"VIDEO: Michelle Obama's Extraordinary 2012 DNC Speech"
(22 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2012 @ 3:35 am PT...
I agree that was rockin.
Most people I know can't stomach it but I'm actually quite entertained watching Dem stuff like the Democratic National Convention on Fox News because it's HILARIOUS to see the Republicans twist, contort, distort, and dispute fact. In fact the whole channel is quite parodic in that sense.
Anyway, back to the biz at hand. With that prick Ohio SoS Jon Husted announcing yesterday that he refuses to comply with the federal court order and set new early voting hours until the appeal is filed and this election looking to be far closer than last time it really does look like it's shaping up that Ohio will be the most important state in the contest. Assuming, as I do, that Rick Scott will figure a way to game Florida despite the slight Obama lead there ... if Ohio can also be gamed like it was 8 years ago ... Mittens wins.
I know you brought attention to Ohio's awesome dem SoS Jennifer Brunner 4 years ago and her project Everest that determined the systemic weaknesses of the e-voting system that drew a collective yawn from Ohioan Dem politicians that should have known better. It really was a tragedy. So even with the dems having a comfortable lead in Ohio right now it's hard to feel too secure with that prick Husted in charge of any potential discrepancies. I think all the heat and focus over the next two months should be spotlit on Ohio and Florida for this reason. I know you're more a non-partisan but if Romney and his destructive policies get gamed into the White House, well ... if there is a God that would mean he has truly forsaken us.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2012 @ 6:17 am PT...
Eleanor Roosevelt was amazing. Michelle Obama is just a well-spoken flack for a useless parasite.
Oh, she has a vegetable garden. Yeah. Forgot.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2012 @ 6:55 am PT...
Being a real person is a good thing, and she proved it.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2012 @ 7:21 am PT...
It's a good speech, if misleading and delusional. After all his struggles, Barack Obama still became another shameful sell-out corporate lackey.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 9/5/2012 @ 8:25 am PT...
There is no question but that Michelle Obama’s speech was both masterful and elegant.
But when it comes to substance, the most powerful statement of the evening did not come from a politician. It came from Stacey Lihn, who drove home what’s at stake for individuals, like her toddler, Zoe, who suffers from a congenital heart condition. Zoe's very life was endangered because she had reached the “cap” under their insurance policy.
While, when measured against a far more rational and cost-effective single-payer system, the Affordable Care Act is undoubtedly flawed, Lihn demonstrated why it is far superior to the corrupt, dysfunctional and deadly status quo in which 45,000 U.S. Citizens die each year simply because they can’t afford health insurance.
Here’s how the folks from the other side of the Atlantic pond saw it:
Lihn demolished the "there's no difference between the two corporate parties, so why vote?" canard. The differences cannot be any more stark and concrete than a difference that could spell life or death for a three year old child.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2012 @ 8:27 am PT...
"We don't take sides in these things"(really?)
"Too bad shitty speakers like Bill Clinton on Wednesday and Barack Obama on Thursday, are gonna have to meet her incredibly high first night bar."
IMO This place has become an Obama bashing site like fdl and emptywheel
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Randy D
said on 9/5/2012 @ 8:52 am PT...
Poor GWN. The internet is no place for someone without a "tongue in cheek" meter.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2012 @ 9:24 am PT...
Surely you can't take anything Michelle says seriously when she starts defending the military as heros, of what? Defending the poppy fields in Afghanistan? Or storming a house in Pakistan where the neighbors never saw Bin Laden and no one ever found dialysis equipment? So, our military has abused its soliders and our tax dollars and Michelle's silver tongue does not cover up all the abuse and lies.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2012 @ 9:32 am PT...
#6: GWN said on 9/5/2012 @ 8:27 am PT...
IMO This place has become an Obama bashing site like fdl and emptywheel
GWN, perhaps there are legitimate reasons why former Democrats (like me) are frustrated with Obama? Your goodbye is the same route Obama took toward traditional Democratic Party values.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2012 @ 9:53 am PT...
Lol @ ""We don't take sides in these things""
Lol @ "Too bad shitty speakers like Bill Clinton on Wednesday and Barack Obama on Thursday, are gonna have to meet her incredibly high first night bar."!
LMAO @ Obama bashing site! As shitty a job as Obama's done, Brad always takes care to toe the company line.
GWN (bless his or her heart) obviously doesn't have the ability to recognize sarcasm!
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 9/5/2012 @ 10:22 am PT...
GWN @ 6 said:
"We don't take sides in these things"(really?)
"Too bad shitty speakers like Bill Clinton on Wednesday and Barack Obama on Thursday, are gonna have to meet her incredibly high first night bar."
