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“America is an idea … we promise equal opportunity, not equal outcomes” (and h2k’s open thread) »

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I transcribed what Paul Ryan said:

“What I’ve heard lately, that’s what troubles me the most. There’s something different in their voice, in their words. What I hear from them is diminished dreams, lowered expectations, uncertain futures. I hear some people say that this is just ‘the new normal’. Higher unemployment, declining incomes and crushing debt is NOT a new normal.

“America is more than just a place. America is an idea. It’s the only country founded ON an idea. Our rights come from nature and God, not from government. … We promise equal opportunity, not equal outcomes. And this idea was founded on the principles of freedom, free enterprise, self-determination and government by CONSENT of the governed.”

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Obama, Leads with His Chin »

Clearly, Obama does not know a damn thing about fighting. One of the key rules of fight club, “DON’T LEAD WITH YOUR CHIN.” Why? If you move your face towards your opponent’s on rushing fist and it connects with your chin–lights out.

That’s exactly what Obama did today (thanks harp2 for the tip). Obama tried to play “gangsta” and shoved his mug towards Ryan. Boom. Down goes Obama. Down goes Obama:

Watch Paul Ryan beat Obama bloody with this tomorrow. Read the rest

Obama Don’t Know Much »

Obama, his campaign and many Democrat leaders, are fully embracing the belief that they are running the equivalent of a Wes Craven horror-fest and need only shriek that Romney and Ryan are trying to choke the life out of your GranGram in order to secure your vote. Pretty damn clueless.

So I came across this comment written by Dontgetmestartednow, which appeared on the The Washington Examiner, and thought it captured succinctly the problem confronting Obama and his gang:

I was an Obama supporter last election, donating the maximum to his primary and general election campaign. I was hoping for true healthcare reform. I’ve received every email, snail mail and phone call from not only the Obama campaign, but a plethora of other Obama PACS. I’ve reviewed not just the website, but the actual proposals/bills/voting records regarding healthcare. I have been in healthcare for 32 years working for emergency departments, NICU’s, PICU’s, ICU’s in indigent inner city locations, focusing on billing issues with Medicare and Medicaid in 11 states and Puerto Rico. I worked for 4 years for our regional Medicare administrator Anthem alone. I may not be considered an expert, but I do know this one issue really well, my livelihood depends on my knowledge.

I received 3 calls since Ryan was announced looking for donations, “because more than ever, we need to prevent the destruction of Medicare”. Baloney. I agree with the Wyden-Ryan plan. Medicare as it stands takes the consumer completely out of the picture, letting them stay ignorant to the costs verses the service. Forcing seniors into Medicare (you can not keep your employer paid plan once you’re eligible for Medicare as your primary, you can’t even elect to buy your own private insurance as your primary) eliminates competition. When you don’t have to be aware of the cost and you don’t have to worry about competition, costs go up and services go down. It’s simple economics. The bipartisan bill gives seniors a choice, keep their Medicare plan or get a voucher to select from a private carrier. Those that are poorer or sick, get a larger voucher. Those on the upper end of income get less if anything. The only argument against this would be that some poor and uneducated would stay with Medicare and get less services and a lower quality of care because of their choice. Does anyone else see the idiocy of this? In essence, we know Medicare sucks and think it’s more fair that everyone should be forced to have it.I wasn’t sure how I was going to vote this time, but I do now. Next time one of Obama’s PAC’s call looking for money, I’ll have to explain I don’t have anymore, I just gave it all to Romney/Ryan.

Yep. Obama got himself a heap of trouble. Read the rest

Paul Ryan Makes My Gut Feel Like A Pretzel »

I first heard the phrase “Pretzel Logic” in the mid-1970s because it’s the title of a great Steely Dan album that I have listened to a thousand times and still love. I’ve always liked the phrase because it explains in two words how some people can twist perceived “facts” to fit the particular argument they wish to present, but which are laughably contradictory on examination.

I’m can’t get the phrase out of my mind this weekend since the announcement that Paul Ryan is Mitt Romney’s running mate. Is this an example of pretzel logic on Romney’s part, I wonder? I guess I’m thinking it might be because Paul Ryan makes perfect sense in some ways, and no sense at all in others.

Romney seems to be making his campaign about the economy, the whole economy, and nothing but the economy. Just like Bill Clinton did, according to folklore. The choice of Ryan also mimics the Clinton/Gore ticket in that it was a pairing of two youngish men who were wonky and seemed like business partners. So as regards the economy and businessmen pairing up to tackle the issues, it makes sense.

On the other hand, I think Ryan’s notoriety makes him a really bad choice as running mate.  Ryan is making the Democrats happy because his budget proposals are well-known in a notorious way. They see him as an easy target for ridicule. I wince when I think how many times I’m going to hear “pushing Grandma off a cliff” this year.  He’s a fricking lighting rod for criticism.  I believe we’ll be hearing variations on that phrase a lot this year as well.  So why would Romney take a gamble like that when he’s been running a very close race all on his own?  It makes no sense.

These contradictions make my gut feel all twisted up like a pretzel.  Read the rest

The Crowds Are Roaring & The Issues Are Getting Real »

Drudge has this above his logo:

Waukesha – Brushing aside tears and responding to raucous cheers, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan returned to Wisconsin on Sunday for an emotional homecoming in front of thousands of people on the grounds of the Waukesha County Expo Center.

“It’s good to be home,” Ryan said in a speech that wove personal history and national aspiration.

A day after he was named Mitt Romney’s running mate and vaulted on to the Republican Party’s biggest political stage, Ryan spoke of his family’s deep roots in Wisconsin and his ties to Janesville, where “we live on the block I grew up on.”

“My veins run with cheese, bratwurst, a little Spotted Cow, Leinie’s and some Miller,” he said. “I was raised on the Packers, Badgers, Bucks and Brewers.

“I like to hunt here, I like to fish here, I like to snowmobile here. I even think ice fishing is interesting. I’m a Wisconsinite through and through.” … (Read all at the Journal-Sentinal, Wisconsin)

Mitt Romney laid down the law for Barack Obama: Read the rest

Romney today is not the Romney caricatured by the media »

* Bumped Up *

Romney and Ryan’s third stop as a team Saturday was just 30 miles from the White House in Manassas, Virginia, where thousands swamped the old town area to catch a glimpse and hear Romney and Ryan speak. I was among the thousands who decided this morning to make the last-minute trek.

For the area, this was a truly enormous crowd. Driving in from Vienna, once off I-66, the four-lane road south was over seven miles of pure gridlock to the Harris Pavilion. Then, upon parking about five blocks away, and lucky at that, we endured a nearly two-hour walking crawl through the old town streets in the 90+ degree sun to arrive at the pavilion.

Manassas completely shut down to welcome Romney and Ryan. Whoever mapped out the snaking lines to handle the incredible crowds should get some serious credit for their quick action. Remarkable too was that there were no complaints, just determination to get in and hear Romney and Ryan.

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Hillary is for Real! »

“Secretary of State Hillary Clinton got her groove on while she danced at a party in Pretoria, South Africa.”

This is why I still love Hillary. She’s one of us no matter where in the world we are. Read the rest

[Update: CBS Video] News Flash: Romney & Ryan on “60 Minutes” tonight (and hk2 open thread) »

Romney & Ryan: The first interview (CBSNewsOnline)

A pre-show video “tease,” posted earlier at CBSNewsOnline, the network’s YouTube channel, is below the fold.

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

This is a portion of the CBS article, before “60 Minutes” aired.

’60 Minutes’: Romney, Ryan answer critics of Medicare position

Face the Nation‘s Bob Schieffer sat down with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan on Sunday for their first interview. … Romney answered critics who say Ryan’s Medicare plan will hurt the ticket’s chances, especially in Florida.

“There’s only one president that I know of in history that robbed Medicare, $716 billion to pay for a new risky program of his own that we call Obamacare,” Romney said. Read the rest

Amongst the pundit blather, observations about Paul Ryan … and a nasty secret Biden hopes you won’t find out about »

Go to’s regurgitation of putrid punditry only if you have the stomach for it. There’s the junk food: New York magazine dishes up plenty of empty calories in “The Paul Ryan Announcement: If These Clothes Could Talk.” If you’re still hungry, try the New York magazine’s John Heilemann who rejoiced in his “chance” encounter wth David Axelrod as he was writing “The Ryan Pick: Why Romney Changed to Obama’s Game” (Memeorandum).

