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Missing Latino Voices: Excluded from the newsroom, absent from the conversation
By Julie Hollar

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Paul Ryan's 'Self-Reliance': Concocting an 'origin story' for VP hopeful's character

As corporate media tell and retell Republican vice presidential hopeful Paul Ryan's life story, one theme emerges above all others: His "self-reliance."

David Fahrenthold and Paul Kane in the Washington Post (8/11/12) asserted that

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  • Posted by Peter Hart on 09/07/12 at 4:51 pm
    The new episode of FAIR TV is here, featuring misreporting on Iran's nuclear energy program, NewsHour lecturing labor leaders on Labor Day, and some of the most embarrassing biographical puffery for a presidential candidate you're likely to ever hear. Please share it with your friends, and let us know what you think in comments below. [...] Read more»
  • Posted by Jim Naureckas on 09/07/12 at 3:09 pm
    As Dean Baker noted (Beat the Press, 9/7/12), corporate media mostly missed one of the major pieces of news in President Barack Obama's speech to the Democratic National Convention.

    Barack Obama (photo by NASA/Bill Ingalls)

    Barack Obama

    Talking about the federal budget deficit, Obama said, "Now, I?m still eager to reach an agreement based on the principles of my bipartisan debt commission." Then, as he talked about what he would and wouldn't do to reduce the deficit, he included this line: "And we will keep the promise of Social Security by taking the responsible steps to strengthen it–not by turning it over to Wall Street."

    "Responsible steps to strengthen it"–what does that mean? Dean Baker helpfully paraphrases:

    President Obama implicitly called for cutting Social Security by 3 percent and phasing in an increase in the normal retirement age to 69 when he again endorsed the deficit reduction plan put forward by Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, the co-chairs of his deficit commission.

    This would be a good thing for voters to know about, wouldn't it? [...] Read more»

  • Posted by Peter Hart on 09/06/12 at 5:37 pm
    What do you call it when prisoners are slammed into walls, forced to wear diapers, placed in stress positions and subjected to drowning? You call that torture–unless you're the New York Times, and the United States is accused of being the torturers.

    A new report from Human Rights Watch indicates the group has found another victim of CIA waterboarding. This is especially significant because the Agency has long claimed that they had only tortured three people this way.

    The Human Rights Watch investigation was reported in the New York Times (9/6/12) by Charlie Savage and Scott Shane. But their report recalled the Times' record on what to call torture when the United States is doing the torturing. [...] Read more»

  • Posted by Jim Naureckas on 09/06/12 at 12:14 pm
    Washington Post "Factchecker" Glenn Kessler (9/6/12) doesn't like the way Democrats talk about Republican Medicare plans:

    Glenn Kessler at the New America Foundation.

    Glenn Kessler

    The claim that Republicans will "end the Medicare guarantee" has been a frequent refrain at the convention, perhaps in response to factchecker complaints about the incorrect charge last year that Republicans would "end Medicare." But this phrase is a bit odd since there is no actual "guarantee" for any program that can be changed by some future Congress.

    The striking feature of Ryan's original Medicare plan was that when it's fully phased in, most seniors would not be able to afford healthcare.  Ryan's updated plan is slightly different, but it retains the essential problem: The costs of healthcare would rise faster than the support seniors get to pay for healthcare, thereby making healthcare increasingly unaffordable.

    Kessler should tell Democrats what the right way to talk about this is, because it's an important thing for voters to know. [...] Read more»

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