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      Wednesday at 3:15pm
      • Joseph Price Good for her, I am sick of aggressive cops. They serve US, not the other way around.
      • Steven Akin SUE, SUE, SUE... That is what I been saying. Don't except plea deals clog up their corrupt system. 1st year C.J. majors learn the system will collapse without plea bargains.
      • Eric Muhammad They should have been charged with sexual assult! But the time is very near when citizens will strike back against this kind of injustice! We are in that hour!!!!
    • Miscalculatory Malfunction, Neno Volemte and 16 others like this.
      • Mark Snyder Are you sure that's not Governor Christie?
      • Thomas J. Alleman I do not know some parts of NJ need to be under marshal law and some of it citizens kept from leaving the state, HA HA just kidding.
    • Kaycee Heyse, Ricci Scott and 11 others like this.
      • Robert Blackmore fuck these criminal pigs.they need to be abused themselves.their time will come and they will find themselves the victims when they are being locked up
      • John J Radford YOU the public have created the police state; now you can live with it.
    • Anders König, Jed Brasky Wachter and 11 others like this.
      • Djambel Unkov Arrested for being ugly and stupid.
      • Hacha C Norris its bull shit that the motive died with him...the scum fbi can sell there wares of spin and coverup to the septic tank sludge...befitting them.
      • Maria RealMe They arrested his ex-girlfriend but not the three men that were his accomplices *smh* I guess she knew to much about what really happened there, wouldn't want the truth out.
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    • Steven Akin and 2 others like this.
      • Steven Akin The people running our country are criminal. Well that is most countries including Russia. Our founding fathers would be tar and feathering these S.O.B.'s. GARY JOHNSON 2012 Libertarian for president.
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    • Michael Tate, Jit Salvi and 11 others like this.
      • Osvaldo Z. Castellanos Yup it sure is gonna be efen boring!
      • Annette Woodmark When did our country start electing politicians because of their "Star Power & Carissma" instead of on ideas? I think it was when television started controlling who would and would not appear in their polls and debates and that is why our country is dealing with the mess we are currently in.
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      • Annette Woodmark Gag, choke, puke.
      • Annette Woodmark ‎^thats it, I'm voting for Gary Johnson. At least Gary Johnson will be at the big rally while Ron Paul's rally of people accepted as deligates to the RNC convention is getting more and more whittled down into a small blip because the RNC with this huckster Rand's permission. Oh no, have to run to the bathroom and puke again.
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    • Sharon Danley, Massa David and 23 others like this.
      • Harold Jennings Walking in public should NEVER be considered probable cause.
      • Justin Isurdad god damn profiling
      • Dino Di Lucido Smart move.
        Seeing as how Stop & Frisk is ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL, it was a good idea that San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee decided not to implement it.
        Kudos to San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee for remembering that he took an oath to the US Constitution & for deciding to honor it as all public servants should. Good for you Ed :)

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