Bill O'Reilly Wants Palin's Help Smearing Obama More
Bill O’Reilly has made it clear he has very little respect for Sarah Palin. Yet he trotted her out last night to offer Republicans advice on how to win the 2012 presidential election. That’s right, the quittingest half-term governor who is now the poster child for what not to choose in a vice presidential candidate and is persona non grata in the Romney campaign suddenly had more valuable insights than, say, Karl Rove or any number of other Republicans in the Fox News stable of pundits. Why? The answer seems to be O'Reilly wants Mitt Romney to personally attack President Obama in Palinesque, “palling around with a terrorist” kinds of ways.
Read moreFox’s Un-Godly Politicization of 9/11
Ever eager to display their Godliness – and find fault therein with Democrats - Fox doesn’t seem to have quite the same interest in truthfulness. Or decency. Case in point: Their deceptive effort to claim that President Obama gave “God the boot… again” in his September 11, 2012 Patriot Day proclamation. (H/T Jim T.)
Read moreBill O'Reilly Advances Family Research Council's Homophobic Lies About "Gay Pedophilia"
During the Chick-fil-A "controversy and the subsequent shooting at the Family Research Council, Fox News provided full support for FRC's president's constant whining about the unfairness of the Southern Poverty Law Center's charge that they are a hate group. Missing from the Fox Amen Corner was any mention of the reason for the SPLC designation; i.e. the denigration of the gay community with lies, chief among them being the bogus connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. But to his credit, Bill O'Reilly interviewed SPLC president Mark Potok who was allowed to explain the reason for the hate group label. And to his discredit, O'Reilly validated the FRC's homophobic lies. In other words, O'Reilly put the period in the Fox News sentence about how awful it is that the FRC is being persecuted by these evil libruls when the FRC is just telling it like it is. And why would O'Reilly disagree with the FRC, when he believes that "clustered gays" at ballparks are "inappropriate!"
Read moreBill O'Reilly Continues To Attack Sandra Fluke With Same Bogus Claim
Bill O'Reilly's baseless and hateful invective against Sandra Fluke is troubling when one considers what happened when O'Reilly's baseless and hateful invective against Dr. Tiller contributed to a climate of hate in which the doctor was murdered. And Bill isn't the only right wing man who loathes Fluke. Rush Limbaugh set the pace in the slut shaming of Fluke that has now become part of the conservative narrative - a narrative that Bill's fellow Fox "pro-life"pundit, Greg Gutfeld, has also advanced. As Amanda Marcotte points out, in her incisive article about why Fluke drives conservatives "bananas," the misogynistic reaction to Fluke stems from her challenge to patriarchal fantasies about womanhood. As I reported, O'Reilly (a misogynist defender of patriarchal fantasies) used his show to promote what appears to be the lie that Fluke wants taxpayers to fund transgender surgery - a lie that was advanced, by, Fox in March. He's now taken the lie to his column. Words matter. While O'Reilly claims that liberals are divisive, his baseless and hateful words are truly toxic.
Read moreGretchen Carlson's Guest, Wendy Long, Denies "War On Women" While Supporting It!
Fox News is on full spin cycle in its efforts to promote the GOP meme that there is no "war on women" despite the reality that the GOP, in the past two years, has promoted and passed an unprecedented number of anti-choice measures. But in an effort to reinforce the GOP meme of no war on women, Fox hosts have recently interviewed GOP women who reinforce the GOP meme. Rather than address the role back of reproductive rights, these women pivot to the economy. The reality is that without access to reproductive health care, women's personal economy will be affected; but that doesn't seem to be an issue for Gov. Nikki Haley, Gov. Mary Fallin and Mayor Mia Love whose support of anti-choice policies are part of the war on women. Yesterday, Gretchen Carlson spoke to GOP Senate Candidate Wendy Long who is another foot soldier in the supposedly non-existent war on women. Not only did Carlson validate the meme but claimed that focus on reproductive rights is "insulting."
Read moreBill O’Reilly’s Producer Tried To Ambush Sandra Fluke At The DNC
Bill O’Reilly just can’t seem to stop thinking about Sandra Fluke. Last night, he mentioned her numerous times on one show – and even led off the show’s opening with her. I counted five segments where he discussed abortion and/or Fluke. Including one where the Factor’s ambush producer, Jesse Watters, mentioned off-hand that he had tried to "stake out" Fluke. And yet, O’Reilly lectured President Obama for not focusing enough on the bad economy “rather than ginning up phony controversies.”
Read moreCalling Our President The ‘Thug In Chief’ No Biggie On Fox & Friends
Last week, author Mallory Factor appeared on Fox & Friends. The main purpose of the visit seemed to be to suggest that unions were “calling the shots” at the Democratic National Convention. And, of course, to demonize President Obama.
Read moreFox News Sunday Highlights Daily Show Segment Mocking Obama Convention Speech
If you’ve been following The Daily Show’s coverage of the Republican National Convention and the Democratic National Convention, you know that the comedy show did plenty of mocking of the Republicans as well as the Democrats. But Chris Wallace chose one segment – and only part of that one segment – to highlight yesterday on Fox News Sunday. Guess who got mocked?
Read moreMike Huckabee & Phyllis Schlafly Lie About Obama's "War On Religion"
Mike Huckabee is one of those professional Christians who, if he doesn't already, should have the 10 Commandments tattooed on his ass. As one of Jesus' BFF's he reveres these biblical admonitions which he thinks are "the foundation of our law." But he obviously has forgotten or just doesn't give a crap about the commandment that prohibits lying because that's just what Mike Huckabee did, last week, during an interview with "family values" proponent, feminist hating and marital rape supporting Phyllis Schlafly. Huckabee and Schlafly must have made Jesus weep when, in promoting their deceitful and hateful screed against Obama, they advanced the lie, popular in the radical right community, that whenever President Obama quotes from the Declaration of Independence, he omits the word "creator." Oh, right, I forgot. On Fox News, Jesus hates Obama, too!
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