You can find pulled-pork fare here: “CNN’s Candy Crowley Claims Some GOPers Think Ryan Pick ‘Some Sort of Ticket Death Wish’,” (Memeorandum); “12 Things You Should Know About Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan,” ThinkProgress (Memeorandum); and “Michael Tomasky on Romney’s Stunning, Terrible Choice of Ryan for VP,” The Daily Beast (Memeorandum).

For meager sustenance, try Niall Stanage’s “In Ryan pick, echoes of Obama’s selection of Vice President Biden” (Memorandum) at The Hill, at times a four-star restaurant in a city full of roach-infested dives frequented by rats. Stanage writes:

For two men who are so different … President Obama and Mitt Romney have chosen running mates with strikingly similar cultural contours.

In 2008, the youthful, black, Democratic son of a single mother chose a white, Catholic, Irish-American running mate. On Saturday morning, the middle-aged, wealthy Republican son of a governor did exactly the same. [Mr. Stanage, do you detect any bias in your descriptions of the two men?]

So why did both men select “two people with near-identical demographic profiles”? Is it the voting bloc of “white working class voters” crucial in key swing states? (Yup, it’s white people’s fault — again.)

And what’s with one of the biggest rats in town gorging himself on the Secret Service’s (taxpayers’) dime? Read the rest

Paul Ryan: His speech and family photos [Updates: new photos] »

Special thanks to AlJazeeraEnglish‘s YouTube channel. That’s right. Al Jazeera posted Paul Ryan’s full speech. Other U.S. networks and channels? Still M.I.A. (at YouTube). Now, for photos of today’s event from Zimbio, the incomparable photo site, and Business Insider. If you click any image below, you’ll go to each source’s additional photos of today’s event.

Paul, Wife Janna and Three Children (Eliza, Charles, Sam) [Update: See Eliza's face in a new image below the fold.]

Newly announced Republican vice presidential candidate, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is hugged by his children as his wife Janna Ryan looks on after Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney announced him as his running mate in front of the USS Wisconsin August 11, 2012 in Norfolk, Virginia. Ryan, a seven term congressman, is Chairman of the House Budget Committee and provides a strong contrast to the Obama administration on fiscal policy. (Getty Images via Zimbio)

Newly announced Republican vice presidential candidate, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is hugged by his children as his wife Janna Ryan looks on after Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney announced him as his running mate in front of the USS Wisconsin August 11, 2012 in Norfolk, Virginia. Ryan, a seven term congressman, is Chairman of the House Budget Committee and provides a strong contrast to the Obama administration on fiscal policy. (Getty Images via Zimbio)

BELOW, TWO NEW PHOTOS featuring the Ryans’ daughter Eliza as well as Paul’s wife and: Read the rest

Tweets and a new Twitter account for “R & R” (and hk2′s belated weekend open thread) »

Paul Ryan, what have you done to Twitter?! Could it be, as getfitnow commented below, “After four years of Obama, we need some R & R!”


GetFitNow commented, “Follow Paul Ryan on Twitter: @PaulRyanVP

Well, shoot. See that Twitter image over yonder? However, I only had to wait a minute. ‘sides, when there’s a will, there’s a way.

Now, in no special order, memorable Tweets — good, bad, and dumb (very, very dumb):

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Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan – 2012 [Open Thread] »

Governor Romney makes it official, Congressman Paul Ryan is his choice for vice-president.

What do you think about this choice?

Read the rest

ROMNEY to announce Paul Ryan as his V.P. pick @ 9:00 a.m. ET »

The real news?  It’s the economy and we’re not stupid.” Mitt Romney has underlined “it’s the economy” with his selection of Paul Ryan, a budget whiz who is clearly “presidential timber.” And how.

The Obama camp claims it’s thrilled because they believe they can hammer Romney and Ryan on Social Security, Medicare, etc. But, warns Wolf Blitzer, Obama’s people had best be careful, and he reminded viewers how Ronald Reagan was minimized as a has-been actor, with Democrats elated that that ancient has-been codger would be their opponent. Blitzer’s message to Obama’s supporters? “Be careful what you wish for.”

Drudge’s main headline link goes to the Weekly Standard’s “Romney Prepares to Pick Ryan.”

