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Friday, August 27, 2004

Douglas Feith's staff, and their odd connections with Israel, Iraq policy, and then some - just weird stuff

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Because Rob in Baltimore and I started doing some research on this breaking news about the possible Israeli mole, and we uncovered lots of VERY interesting stuff on various Pentagon officials who may or may not have anything to do with the burgeoning scandal. Nonetheless, the info we uncovered is so, well, bizarre, in terms of the interconnecting Web between these folks, that we felt obliged to report it - as LONG and almost-conspiratorial all of this may sound. Enjoy.

The CBS story in an earlier post noted "With ties to top Pentagon officials Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith, the analyst [alleged spy] was assigned to a unit within the Defense Department tasked with helping develop the Pentagon's Iraq policy.... CBS News was told document the passing of classified information from the mole, to the men at AIPAC, and on to the Israelis. "

Rob and I thought we'd look around the Net and see if we could find, just out of curiosity, any analysts tied to Douglas Feith who worked on Iraq policy, and who may have had ties to Israel and AIPAC. Here's what we found.


ABC's Nightline says the man in question speaks Farsi.

The NYT is reporting that "the Pentagon analyst who officials said is under suspicion was one of two department officials who traveled to Paris for a secret meeting with Manucher Ghorbanifar, an Iranian arms dealer who had been a central figure in the Iran-contra affair."

According to Newsday, "The senior Administration official identified two of the defence officials who met Mr Ghorbanifar as Harold Rhode, Mr Feith's top Middle East specialist, and Larry Franklin, a Defence Intelligence Agency analyst on loan to the undersecretary's office."

The NYT says that the Ghorbanifar meeting was set up by Michael Ledeen. ("The secret meetings were first held in Rome in December 2001, were approved by senior Pentagon officials and were originally brokered by Michael Ledeen, a conservative analyst at the Washington-based American Enterprise Institute.") More on Ledeen in a sec. The NYT also reminds us who Ghorbanifar is: "Mr. Ghorbanifar was a central figure in the Iran-contra affair in the 1980's, in which the United States government secretly sold arms to Iran in exchange for the release of American hostages in Lebanon and to finance the fighters, known as contras, opposing the Sandinista government in Nicaragua." And in a moment you'll read how Ledeen has ties to Ollie North. I know, this is very weird stuff.

Check out what the rest of the article says about Mr. Rhode:
Mr Rhode recently acted as a liaison between Mr Feith's office, which drafted much of the Administration's post-Iraq planning, and Ahmed Chalabi, a former Iraqi exilegroomed for leadership by the Pentagon.

Mr Rhode is a protege of Michael Ledeen, who was a National Security Council consultant in the mid 1980s when he introduced Mr Ghorbanifar to Oliver North, a NSC aide, and others in the opening stages of the Iran-Contra affair.

A quick aside about Ledeen's daughter, Simone. She was sent to Iraq to work for the CPA and was one of six people basically running the country's entire budget, according to the Washington Post:
Simone Ledeen had imagined -- ornate mosques, soldiers in formation, sand blowing everywhere, "just like on TV." The 28-year-old daughter of neoconservative pundit Michael Ledeen and a recently minted MBA, she had arrived on a military transport plane with the others and was eager to get to work.

They had been hired to perform a low-level task: collecting and organizing statistics, surveys and wish lists from the Iraqi ministries for a report that would be presented to potential donors at the end of the month. But as suicide bombs and rocket attacks became almost daily occurrences, more and more senior staffers defected. In short order, six of the new young hires found themselves managing the country's $13 billion budget, making decisions affecting millions of Iraqis.
A lot of money she was handling there.


Now more on Rhode at Mother Jones:
Called in to help organize the Iraq war-planning team was a longtime Pentagon official, Harold Rhode, a specialist on Islam who speaks Hebrew, Arabic, Turkish, and Farsi. Though Feith would not be officially confirmed until July 2001, career military and civilian officials in NESA began to watch his office with concern after Rhode set up shop in Feith's office in early January. Rhode, seen by many veteran staffers as an ideological gadfly, was officially assigned to the Pentagon's Office of Net Assessment, an in-house Pentagon think tank headed by fellow neocon Andrew Marshall. Rhode helped Feith lay down the law about the department's new anti-Iraq, and broadly anti-Arab, orientation. In one telling incident, Rhode accosted and harangued a visiting senior Arab diplomat, telling him that there would be no "bartering in the bazaar anymore.... You're going to have to sit up and pay attention when we say so."