IMO This place has become an Obama bashing site like fdl and emptywheel
As the others who have commented since your comment have noticed, GWN, that was meant as a joke. No matter what anybody feels about Bill Clinton or Barack Obama --- even those who hate them --- I'm pretty sure just about everybody in the world recognizes that they are two of the best political orators of our time (or of recent history, for that matter).
Hence, the joke (either a good or or a bad one) in calling them "shitty speakers".
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 9/5/2012 @ 10:28 am PT...
WingnutSteve @ 10 said:
LMAO @ Obama bashing site! As shitty a job as Obama's done, Brad always takes care to toe the company line.
I know, right? The "company line" requires that we bash Obama for failing to call for an end to corporate personhood, mercilessly criticize him for not bringing accountability for war criminals and bankster and for assassinating U.S. citizens without due process, smash him up for failing to support Occupiers and Unions, for cowering to insurance companies on health care reform, for dragging his feet on LGBT rights, for failing to defend voting rights with Section 2 of the VRA in states other than those that Obama needs to win re-election, etc.
Yes, it must be a very strange "company" whose "line" we are "towing".
Sigh...Keep up the bad work, Steve-O! Your party is counting on you!
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2012 @ 11:09 am PT...
Yes, quite "merciless" I must say:
While the President's remarks will no doubt be welcomed by the already-mobilized movement, one should not lose sight of the fact that they fall far short of an endorsement of either Vermont's proposed constitutional amendment or the measure introduced by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in the U.S. Senate.
Ernie said "THEY FALL SHORT"! Oh the humanity
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2012 @ 11:13 am PT...
Maybe I've grown cynical, but the stuff I saw before I got bored was pretty tedious.
The comparison of recent political conventions to infomericals is apparently appropriate.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 9/5/2012 @ 1:33 pm PT...
WingnutSteve -
Please be sure to let us know what verbiage we may use for any particular criticism at any particular time. The important thing is not that we're accurate or appropriate in our coverage, reporting and editorial comment, but that we include the proper amount of vitriol in all such remarks to please die-hard, fact-challenged Republican trolls.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 9/5/2012 @ 1:42 pm PT...
No doubt, WingnutSteve, you had some bizarre point in mind in averring to my accurate report that the President's call for mobilizing a movement to enact a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United falls far short of an endorsement of either Vermont's or Sen. Sanders' proposed constitutional amendment to end "corporate personhood."
But, as usual, you failed to communicate just what that point is. I'm beginning to think that when it comes to that portion of the brain used for logic, you may be missing a few synapses.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2012 @ 2:15 pm PT...
I appreciate the offer Brad but I'll pass. Just wanted to point out one of the very few available examples of what you describe as "merciless" criticism....
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 9/5/2012 @ 3:15 pm PT...
BTW, Steve-O, you also pulled an O'Keefe in your selective quoting of Ernie above. He actually wrote "they fall far short", as you noted before going on to misquote him as "THEY FALL SHORT".
Beyond that, if you're unfamiliar with my years of continued criticism of this administration --- when appropriate and as appropriate --- that is your fault, not mine.
On the other hand, if you'd like to offer examples of your quotes criticizing Republicans here, I'll be more than happy to match each one with 3 of my own criticizing Democrats. Good luck!
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2012 @ 4:42 pm PT...
You make foolish claims about your website such as " its not about right vs. left its about right vs. wrong " and "we don't take sides on these things "....
I'm a republican, I freely admit it, I will almost always fall on the opposite view of you. Even (especially) when I don't, it just seems to piss you off more than normal.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2012 @ 4:47 pm PT...
OH MY GOD! He actually said " they fall FAR short!"
You're awful, what a hateful thing to say Ernie!
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 9/6/2012 @ 12:13 am PT...
WingnutSteve @ 19 said:
You make foolish claims about your website such as " its not about right vs. left its about right vs. wrong " and "we don't take sides on these things"
Yup. And stand by them both 100%.
I'm a republican, I freely admit it, I will almost always fall on the opposite view of you. Even (especially) when I don't, it just seems to piss you off more than normal.
Doesn't piss me off in the least. If you were one of the endangered species known as Republicans who have their facts straight, I'd even invite you to guest blog here, as I do with other Republicans who are able to keep facts straight and offer a compelling point of view to go along with them.
Sadly, you are not one of those Republicans, I'm terribly sorry to say. But I always enjoy your comments and am happy you enjoy The BRAD BLOG!
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 9/6/2012 @ 2:50 am PT...
She's still Helluva Ugly lady!