White House officials and Congressional Republicans said Sunday they were closing in on a deal to temporarily continue the Bush-era tax cuts at all income levels, while bitterly frustrated Democratic Congressional leaders began exploring whether they would have the votes for such a package.
In return, Republicans said they would probably agree to extend jobless aid for the long-term unemployed.Probably? Why are we talking about giving them their tax cuts in exchange for a "probably"? Not to mention, you truly suck at messaging if the Republicans are able to make 'threatening to cut off the only lifeline for two million Americans and their families right before Christmas' a winning strategy:
In meetings with administration officials after the Senate votes, the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, and many other House and Senate Democrats voiced deep unhappiness at the prospect of extending all the tax cuts and also expressed their belief that the White House did not appear to be getting enough for such a big concession, officials said.President Obama caving in a negotiation and not getting enough in return. Huh, imagine that.
White House officials, meanwhile, expressed hope of sealing a deal swiftly, perhaps by midweek, and clearing the Congressional calendar for a long list of other priorities that they aim to accomplish by the end of the year, including ratification of the New Start arms treaty with Russia and the repeal of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy for gay service members as part of a wider Pentagon policy bill.Right, because once you give the Republicans what they want, they're going to give you what you want out of the goodness of their heart. Lucy, queue up that football for the President, please.
Democrats say they would not mind the issue coming up during Mr. Obama’s re-election bid, because they see it as politically helpful to them in painting Republicans as defenders of the rich.Democrats caved this time, and couldn't manage to beat the Republicans on an issue that only 26% of Americans agree with the GOP position, but in 2012, Obama and the Democrats are suddenly going to learn how to message, negotiate, and fight.
Yeah, right.
I fear it's going to be a very good presidency for Republicans. And they know it.
PS How out of touch is the White House? Even Joe Scarborough can't believe they're agreeing to this. Read the rest of this post...