Move to Canada T-Shirts

Conservative T-Shirts


Arnold Schwarzenegger

Bomb Iran

Boycott Venezuela

Capitalist Pig


Christian Right

Christians for Israel


Conservative Radio

Definition of Is

Fair Tax

Fidel Castro

First Iraq, then France

Flag Burning

Freedom of Speech

George Pataki '08

George S. Patton

Global Warming

GOP Elephant

Grand Old Party


Hillary Pres. of France

Illegal Immigration


I Love Beaumont

It Takes A Village

Joe Lieberman

John McCain '08

Keep Right

Legal Citizen

Liberal Foreign Policy

Liberal Worker

Love America

Mitt Romney '08

Mount Rushmore

Move to Canada

My Soldier

One Nation Under God

Pinko Free Zone

Piss on Hezbollah

Politically Incorrect


Raised Republican

Real Democrats

Republican Chick

Republicans are Sexy

Ronald Reagan

Rudy Giuliani '08

Sam Brownback '08

Shut Up Hippie

Social Conservative

Stop the ACLU

Superior Firepower

Support Israel

Ted Kennedy


Tom Tancredo '08

United Nations

Vast RW Conspiracy

Welcome to America

Winston Churchill

Shown are two Move to Canada Like Your Promised t-shirts from our conservative, right-wing, anti-liberal category.  After George Bush was elected President, many liberals threatened to move north.  The Move to Canada t-shirt shows the states.


Move to Canada White T-Shirt

Move to Canada


You Promised

Men's T-Shirts


Price: $19.99!!!




Move to Canada T-Shirts

Many of the Democrats and extreme liberals threatened to move to Canada if George Bush won the election for President in 2000 and 2004.  This Move to Canada like you promised t-shirts show that the conservatives want the Democrats to make good on that promise.  The t-shirts show the red state and blue state differences, which are almost unchanged from the 2000 to the 2004 election.  Everyone in the blue states should now go north to hang with the Canucks or they could just become part of Canada instead.  Red State America is not as densely populated, but it does comprise the majority of the states in the Union.







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Selling political and conservative t-shirts, including Move to Canada like you promised t-shirts.