“Combo” screenshots of Drudge’s home page:

H/t JRTerrier. CNN is carrying this live at this moment (9:26 p.m. PT). Fox News is airing a commercial (9:44 p.m. PT). MSNBC is carrying the story live with Andrea Mitchell (9:44 p.m. PT). Fox News’s coverage is the weakest of the three cable news channels by using some third-string anchor I’ve never seen before and a “reporter” (the digital political editor for the Web site – huh?). Surprising and disappointing.

MSNBC’s MITCHELL CONFIRMS it’s Paul Ryan. An MSNBC reporter says that Paul Ryan’s wife and his three children were seen at the Nauticus Museum, home of USS Wisconsin in Norfolk, Virginia. Read the rest

Mitt goes on the offensive against that repugnant Obama ad, condemned by all sides [Update: American Crossroads Ad] »

Oh Mitt. You knocked this one outta the park. Power Line Blog dubbed the ad “nuclear.” Better yet, you’re releasing this video as a 30-second TV ad. Mitt, I pray you’ll untie your purse strings and air this ad in every media market across the nation. This TV ad will be a springboard for innumerable conversations among neighbors, friends, relatives, and even co-workers. While Power Line wonders if enough people will know the ad’s background — a good point — instead, I trust that those who don’t know the back story will be so damn curious they’ll ask around until they find out WHY. (For any who don’t know why, see Reuter’s “Romney campaign calls wife-death ad a low blow,” Larry Johnson’s “Obama’s Campaign Goes Stupid,” or my “Part II: The Scurrilous Ad Defaming Mitt Romney (Lola Alert) [Updated]” ([Part I is here].)

UPDATE: American Crossroads ad, via Power Line Blog:

Mitt, you know how we get at NoQuarterUSA when we’re riled. First, there’s Harp2 — she’s nobody to fool around with — who gave us the video link (locate Harp2′s comment here). Once I’d pasted your video code, I had to check your campaign site to see what you’d added since your humdinger of a press release yesterday. Read the rest

Part II: The Scurrilous Ad Defaming Mitt Romney (Lola Alert) [Updated] »

Writes Daniel Halper for the Weekly Standard “Yesterday, MSNBC also spent the morning talking about how the bad the Obama super PAC ad is. SAM STEIN IS ESPECIALLY STRONG, as is (will wonders ever cease) MARK HALPERIN:

Mark Halperin said then: “This is about as low as either side has gone … it’s a despicable ad.”

And even the Huffington Post’s Sam Stein said, “This is like so beyond what we need to discuss. … This just I think takes it too far.” (Read all.)

The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler aka the man who “awards” the dreaded “Pinocchios”: “As we noted, a case could be made that Bain’s involvement extended the life of a dying steel plant, in which case Soptic kept his insurance longer than he might have expected.” (Below the fold, see more from the WaPo‘s Glenn Kessler.)

As soon as I spotted Romney’s powerful collection of verifiable quotes, I asked myself why I should re-write what Romney’s press release already makes so very clear. So I left well enough alone, and am re-printing “What They’re Saying About The Disgraceful Obama Super PAC Ad,” along with some comments. (There’s also a “Lola alert” below).

At the very end, I also make some RUDE remarks [UPDATED] about Mr. Sostik’s insistence on blaming Mitt Romney for all that ails him, perhaps even his occasional need to consume prunes.

“Dishonest” … “Scurrilous” … “Sickening” … “Despicable” … “Over The Edge”

Former Representative Joe Sestak (D-PA): “Over The Edge.” “‘I thought the ad was wrong in terms of trying to tie a presidential candidate to a personal tragedy of a family,’ said former Congressman Joe Sestak, a Democrat from Pennsylvania. ‘This ad goes over the edge.’” (Peter Nicholas and Colleen McCain Nelson, “Star Of Anti-Romney Ad Explains His Stance,” The Wall Street Journal, 8/8/12)

     Bronwyn’s Note: True-blue Democrat Joe Sestak was Bill Clinton’s Director for Defense on the National Security Council. During 30 years in the U.S. Navy, Vice Admiral Sestak commanded the USS George Washington carrier strike group during combat operations in the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean” and, following 9/11, was “the first director of ‘Deep Blue’ (code name), the Navy’s top secret counter-terrorism unit.” Read the rest