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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Wash. Post Editorial SLAMS Bush

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NOTE FROM JOHN: Remember, this is the suck-up neo-con Washington Post editorial board that has been just this side of the Atilla the Hun since Katherine Graham died, especially on the whole Iraq thing. I seem to remember a Post editorial a while back about how only a partisan would believe that Bush would intentionally lie about the WMD - oh how times change (can someone find that editorial?). Now for Joe's analysis:

And they have been supporters of his foreign policy. Not today:
Mr. Bush didn't explain how a war meant to remove a tyrant believed to wield weapons of mass destruction turned into a fight against Muslim militants, a transformation caused in part by his administration's many errors since Saddam Hussein's defeat more than two years ago. The president also didn't speak candidly enough about the primary mission the United States now has in Iraq, which is not "hunting down the terrorists" but constructing a stable government in spite of Iraq's sectarian divisions and violent resistance from the former ruling elite. It's harder to explain why Americans should die in such a complex and ambitious enterprise than in a fight with international terrorists, but that is the case Mr. Bush most needs to make.
Once again, however, the president missed an opportunity to fully level with Americans, even though some of the hard truths he elided have been spelled out by his aides and senior military commanders. The insurgency, they have said, is not growing weaker; most likely, said Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, it will never be defeated by American troops, and it will continue for many more years.
The whole editorial is a series of how Bush "didn't explain" and "didn't speak candidly" and "missed an opportunity" and "didn't answer the worrying questions" and "the president's evasion of the hardest facts"...they're right. It's just something to see the Post pile on like this. Read the rest of this post...

Open thread

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Been a while Read the rest of this post...

Wash Post botches poll on Iraq - says only 12.5% support pull out when in fact it's 41%

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The Washington Post released a poll today, and in their story accompanying it they claimed that only one in eight Americans (12.5%) supports an immediate pull out of US troops from Iraq. In fact, the St. Louis Independent Media Center discovered that if you look at the Post's own data they post on their Web site, it's actually 41% of Americans who said pull the troops out, the second highest number ever in their polling over the past two years.

Hello? Read the rest of this post...

We Love Canada :-)

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House of Commons passes legislation granting marriage rights to gays. Expected to pass the Canadian Senate in July, then it's the law.

Some day our neighbor to the north will have a civilizing influence on us. Someday. Read the rest of this post...

Energy bill shenanigans

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Hmmmm. Does anybody really believe the Republicans would use the energy bill simply to enrich their friends? Read the rest of this post...

Wash Post assoc. editor gives his review of the speech

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I know, the comments are messed up - nothing I can do about it. Haloscan, where are you?!

Anyway, and interesting Q&A; with the Wash Post tonight. Read the rest of this post...

What is on MSNBC right now?

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Flipping channels I came across Chris Matthews on MSNBC with this panel talking about the President's Iraq speech. It's full of wing-nuts - and I think only wing-nuts. Perkins from the Family Research Council, a woman from the Eagle Forum, and a minister from a Baptist church. What's going on here?

-- Rob in Baltimore
(back because the spirit moved me...) Read the rest of this post...

Harry Reid responds to Bush

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Democratic Leader Harry Reid released the following statement:

(Washington, DC) “Tonight’s address offered the President an excellent opportunity to level with the American people about the current situation in Iraq, put forth a path for success, and provide the means to assess our progress. Unfortunately he fell short on all counts.

“There is a growing feeling among the American people that the President’s Iraq policy is adrift, disconnected from the reality on the ground and in need of major mid-course corrections. “Staying the course,” as the President advocates, is neither sustainable nor likely to lead to the success we all seek.

“The President’s numerous references to September 11th did not provide a way forward in Iraq, they only served to remind the American people that our most dangerous enemy, namely Osama bin Laden, is still on the loose and Al Qaeda remains capable of doing this nation great harm nearly four years after it attacked America.

“Democrats stand united and committed to seeing that we achieve success in Iraq and provide our troops, their families, and our veterans everything they need and deserve for their sacrifices for our nation. The stakes are too high, and failure in Iraq cannot be an option. Success is only possible if the President significantly alters his current course. That requires the President to work with Congress and finally begin to speak openly and honestly with our troops and the American people about the difficult road ahead.

“Our troops and their families deserve no less.”
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ABC reports that White House advance team FAKED the applause

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ABC's Terry Moran just reported that the only time Bush got applause was in the middle of his speech when a White House advance team member started clapping all on their own in order to cajole the soldiers into clapping, which they dutifully did.

So even the applause was fake. Read the rest of this post...

Bush made Iraq the #1 training ground for Al Qaeda?

