s already forgotten about 2008:…