Rhode refused to be interviewed for this story, saying cryptically, "Those who speak, pay."

According to insiders, Rhode worked with Feith to purge career Defense officials who weren't sufficiently enthusiastic about the muscular anti-Iraq crusade that Wolfowitz and Feith wanted. Rhode appeared to be "pulling people out of nooks and crannies of the Defense Intelligence Agency and other places to replace us with," says a former analyst. "They wanted nothing to do with the professional staff. And they wanted us the fuck out of there."

The MOJO piece then leads us to another man named Wurmser:
Just after September 11, 2001, Feith and Rhode recruited David Wurmser, the director of Middle East studies for AEI, to serve as a Pentagon consultant.

Wurmser would be the founding participant of the unnamed, secret intelligence unit at the Pentagon, set up in Feith's office, which would be the nucleus of the Defense Department's Iraq disinformation campaign that was established within weeks of the attacks in New York and Washington. While the CIA and other intelligence agencies concentrated on Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda as the culprit in the 9/11 attacks, Wolfowitz and Feith obsessively focused on Iraq. It was a theory that was discredited, even ridiculed, among intelligence professionals. Daniel Benjamin, co-author of The Age of Sacred Terror, was director of counterterrorism at the National Security Council in the late 1990s. "In 1998, we went through every piece of intelligence we could find to see if there was a link between Al Qaeda and Iraq," he says. "We came to the conclusion that our intelligence agencies had it right: There was no noteworthy relationship between Al Qaeda and Iraq. I know that for a fact." Indeed, that was the consensus among virtually all anti-terrorism specialists.

In short, Wurmser, backed by Feith and Rhode, set out to prove what didn't exist.

So we did a look searching on Wurmser:
Michael Isikoff reports on 8/9: Days after 9/11, a senior Pentagon official lamented the lack of good targets in Afghanistan and proposed instead U.S. military attacks in South America or Southeast Asia as "a surprise to the terrorists," according to a footnote in the recent 9/11 Commission Report. The unsigned top-secret memo, which the panel's report said appears to have been written by Defense Under Secretary Douglas Feith, is one of several Pentagon documents uncovered by the commission which advance unorthodox ideas for the war on terror. The memo suggested "hitting targets outside the Middle East in the initial offensive" or a "non-Al Qaeda target like Iraq," the panel's report states. U.S. attacks in Latin America and Southeast Asia were portrayed as a way to catch the terrorists off guard when they were expecting an assault on Afghanistan.

The memo's content, NEWSWEEK has learned, was in part the product of ideas from a two-man secret Pentagon intelligence unit appointed by Feith after 9/11: veteran defense analyst Michael Maloof and Mideast expert David Wurmser, now a top foreign-policy aide to Dick Cheney.

....Other proposals got greater traction. The 9/11 Commission says the idea of attacking Iraq also was pushed in a Sept. 17 memo by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz. Wolfowitz argued that the odds were "far more" than one in 10 that Saddam Hussein was behind the 9/11 attacks...
1. We know Wurmser worked for Feith on Iraq policy
The CBS article about the spy notes that "With ties to top Pentagon officials Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith, the analyst was assigned to a unit within the Defense Department tasked with helping develop the Pentagon's Iraq policy." In the Newsweek piece above, Maloof is called an analyst with DOD and Wurmser is reportedly now a top foreign policy aide to Dick Cheney.

2. Wurmser is married to an Israeli-born national who espoused overthrowing Saddam and who works with a former Israeli intelligence officer
David Wurmser is married to Israeli-born Meyrav Wurmser who heads Middle East studies at the neo-conservative Hudson Institute, and has ties to Israeli intelligence, Douglas Feith, and other Bush defense officials: "[Mrs. Wurmser] is, along with a former Colonel in Israeli intelligence, the co-founder of a charity which monitors the Arab media for anti-semitic opinions... Mrs Wurmser was among a group of neo-conservatives who wrote a report intended as advice for the then incoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 1996... [The report] also spoke about removing Saddam Hussein from power. Other signatories of that report included Richard Perle, David Wurmser and Douglas Feith - who is now number three at the Pentagon." - BBC

3. The "charity" Mrs. Wurmser ran is named MEMRI.

4. MEMRI allegedly has ties with Israeli intelligence
From The Guardian:
The reason for Memri's air of secrecy becomes clearer when we look at the people behind it. The co-founder and president of Memri, and the registered owner of its website, is an Israeli called Yigal Carmon.