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You gotta be kidding me. Stephanopoulos just said on ABC that the CIA said a few weeks ago that there were no real ties between Iraq and Al Qaeda before the war, but that now Iraq is THE NUMBER ONE TRAINING GROUND for Al Qaeda worldwide. Good God. Do people realize what that means? We basically handed Al Qaeda a new headquarters. They couldn't touch that country when the dictator Hussein controlled it. Now that Bush invaded, they own it. Lovely. Read the rest of this post...

Open thread - Watching Chimpy

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Talk amongst yourselves. My TIVO is freaking out. I'm not happy. Read the rest of this post...

Full Text of Bush's speech tonight

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From ThinkProgress.


I count five mentions of September 11.
The terrorists who attacked us – and the terrorists we face – murder in the name of a totalitarian ideology that hates freedom, rejects tolerance, and despises all dissent.
Sound like anyone you know?
Iraq is the latest battlefield in this war. Many terrorists who kill innocent men, women, and children on the streets of Baghdad are followers of the same murderous ideology that took the lives of our citizens in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania.
Of course, they weren't there until Bush invaded and essentially brought them in.
Some wonder whether Iraq is a central front in the war on terror. Among the terrorists, there is no debate. Hear the words of Osama Bin Laden: “This Third World War … is raging” in Iraq. “The whole world is watching this war.” He says it will end in “victory and glory or misery and humiliation.”
Liar. Some wonder if you realize you MADE Iraq a hotbed of terrorism when it wasn't before?
To complete the mission, we will prevent al-Qaida and other foreign terrorists from turning Iraq into what Afghanistan was under the Taliban – a safe haven from which they could launch attacks on America and our friends.
Ironically, they're now turning Afghanistan into what Iraq is now - a quagmire.
Some Americans ask me, if completing the mission is so important, why don’t you send more troops? If our commanders on the ground say we need more troops, I will send them.
That's the most important line of the entire speech. I feel a draft.

Then he begs for more recruits:
And to those watching tonight who are considering a military career, there is no higher calling than service in our Armed Forces. We live in freedom because every generation has produced patriots willing to serve a cause greater than themselves. Those who serve today are taking their rightful place among the greatest generations that have worn our Nation’s uniform. When the history of this period is written, the liberation of Afghanistan and the liberation of Iraq will be remembered as great turning points in the story of freedom.
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Generation Chickenhawk

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Max Blumenthal attends a the Young Republicans convention, and asks them why they're not all volunteering in Iraq. :-)
In interviews, more than a dozen conventiongoers explained why it is important that they stay on campus while other, less fortunate people their age wage a bloody war in Iraq. They strongly support the war, they told me, but they also want to enjoy college life and pursue interesting careers. Being a College Republican allows them to do both. It is warfare by other, much safer means....

Munching on a chicken quesadilla at a table nearby was Edward Hauser, a senior at St. Edwards University in Austin, Texas--a liberal school in a liberal town in the ultimate red state of Texas. "Austin is ninety square miles insulated from reality," Hauser said. When I broached the issue of Iraq, he replied, "I support our country. I support our troops." So why isn't he there?

"I know that I'm going to be better staying here and working to convince people why we're there [in Iraq]," Hauser explained, pausing in thought. "I'm a fighter, but with words."....

By the time I encountered Cory Bray, a towering senior from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, the beer was flowing freely. "The people opposed to the war aren't putting their asses on the line," Bray boomed from beside the bar. Then why isn't he putting his ass on the line? "I'm not putting my ass on the line because I had the opportunity to go to the number-one business school in the country," he declared, his voice rising in defensive anger, "and I wasn't going to pass that up."
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"It is worth it" for other families, not mine

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Excerpt of the speech from AP:
"Like most Americans, I see the images of violence and bloodshed. Every picture is horrifying and the suffering is real," Bush said, according to excerpts released ahead of time by the White House. "It is worth it."
If it's so worth it, send Jenna and Barbara.

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Conservative writer Cal Thomas takes on fundies

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Not a bad article, for him. The fundies are ticked. Read the rest of this post...

Today is the anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising in NYC

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Just how many US soldiers died today in Afghanistan helo crash? Bet we won't find out until AFTER Bush's speech

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Afghanistan, meet Iraq - Iraq, Afghanistan:
A U.S. CH-47 Chinook transport helicopter crashed Tuesday while ferrying reinforcements for counterterrorism operations in eastern Afghanistan, the military said. The Taliban claimed responsibility in a phone call to The Associated Press....

The crash was the second of a Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan this year. On April 6, 15 U.S. service members and three American civilians were killed when their chopper went down in a sandstorm while returning to the main U.S. base at Bagram.

The U.S. military has launched operations in several areas along the border with Pakistan. Those offensives target remnants of al-Qaida and the hard-line Taliban movement, as well as foreign fighters using high mountain passes to cross over from Pakistan.

