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The car crash sequence was shot with nine simultaneous cameras, including two on adjacent rooftops and one hidden in a trash barrel. A stunt driver was in the black car, while the model's car contained a remote-controlled animatronic dummy. A practice run caused the black car to accidentally tear the rear bumper off the model's car, but since it was getting late, it was stuck back on and the shot attempted in toto. This time the model's car spun around, overshot its projected target by at least 100 meters, and smashed into a taxicab parked by the side of the road. This take was used in the final print.
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El Chivo (Emilio Echevarría) shouts at Luis (Jorge Salinas) "You are so clever! You must be a publicist," during the kidnapping scene. Salinas played a publicist in Sex, Shame & Tears.
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Unlike most films, a disclaimer stating that no animals were harmed in the making of the movie comes at the beginning instead of being buried in the credits.
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The Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in England filed a complaint to the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) about a 21-second dog fight scene.
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All the images shown on the TV sets during the picture are commercials. These commercials were also directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu. They include a TV station promotional, an ad for a bank, among others.
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El Chivo sarcastically congratulates Luis Miranda Solares for his imagination comparing him with a Publicist which is the occupation of the Director Alejandro González Iñárritu.
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The man who plays the bus driver in the scene where Octavio (Gael García Bernal) decides not to get on the bus is Bernal's father, José Ángel García.
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"Negro", the name "El Chivo" picks for his dog at the end of the movie is also the well-known nickname for the film's director, Alejandro González Iñárritu.
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Director Cameo 

Alejandro González Iñárritu:  He's a publicist working in the offices where the main character of the second episode works.
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