ALSO: please consider joining SPARKY'S LIST!
Friends of TMWBlogs
Hey! Here's a permalink to the Daily Kos comics page! AND be sure to visit the new store, featuring SIGNED BOOKS and GLOW IN THE DARK SHIRTS! ALSO: please consider joining SPARKY'S LIST! September 12, 2012
Travel advisory
I’ll be attending this editorial cartooning conference for the next few days. It’s open to the public Friday and Saturday; my panel is scheduled for 2:10 Friday. If you’re in the DC area, come by and say hello. Also, a Tivo alert: I’m scheduled to be on the Bill Press radio show, which is also simulcast on Current TV, at around … there’s a quote from me in the Washington Post Comic Riffs blog. posted by
Tom Tomorrow
at 5:14 PM | link
September 10, 2012
The big reveal
Available in a few months from Topatoco. posted by
Tom Tomorrow
at 12:41 PM | link
September 5, 2012
Crazy never sleeps
If you saw the shorter version of the RNC cartoon in a paper and have come here in search of the longer one, it is here. For the record, do not expect a similar effort for the DNC. There’s plenty I disagree with, but just not enough crazy to justify that level of effort. posted by
Tom Tomorrow
at 8:28 AM | link
September 3, 2012
Labor Day
Cartoon from the September 20, 1925 edition of Hearst’s Boston American, courtesy of my wife the historian. posted by
Tom Tomorrow
at 11:28 AM | link
RNC 2012
Subscribers to SPARKY’S LIST get additional commentary about each week’s cartoon. To give you an example, this is part of what I sent out with this week’s email:
posted by
Tom Tomorrow
at 11:20 AM | link
August 29, 2012
Note to subscribers
SPARKY’S LIST will probably not go out ’til Saturday or Sunday this week. posted by
Tom Tomorrow
at 2:03 PM | link
August 8, 2012
Cartoonist group photo from Netroots Nation a couple months ago. Jen Sorensen, Brian McFadden, Matt Bors, and me (the apparently freakishly tall one on the right). posted by
Tom Tomorrow
at 10:02 AM | link
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