Tuesday's crash comes after three months of unprecedented fighting that has killed about 465 suspected insurgents, 29 U.S. troops, 43 Afghan police and soldiers, and 125 civilians.

The violence has left much of Afghanistan off-limits to aid workers and has reinforced concerns that the war here is escalating into a conflict on the scale of that in Iraq.
CNN is now saying around 16 US soldiers were on board. Jesus Christ. Read the rest of this post...

Excerpts of Bush's speech tonight

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September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11

And by the way, how's that hunt for bin Laden going? Read the rest of this post...

Open Thread

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How many times will Bush invoke 9/11 tonight? Read the rest of this post...

Freeway blogger announces The Summer of Truth

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Freeway is announcing an entire summer of freeway blogging. Join the fun.

THIS is freeway blogging:

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The Nation does Coin-gate

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Great piece in The Nation on the political implications of Ohio's GOP coin-gate scandal:
Thanks to the arrogance and corruption of the state GOP and the tireless investigative journalism of the Toledo Blade, every day Ohio voters are learning more about "coingate," a scandal at once farcical and outrageous, that touches nearly every prominent elected Republican in the state and could finally pave the way for a Democratic resurgence.
After detailing the entire scandal, which continues to grow each week, the article asks the key question:
...will this all add up to Democratic gains in 2006?
Man, if this mess doesn't lead to change in Ohio, nothing will. Read the rest of this post...

Bush's Energy Policy? Freeze The Poor

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Brace yourselves for a cold winter, especially if you're poor. USA Today reports that heating oil prices are up more than 60% from a year ago. Bills won't go up that much, but they will go up. Lat year, average heating oil bills increased almost 30%. Almost ten percent of all homes are warmed with heating oil, but they're located mostly in the liberal bastion of the Northeast, so who cares? The hardest hit will be the poor and elderly, of course. Hey President Bush, if the elderly freeze to death, can we use them as tinder for our fires? That would help the Social Security plan as well, wouldn't it? Don't ever say Bush isn't thinking ahead.

Meanwhile, the Senate has passed the same old energy bill it always passes -- a few bones tossed for those who think we should launch a Manhattan Project to develop alternative energy, a refusal to take the quickest and most effective steps (like insisting on modest increase in fuel efficiency for automobiles) and the insistence that energy plants use "more" renewable fuels to generate electricity. (Naturally the White House objects to that.) And they tossed in partial immunity for big businesses that are responsible for polluting our groundwater all over the country. The House bill is even worse.

And in possible good news for our children's children, 30 nations have come together to start building the world's first nuclear fusion reactor in France. Greenpeace, rather foolishly, objects, says the NYT.

Environmental campaign group Greenpeace estimates that if the project yields any results at all, it will not be until the second half of this century.

``At a time when it is universally recognized that we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, Greenpeace considers it ridiculous to use resources and billions of euros on this project,'' it said.

It will take decades and may not even work, but it's exactly the sort of long-range thinking that has to take place if the world is to solve its hunger for energy. And working on a fusion reactor doesn't mean you can't also tackle greenhouse gases. Read the rest of this post...

China Or Japan -- What's The Difference?

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Paul Krugman weighs in on the debate over China buying up major players in our economy like Maytag and Unocal. Krugman compares it to Japan's buying frenzy of the 80s and the xenophobic reaction to that. Japan wasn't a big deal, he says, because they were dumb and made bad purchases like Rockefeller Center and movie studios and lost lots of money. China seems much smarter, says Krugman, and therefore more dangerous.

Talk about no moral compass. Japan is a major ally and a stable democracy for decades. Mutual investments between us and Japan and England and Canada and our other allies is good and stabilizing. Fear of Japan was stupid fear of foreigners and nothing more. But China, Mr. Krugman, is a totalitarian government that brutally suppresses its own people. We are not at war with them, but the Chinese government is the enemy of freedom and decency. And when a country like that gains a strategic advantage in our economy and especially our energy industry, it is of concern.

The people who can't tell the difference between China and Japan are the same people who can't tell the difference between Uzbekistan and France or Germany and Pakistan.

NOTE: Krugman does indeed believe China's purchase could be dangerous for our energy policy and national security. I was highlighting a secondary point of his that I thought was rather bizarre. In the 80s, the far right yelled and screamed that "foreigners," ie. the Japanese, were buying up our country. They were especially scandalized that the Japs would buy Rockefeller Center and one of our major movie studios from Coca-Cola. I always thought that was narrow-minded racism, especially since everyone knew that Canada and Great Britian and Australia also had huge chunks of investment in the US comparable to if not larger than Japan's (at the time) and we had big investments in their countries. But these created no hysteria because they looked like us. The Japs were another thing altogether.

