Unbelievable: Todd Akin Says Obama "Doesn't Like America"
Submitted by Parker on September 13, 2012 - 2:35pmRep. Todd Akin stepped in it again yesterday afternoon during a campaign swing through Kansas City, stating, regarding the situation in Libya and Egypt, that Obama "doesn't like America."
Your Anti-Birth Control Democrats
Submitted by .Sean on September 13, 2012 - 1:12pmReps. Ron Casey, Joe Fallert, Ben Harris, Paul Quinn, Ed Schieffer, Tom Shively and Terry Swinger all voted to override Governor Jay Nixon's veto of the misguided SB749 legislation yesterday.
Birth control is an important part of basic health care, and an economic issue for Missouri families. It's a pocketbook issue for Missouri women and should be fully covered by insurance no matter where they work. Politicians, employers and insurers should not be making health care decisions for the women and families of Missouri -- it's unfortunate that Shively, Quinn, Fallert, Schieffer, Harris, Casey and Swinger don't see things that way.
Reproducing, Ladue-Style
Submitted by Inda on September 13, 2012 - 10:54amAnd so the bill introduced by Republican Missouri State Senator John Lamping of Ladue, the bill that says employers cannot be forced to cover contraception, abortion, or sterilization against their moral or religious convictions, will move to law. Yesterday the Missouri legislature overrode Governor Nixon's veto by a two-thirds majority. Among the 109 house votes to override were six cast by Democrats. In the Post-Dispatch this morning, Lamping is quoted as saying:
"This is not an issue about access. All employees still have access to these services. This is an issue about who pays for them."
Read More »Legislature Overrides Gov. Nixon's Veto of Birth Control Bill
Submitted by Parker on September 12, 2012 - 4:15pmThis afternoon, in an affront to women and common sense in Missouri, the Missouri House voted 109 - 45 to override Gov. Nixon's veto of Senate Bill 749 which puts a boss between a woman and her doctor.
From ThinkProgress:
The Missouri legislature has overridden Gov. Jan Nixon’s (D) veto of a bill that would allow employers or health insurance providers to stop offering coverage for contraception, abortion, or sterilization if doing so violated their religious or moral convictions. Nixon had vetoed the legislation in July after it passed in May. The Missouri House voted 109-45 — the exact number of votes needed — to overturn Nixon’s decision, and the Senate approved the override 26-6. The contraception measure was designed to push back against an Obamacare regulation requiring contraception coverage to be included in insurance plans at no additional cost. According to the Associated Press, Missouri has had a law since 2001 requiring contraception to be covered under pharmaceutical benefits.
Elections have consequences. Remember that when you vote this November.
Quote of the Day
Submitted by .Sean on September 12, 2012 - 8:50am"I don't see this culture of corruption in Jefferson City. There's too many eyes, ears and camera phones to do anything wrong anymore."
~ Birther Tim Jones on why Missourians should continue to tolerate unlimited campaign contributions, unlimited lobbyist gifts and a toothless Ethics Commission
Stand Up for Birth Control: Sustain the SB749 Veto
Submitted by .Sean on September 11, 2012 - 2:48pmProgress Missouri released a video today showcasing voices from across Missouri calling on the General Assembly to stand up for birth control by sustaining Governor Nixon’s veto of SB749. The online video features women of diverse backgrounds and faiths who all believe that our employers should not have a say in families’ birth control decisions.
Birth control is a pocketbook issue for Missouri women and should be fully covered by insurance no matter where they work. Politicians, employers and insurers should not be making health care decisions for the women and families of Missouri.
For more information and shareable video, please visit http://www.ProgressMissouri.org/sb749.
The Best of the Worst of Birther Tim
Submitted by Parker on September 11, 2012 - 12:03pmAs we head into veto session and the high likelihood that Birther Tim Jones will be formally elevated to Speaker, I thought it would be a good time to have a review of the best of the worst of Birther Tim.
Of course we must start with how Jones got his "Birther" moniker: joining Birther Queen Orly Taitz's lawsuits challenging President Obama's citizenship.
Then there was that time that he lashed out in an email exchange, declaring:
"Maybe some day you'll both be luck though and you can vote for me for Governor!"
Imagine that! A birther for governor in Missouri! You can read the whole exchange over on Busplunge.
Remember the time when Birther Tim concurred with Dana Loesch that the Missouri Hospital Association was a Marxist organization? Yea. MARXIST.
Of course we can't forget to mention when he said government should stop messing with health care, clearly not understanding that Medicare and Medicaid are wildly popular GOVERNMENT programs that millions of Americans depend on.
Are you starting to remember just how out there Missouri's soon-to-be Speaker is? It gets worse. You know it gets worse. More after the jump...
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