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Sunday, May 22, 2005

More OH GOP Coingate

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This thing gets more and more corrupt with every passing day. In today's Toledo Blade we learn that Tom Noe pretty much gave $850,000 in Ohio state money to a bankrupt colleague, Mark Chrans. It's good to be able to throw around public dollars to your friends.

There is a big growing story here about how out of control the Ohio GOP has become. The actions taken by Tom Noe, who is the ultimate GOP fundraiser in Ohio, and others associated with this case show a complete and utter disdain for the law or good public policy. And, think about it, if they are this brazen, what else is out there?

The Blade has a good synopsis of what Coin-gate is:
Tom Noe, a friend and financier to Republican office seekers and office holders from Toledo to Columbus to Washington, is at the center of the biggest scandal to hit state government in years.

The Maumee coin dealer and the rare-coin fund he convinced the workers' compensation bureaucrats to invest $50 million in is being investigated by several state agencies.

The state's rare-coin investment was first uncovered by The Blade early last month. The initial story was followed by additional reporting about missing and stolen coins - one was a $3 gold piece the state paid $150,000 for - and Noe campaign contributions to almost every top Republican officeholder in Ohio, including Gov. Bob Taft.

Ohio Democrats quickly dubbed the story-turned-scandal "Coingate" and called for investigations and legislative reforms.

Mr. Noe's problems only worsened when the U.S. Justice Department announced it was investigating him for alleged campaign finance violations. Law enforcement sources said contributions he allegedly made to the Bush re-election campaign through other contributors - a violation of federal law if proven - are at the heart of the federal probe.

FBI investigators interviewed several local GOP politicians about the contributions they had made to the President's campaign.

On May 9, as investigations and revelations in The Blade about additional missing coins mounted, bureau officials announced they had decided to sell off their rare-coin investment and would try to recoup their now $55 million investment from Mr. Noe's coin fund. Instead of paying the state $5 million in profits he claimed he had made on coin sales over the past year, he was allowed to reinvest them in the fund, it was disclosed last week.

State officials said they would hire coin experts and appoint independent auditors to recover the state's investments, as well as attempt to recover the lost and possibly stolen coins. But they did not mention the biggest loss to date in the Noe coin scandal - the $850,000 in state money Mr. Noe wrote off from his dealings with Chrans.
This scandal just keeps giving. And, without doubt, there is much more out there. Read the rest of this post...

AP now: Protesters Heckle Laura Bush in Jerusalem

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Earlier today, as John posted, AP had an article titled, "Protestors Mob Laura Bush in Jerusalem." In the updated version of the AP article, the title is "Protesters Heckle Laura Bush in Jerusalem."

Heckle Laura Bush? Don't they know she's wicked popular and wicked funny. She did a comedy routine a couple weeks ago that her husband is still milking (kinda like he milked the male horse, yuk, yuk, yuk). Last night at the White House Photographers Association dinner, AP reported that he referred to himself as "Laura Bush's Straight Man." (Draw your own inferences from that one.)

Heckling Laura Bush. Imagine that. Maybe if she told some of her horse masturbation jokes they'd all fall into a swoon like the MSM in America did. Read the rest of this post...

Governor Ehrlich's friends in California want to take health care away from children of gay parents

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Because they can.

Congrats, governor. Congrats, Steve. This is who you're in bed with. Hope you're really proud of yourselves.

The Nazification of America continues, with GOP-endorsed evangelical hate groups leading the way towards a more pure America. Read the rest of this post...

New study on blogs

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Actually looks quite interesting, from Pew. AMERICAblog was one of the blogs they studied. Take a look, I've only glanced at it so far, but curious if anyone can distill anything interesting from it. Read the rest of this post...

Protesters mob Laura Bush in the Middle East

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Isn't that too bad. Read the rest of this post...

Open Thread

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What's going on? Read the rest of this post...

Norsk Hydro to create wave farm energy in Portugal

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I have heard wave farms mentioned from time to time but admit I am still learning more about them. The idea of using something so natural to generate power is exciting so I will be eager to follow this program. What I also find interesting here is that Norsky Hydro is famous for being an oil company. They are investing a lot of money into this initial pilot project in Portugal and have plans to extend the program to create more clean power. As you see in the linked article, Norway is the 3rd largest oil exporting country in the world and now they are moving into clean energy.

If only more petroleum companies or oil exporting countries would look for future solutions such as this we would all be a lot better off. Istead we see the likes of Shell, BP, Exxon, Total, etc all leading our governments by the nose and creating problems/conflict for the future. Read the rest of this post...

Eurovision mania finally over, thankfully

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Last night was the first time that I ever bothered to watch the Eurovision contest. I didn't have much of a choice because while babysitting my godson and his sisters I opted for the peace and quiet option which was Eurovision. That is one evening I'll never have back and next time I might opt for "anarchy in the flat" option. Let's see if Helena joins the ranks of the 48 (out of 50) previous winners that have never again been heard from or if she joins the ranks of Celine Dion and ABBA. then again, which is worse? Read the rest of this post...

Coleman papers against Galloway look worse than expected (for Coleman)

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A few interesting developments on the Galloway story. Apparently the business partner that Coleman was smearing the other day, Fawaz Zureikat, owns the exclusive contract to sell high tech encryption chips to Iraq. The chips are widely used by the US military and was approved by the US and the chips are under strict export control. Interesting that such a shadey character is so trusted by the US but who knows because we seem to trust Halliburton despite countless reports of corruption.

The second interesting bit is that so far the Coleman lynch mob has only produced English translations of the infamous documents accusing Galloway. The Arabic originals are the good old photocopies of photocopies of photocopies of photocopies...well, you get the picture. Why do I smell another Chalabi story coming? Read the rest of this post...

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