Krugman referenced that hysteria and said Japan's investments didn't matter simply because they wasted their money and made bad choices and basically handed over lots of dough and propped up our economy with little to show in return. The implication was that if Japan HAD made savvier investments, that it WOULD have been dangerous, just as he says China's investments today are now dangerous. I think that's absurd.

Interdependent investments among stable democracies like the US and Canada and Great Britain and Germany and France and, yes, Japan are NOT a threat. Krugman is lumping in Japan with China and saying if the Japanese hadn't been so dimwitted that the far right's cries of hysteria over "foreigners" would have been justified.

We've got growing trade with India? Great. A major corporation in that country takes a majority stake in a major US company? Fine and dandy. A totalitarian country invests in a stragetic resource of this country? That's concerning, as Krugman rightly says. But I wouldn't compare India to China. And I wouldn't compare Japan to China. By his own logic, Krugman should be screaming about the dangerous encroachment of Canada. He is arguably right about China but wholly wrong about Japan.

Thanks to the threaders for pointing out I'd done a poor job of explaining myself. Hopefully, this is a little closer to the mark. Read the rest of this post...

Bush's Empty Words On Torture

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Anyone catch this? The UN just celebrated the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture.
Bush happily and unselfconsciously weighed in with these words, per USA Today of 6/27:
"Freedom from torture is an inalienable human right, and we are committed to building a world where human rights are respected and protected by the rule of law."
And if it takes torturing a bunch of thugs and criminals and terrorists to get to that world, by God you can be damn sure we're the ones to do it! Read the rest of this post...

Hillary further sucks up to conservative Dems

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Do we really need another presidential candidate who thinks they're going to "reinvent" themselves because they're embarrassed about who they are, and who we are? Read the rest of this post...

Bush, Enron and the Chinese - it's not a good thing

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Funny. The Chinese want to buy Unocal, so who do they hire? A firm with massive ties to the George W. Bush and ENRON. Isn't that special.

America for sale. Courtesy of George W. Bush. Read the rest of this post...

Open thread

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Because you can never have enough political t-shirts and bumper stickers, I've created even more (man, I need to get a life). My two latest:

And be sure to check out all the other new t-shirts and stickers I posted last night, we have an entirely new storefront now, check it out here. Read the rest of this post...

So, the White House DID lie about Cheney's heart condition last week

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As Will Bunch notes, why do we have to find out about our VP's health via a NY gossip column? Isn't this news that they're lying, again, about Cheney's health? Or has the MSM become so accustomed to living under the Soviet Politburo that we just expect to be lied to, and take it with a shrug? Read the rest of this post...

Only 10% of Americans could come up with more than 4 of the 10 Commandments

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I came up with 6. Maybe if the religious right hate groups spent a bit more time practicing what they preach, the public would be a bit more informed of WHAT IT MEANS to do good, rather than simply talking about it. Read the rest of this post...

Karl Rove reportedly grooming Giuliani for VP spot in 2008

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Note to Concerned Women for America: You have been officially screwed. Read the rest of this post...

DSM hits front page of Wash. Post - finally

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Today, the Washington Post has a major article on the front page about the DSM:
In public, British officials were declaring their solidarity with the Bush administration's calls for elimination of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. But Straw's memo and seven other secret documents disclosed in recent months by British journalist Michael Smith together reveal a much different picture. Behind the scenes, British officials believed the U.S. administration was already committed to a war that they feared was ill-conceived and illegal and could lead to disaster.

The documents indicate that the officials foresaw a host of problems that later would haunt both governments -- including thin intelligence about the nature of the Iraqi threat, weak public support for war and a lack of planning for the aftermath of military action. British cabinet ministers, Foreign Office diplomats, senior generals and intelligence service officials all weighed in with concerns and reservations. Yet they could not dissuade their counterparts in the Bush administration -- nor, indeed, their own leader -- from going forward.

"I think there is a real risk that the administration underestimates the difficulties," David Manning, Blair's chief foreign policy adviser at the time, wrote to the prime minister on March 14, 2002, after he returned from meetings with Condoleezza Rice, then Bush's national security adviser, and her staff. "They may agree that failure isn't an option, but this does not mean they will necessarily avoid it."

A U.S. official with firsthand knowledge of the events said the concerns raised by British officials "played a useful role."

"Were they paid a tremendous amount of heed?" said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "I think it's hard to say they were."
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Condi Spinning on the Today Show

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My god, how many times can she mention September 11th? Like the rest of the Bush team, that woman just can't tell the truth.

Someone told her to keep smiling. And, just so you know, she is proud to be serving the American people at this time. Hmmm. We're not so proud to have her and her bonehead boss. That's why his disapproval is at the highest point of his presidency in the CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. Read the rest of this post...

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