With Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen...
By Desi Doyen on 9/4/2012, 2:47pm PT  

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IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: Romney mocks climate change, while Obama doesn't, as the Democratic National Convention gets underway; Energy company CEO pushes for a price on carbon(!); Midwest drought now coming for your popcorn; PLUS: Speaking of 'popping' - Hurricane Isaac recovery, now with dead rats! ... All that and more in today's Green News Report!

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IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): Summer of Fire 2012: new fires prompt evacuations in NE, CA; Organics no healthier than conventional foods - if you don't count pesticides and antibiotic-resistant superbugs; Israel solar industry struggling; Arctic ice melt: 1st sailboat in the Arctic Ocean; Shell gets a pass, clears another hurdle to Arctic drilling; Methane now contaminating PA water supplies; Study: humanity set to blow past 2 degrees Celisus warming ... PLUS: Labor Day 2040: Endless Summer ... and much, MUCH more! ...


'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (Stuff we didn't have time for in today's audio report)...

  • Labor Day 2040: Endless Summer (Climate Progress) [emphasis added]:
    In the not-too-distant future, people are going to be amazed that anybody ever thought Labor Day signified the unofficial end of summer.
    “According to our projections, large areas of the globe are likely to warm up so quickly that, by the middle of this century, even the coolest summers will be hotter than the hottest summers of the past 50 years,” said the study’s lead author, Noah Diffenbaugh.

    And this could happen even sooner since, “actual GHG emissions over the early 21st century have exceeded those projected in the SRES scenario used here, suggesting that our results could provide a conservative projection of the timing of permanent emergence of an unprecedented heat regime.”

  • Firefighters Making Headway Against Nebraska Fires (KRIS-TV Nebraska)
  • Forest fire near Los Angeles could burn for a week (AP):
    It could be a week before firefighters can contain a 3,600-acre blaze in the Angeles National Forest because of high temperatures and rugged terrain in thick brush that hasn't burned in a couple of decades.
  • Stanford Scientists Cast Doubt on Advantages of Organic Meat and Produce (NY Times) [emphasis added]:
    Conventional fruits and vegetables did have more pesticide residue, but the levels were almost always under the allowed safety limits, the scientists said.... Similarly, organic meat contained considerably lower levels of antibiotic-resistant bacteria than conventionally raised animals did, but bacteria, antibiotic-resistant or otherwise, would be killed during cooking.
  • Israel’s solar power struggles against government (AP):
    Israel has developed some of the world’s most advanced solar energy equipment and enjoys a nearly endless supply of sunshine, but when it comes to deploying large-scale solar technology at home, the country remains in the dark ages.
  • Climate change breaks the ice: 3-man sailboat makes record voyage (LA Times):
    Warming global temperatures and melting polar ice caps have helped a trio of explorers go where few men have gone before...through the M’Clure Strait in northern Canada, a decreasingly ice-packed route through the famed Northwest Passage.

    The international three-man crew — an American, Canadian and Swede — claim to have piloted the first sailboat to do so.

  • Union seeks review of Romney event at Ohio mine (Akron Beacon-Journal):
    A union asked Ohio and federal labor officials on Wednesday to investigate whether a company violated federal wage and hour laws when it shuttered its coal mine to host a campaign event for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney....A Secret Service spokesman on Wednesday said it did not request the mine’s closure during Romney’s visit.
  • Shell Arctic Drill Ship Gets Pass on Air Emissions Limits: (McClatchy News):
    The Obama administration has cleared another hurdle for Shell to drill in Alaska's Arctic waters --- the second in as many days --- changing the company's air pollution limits so its drill ship can operate in the Chukchi Sea.
  • Global Warming May Double UN Goal Without More Carbon Pledges (BusinessWeek):
    Without further action to lower emissions of heat-trapping gases, the planet is set to warm by 2.6 to 4.1 degrees Celsius, the project, run by three European research groups, said today in a report released in Bangkok, where the UN is holding a week of informal discussions. That level of warming exceeds the 2-degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) ceiling that UN envoys have set as a global goal.
  • Fracking: Methane Appearing in PA Water Supplies: (NPR):
    The gas drilling industry says fracking hasn't been linked to water contamination. But it has.
  • Global warming: American Meteorological Society says there’s no room for doubt on climate change (Summit County Voice)
  • Essential Climate Science Findings: