Best Writing in a Blog
Revolutionary Paideia-This blog always offers well-written and thought-provoking pieces for its readers. Each time the author publishes a post his readers believe that he has penned a quality "must read" piece. When it comes to quality writing on a blog, you will not find a blog with better writing.
Losing My Mind, Finding My Voice-The blog started off as one woman's journey to find her own voice and evolved into a community of authentic, powerful and inspiring voices. We share stories, testimonies, advice, inspiration and empower ourselves and our communities - online and off - to move through life, finding and utilizing our own powerful voices.
Sliding Doors- Fiction Series-The writing in this series is simply beautiful. It captivates you, moves on your heart, and sticks in your brain.
EmpowerMoments-The writers at EmpowerMoments have mastered telling real life stories in a way that truly connect to their audience. The transparency of the writings contribute to the overall impact that the EmpowerMoments have on readers.
Dominion of New York-Dominion of New York is an 11-month-old online magazine that targets politically progressive urban communities. We produce blogging and original reporting about New York City, the U.S., and the world. And we excel at covering the news.
Our work has been linked to and cited by The Atlantic, the Guardian,, Mother Jones,, Huffington Post BlackVoices and thousands more. Our writers are award-winning magazine writers, seasoned book authors, poets and more. The have represented us on several New York City radio shows.
We are independently-owned, multi-author, and currently publish 3 to 4 posts per day. Our first traffic breakthrough came in December 2011, when we hit 55,000 unique visitors in 30-days. We hit our peak traffic in March -- 66,000 unique visitors in 30-days.
The Color Curve-It shines light on things affecting the Black community all while being intellectual, entertaining and informative. contains original music reviews, in-depth analysis of Haitian culture, literary and art criticism, and is devoted to showing another side of Haiti and Haitian culture to the world.
'83 to Infinity-Bee's writing style is super intelligent, but you can tell that she's down to earth, like the "girl next door" with a PHD lol!
This blog is written in a witty, entertaining, and unique style, and brings issues to the forefront in a way that people can both relate and learn something new.
The Brokins-This blog has writing that is authentic as it gets. unveils struggles with eating disorders, depression, motherhood, racial struggle, and being married to a sex addict. Marrying humor, intellect, and raw honesty, is a streaming conscious writing style that helps its readers connect in a multitude of ways
From Rae With Love-none given
Value Your Identity-This blog is very inspirational and original. It helps you to want to live better and be better.
Feminista Jones-Writing ranges from erotic short stories to humorous social commentary to theoretical essays and critical political analysis/response.
Lena Sledge's Blog-This blog is for writers, aspiring writers and all those who love to read. Bringing you book reviews, author interviews, book giveaways, book bargains, free books on Kindle, writing resources and any bookish thing I can think of for my readers so they can grow and nurture their passion for writing or creative arts.
Choices, Voices, and Sole-One of the things people tell me that they love most about Choices, Voices, and Sole is that you can tell the posts are written by a writer. And honestly, that’s one of the best compliments I can receive, because I really pride myself on using my writing skills to discuss the various topics covered on the blog. Because of my background in writing, I think you can clearly hear my writing voice when you read my posts. You can “hear” my inflections, you can relate to my honesty, the posts are clear and sometimes concise, and I find that most people make note of my writing when they tell me why they are readers of the blog.