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Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Gore Demands Rummy & Condi Resign Over Iraq Abuse

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Go, Al, go!

Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore on Wednesday demanded Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other top Bush administration officials resign for encouraging policies that led to the abuse of Iraqi prisoners and fanned hatred of Americans abroad.

In a highly critical speech lasting more than an hour, Gore labeled the Bush administration's Iraq war plan 'incompetent' and called George W. Bush the most dishonest president since Richard Nixon, who resigned the office of the presidency in 1974 following the Watergate scandal.

Gore, who lost the 2000 presidential election to Bush, said Rumsfeld, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice and CIA director George Tenet should resign.
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Bush accused of "wagging the dog" over newest terror alert

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Considering the sources - a former Bush national security official and a prominent terrorism expert - this is not good for Bush.

From Reuters:
One former national security official in the Bush administration told Reuters: "This is more butt-covering than anything else."

Critics say the new threat warnings may also just be a ploy to shore up the president's job approval ratings or divert attention from the increasingly unpopular Iraq campaign....

"It's like the old Wendy's (fast food) commercial: 'Where's the beef?"' the former Bush administration official said....

One prominent terrorism expert, who would only speak on condition of anonymity, said Bush may also be trying to staunch increasing criticism of the Iraq campaign by underlining the link in the public's mind between Iraq and security at home.

"The president is running as a war president, so the timing is interesting," he said, pointing to a speech by Bush on Monday that made frequent references to terrorist threats.

"I wonder if there's not a connection to the president's speech when he mentioned terrorism 18 times in the context of Iraq. Isn't this a very convenient way of linking back to the United States that Iraq is part of the broader war on terrorism?" he said.
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Janet Reno, an "ex"-gay?

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Ok, not really. But someone in the comments below suggested that fallen "ex"-gay leader John Paulk (who was caught in a seedy gay bar a few years back) looks an awful lot like Janet Reno. Now, I adore Janet Reno. But I was curious, so I searched around for a photo and here's what I came up with:

"Ex"-gay John Paulk     Janet Reno
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Brock demands Rummy remove Limbaugh from Armed Forces Radio

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Why are they broadcasting Rush in the first place? (Answer: Trying to win more pro-Bush votes.) Brock raises a good point about Limbaugh broadcasting a pro-torture message to our soldiers.
May 25, 2004

Dear Secretary Rumsfeld:

I am writing today to request that you consider removing talk radio host Rush Limbaugh from the American Forces Radio and Television Service (formerly known as Armed Forces Radio). Mr. Limbaugh, whose program is broadcast for one hour per day to U.S. troops overseas, has spent the past four weeks condoning and trivializing the abuse, torture, rape and possible murder of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. guards at the Abu Ghraib prison-gross misconduct that you have described as "fundamentally un-American..."
Read Brock's entire letter to Rummy here.

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Be very wait, be sort of, somewhat afraid

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Tom Ridge is now backtracking on his "let's scare the hell out of the American public one more time" policy. Meanwhile, I guess we are supposed to feel safe since Ashcroft is hot on the trail of the terrorists that may be in the US. Unless the terrorists are in a hospital records room where they store data on abortions, I don't really have a lot of confidence in the guy making any progress, sorry. Read the rest of this post...

Honey, I changed the statement

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A further look at the RNC statement shows that it was edited since its original post.

According to the Washington Post, the statement originally said:
Unfortunately for angry Democrats like Tim Johnson, Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy, terrorists aren't responsible for the deaths of U.S. soldiers, their commander-in-chief is. (And actually, I found that original statement on the RNC site here.)
Now it says:
To angry Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy, terrorists and militia aren't responsible for the deaths of U.S. soldiers, their commander-in-chief is.
The difference? First, they dropped any reference to Senator Tim Johnson (not sure why). Second, they initially said that "terrorists" are to blame for the deaths of US soldiers in Iraq, and now they've added "militias" to blame as well. That's an interesting addition. I suspect it indicates a larger policy decision by the Rs to stop talking about "terrorists" in Iraq since it was one of Bush's original reasons/lies for getting us into this war, and now they'd like us to forget it. Read the rest of this post...

More fag-bashing at the RNC?

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I just went to the Republican National Committee site to see the REST of the statement they made about Kerry, Pelosi and Kennedy, and noticed the following at the end of the statement:
"The San Francisco/Boston Democrats led by John Kerry have now adopted Blame America First as their official policy"
Perhaps the RNC can enlighten us as to what a "San Francisco Democrat" looks like. A limp wrist? A lisp? Read the rest of this post...

No free speech, please - we're American

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The funny part is that Gillespie's response only proves the point.
Washington Post: The following is a statement by Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie, on Sen. Tim Johnson's comments comparing Republicans to the Taliban:

' 'Unfortunately for angry Democrats like Tim Johnson, Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy, terrorists aren't responsible for the deaths of U.S. soldiers, their commander-in-chief is.' '
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Who you calling gay?

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These are the guys questioning whether gays are "manly" enough to raise kids. Enough said.

Family Research Council

Family Research Council

Robert Knight
Concerned Women for America

John Paulk
"Ex"-gay leader
(caught in gay bar)

"Ex"-gay leader

Anthony Falzarano
"Ex"-gay leader

Gary Bauer
Religious right leader
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Study from 1700s says gays are bad

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The Family Research Council has yet another "report" online about why gay marriage is bad for the universe. I particularly appreciated their use of this "study" that's so old they can't really pinpoint what century it's from. Getting a bit desperate, are they?
In his exhaustive examination of human history, Giovanni Battista Vico (1668-1744), Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Naples, concluded that marriage between a man and a woman is an essential characteristic of civilization, and as such is the 'seedbed' of society. Vico warned that chaos would ensue in the absence of strong social norms encouraging marital faithfulness and the loving care of children born to the union.
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Robert Scheer on Chalabi

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Very good article.
We might start investigating which Bush official arranged for this hustler -- already on the lam for a decade from major banking fraud convictions in Jordan -- to sit behind First Lady Laura Bush during this year's State of the Union speech. Was the Secret Service watching her purse? ....

So was Uncle Sam played for a sucker by Iran, the fulcrum of what the president has called the "axis of evil"? Was the U.S. maneuvered into unseating Iran's hated enemy, Hussein, whom Washington backed in the 1980s against Iran's holy warriors?
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Sovereignty or no sovereignty...Blair and Powell differ

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And to think that the administration wonders why they are not trusted. Listen guys, at least get your script sorted out because it is precisely this kind of disorganization that has led to so many problems in Iraq. With the UN anti-war group looking for reasons to drag their feet on a new resolution, this will only help them with their payback. I still wonder if this is a serious effort to get the UN on board or just another game, as we have witnessed in the past. Like his "fear, fear, fear" programs, I do not see any reason why anyone should believe anything or any effort that comes from Bush. He is the boy who cried wolf and it is getting old. Read the rest of this post...

Rehnquist orders study for federal judicial ethics

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I do not expect much to come of this, at least for the pressing matter with Scalia and Cheney, but it is interesting to see that the Supreme Court is feeling a bit of heat. Too bad Rehnquist only seems to listen to party members while dismissing non party member calls for action. The timing of both the Rehnquist move and the Cheney case are good though because it puts it in play to be another election year issue.

"House Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., told judicial leaders at a private meeting this spring that judges are not adequately disciplining their colleagues. Sensenbrenner's remarks focused on controversies that arose before the Scalia hunting trip, and Sensenbrenner's allegation that judges swept lapses under the rug." - AP
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