Ah another week off from blogging while I prepped my questions for NY Comic Con Next Week and I feel refreshed while the worlds of science fiction, comics, television and movies rolled on. Shall we jump into the fray?
-Great mid season/fall finale to Warehouse 13 with one character's apparent death and another's apparent "evil" turn. Artie's twist and more Brent Spiner! What isn't there for this geek to love?
-Meanwhile, it is once again time for this critic to eat some crow...again. Although I still hate the animation style with a passion, I have to admit that the animated Green Lantern still is one of the best written animated fare for someone like me. Given missteps in things I thought I would love (Ultimate Spider-Man) and others not getting off the ground (Hulk Gamma Corps), GL remains a constant along with the OUTSTANDING Young Justice series....
-South Park has started again and taken dead aim in its first two shows at the NFL and its sarcastic stand on concussions and the whole Honey Boo Boo phenomenom and how society might have just lowered the bar on itself... Yeahhhhh
-I liked but didn't love the Amy and Rory Doctor Who finale. I was never Amy's biggest fan, but come on, as soon as the writers came up with THAT plot device ending using the Weeping Angels, every hardcore Doctor Who fan has found at least 10 different loopholes to have the couple return... New shows start again next year...
-Meanwhile, one of my surprising finds last year returns in Bedlam, which runs circles around American Horror Story. And following that, for all you Michael Fassbender fans, is the good Buffy meets Harry Potter-like series Hex.
-Please Revolution writers and fans... how can you have an apocalyptic event like the "death" of all electricity and power, then have PERFECTLY clean and primped lead actors? Say what you will about Falling Skies and The Walking Dead, at least the actors look like they've suffered a bit....
-Finally, leave it to Alphas and Fringe to use two concepts sci-fi fans said that they NEVER wanted to see again on television with limited budgets, a Taskmaster character and an extreme jump ahead in time, and pull it off successfully. Can I go back in time to Heroes and Terra Nova for some extreme fixes? Sigh....
Augie DeBlieck Jr and Brett White both give their opinions on the Avengers DvD upon its release last Tuesday
I think they both liked it....lol At this point is there anyone in the world from our genre that hated it?
A Brett White two-fer as he then explains why Avengers vs X-Men worked for him:
Yeahhhh.... a convincing argument for a lot of people... just not for me. I still say that in de-valuing the super-villain / deconstructing the superhero, Marvel has done their universe more harm then good....
MorrisonCon happened while I was away and I haven't heard a lot of horror stories coming from the gathering of his fans and those lovers of Brit affiliated Sci-Fi but these two things stood out. First, news on his long awaited/anticipated Multiversity project...
-Then proving that his friends are all spirited personalities, check out this debate on the state of comics as it relates to just about everything....
Damn. If these guys every pooled their resources, we at the ComicShoppe might be in tremendous trouble of losing our spot....
-Many props to David Brothers at 4thLetter for this..
-If you can't chuckle at this, you just don't like having fun:
Who knew Yvonne kicked so much booty?!?!?!
-I love when Grantland does "behind the scenes/hidden history" articles like this:
I'd also recommend the ones they have done on The National and WFAN Radio. Besides, Gerry Conway REALLY didn't like Gwen Stacy huh?
-Something to make the AfroNerd smile:
....but I just don't know yet... I'll see it of course but I'm a little indifferent right now....
-Only in the world of comics....
Only Todd McFarlane.....
-Something for Captain Kirk...
Well we did say we wanted Batman to display his detective skills... Sheesh...
-Finally DC gets something right in their cross promotion:
I mean this will give characters like Cyborg a higher profile. No way could they mess this one up...
um...I stand corrected... ouch.....
Finally, Don McPherson gives a little warning to those of us that like buying pieces of original art.
As with everything, BUYER BEWARE!
So I guess that does it for me this week. Next week I will be canvassing NY Comic Con to as fans, creators, and the person on the street hard-hitting questions in the Daryll B. style. Meaning I might need bail money by Sat. Afternoon.... Until next time readers, Keep Fantasizing!