Mr - or rather, Colonel - Carmon spent 22 years in Israeli military intelligence and later served as counter-terrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers, Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin.

Retrieving another now-deleted page from the archives of Memri's website also throws up a list of its staff. Of the six people named, three - including Col Carmon - are described as having worked for Israeli intelligence. Among the other three, one served in the Israeli army's Northern Command Ordnance Corps, one has an academic background, and the sixth is a former stand-up comedian. Col Carmon's co-founder at Memri is Meyrav Wurmser, who is also director of the centre for Middle East policy at the Indianapolis-based Hudson Institute, which bills itself as "America's premier source of applied research on enduring policy challenges".
I also spoke a while back with an Israeli embassy official who bragged to me and others that MEMRI was a successful Israeli government operation.

5. David Wurmser worked at an organization with a connection to AIPAC
David Wurmser used to work at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. "The Washington Institute for Near East Policy: Founded in 1985 by Martin Indyk, who previously worked at the pro-Israel lobby, AIPAC." - Jerusalem Post


CONCLUSION: I have NO IDEA what any of this means, other than there is a VERY large Web of connections between all of these rather nasty-sounding people. We just thought all of this was interesting enough to let you all sift through and come to your own conclusions. Read the rest of this post...

FBI: "Fairly Senior Pentagon Official" works in Douglas Feith's office.

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MSNBC: "U.S. officials described the target of the investigation, whom they would not identify, as a “fairly senior Pentagon official.”

The Associated Press, quoting two federal law enforcement officials, reported that the person works in the office of Douglas J. Feith, the undersecretary of defense for policy. Feith is a key aide to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, working on sensitive policy issues, including U.S. policy toward Iraq and Iran."

Okay, that's GOT to be a big story. Read the rest of this post...

FBI is the source of the spy leak

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AP has confirmed the CBS story with an anonymous "federal law enforcement official."
"FBI Probes if Official Spied for Israel
By CURT ANDERSON, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - The FBI is investigating a Pentagon official for allegedly spying for Israel, including the passing of classified materials about secret White House deliberations on Iran, a federal law enforcement official said Friday.

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the investigation is continuing and no arrests have yet been made."
I reread the CBS story which was unclear as to where their source was. It was implied, but not explicit. This AP story is complicit.

Not sure what it means that the FBI (it's under Ashcroft remember) leaked it. I still stand that it can't be a good story going into the convention. Don't think that I'm getting all conspiracy theory on everyone, just thinking aloud. Read the rest of this post...

Second anti-gay activist invited to appear at GOP Convention

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The GOP convention announced yesterday that Bishop Keith Butler of Michigan will be among the individuals leading the Pledge of Allegiance, performing the National Anthem, and delivering the
invocations and giving the benedictions throughout the 2004 Republican National Convention.

What they don't tell you is that Butler is a big anti-gay activist.

This from a press conference Butler held last year in support of a gay marriage ban in Michigan:
This is outright recruitment of young people into this decadent lifestyle. Common sense tells us that if this lifestyle were to become the dominant choice of our culture, our culture would soon be extinct.

We also find that the gay community's attempt to tie their pursuit of special rights based on their behavior to the civil rights movement of the 1960's -1970's abhorrent. Being black is not a lifestyle choice. You can physically see and determine our heritage. We are a race of people. Whereas, regarding the gay community, people do not know what they do in the bedroom unless they publicize it. The civil rights struggle was based on the depriving of human beings the most basic human rights simply because of the color of their skin. Our opposition to the gay lifestyle is based on a behavior choice that endangers family, children, and the core of society. The attempt to push into mainstream society this decadent lifestyle and to brand those who oppose it as haters is simply wrong.

The Bible teaches us to love the person, but to hate the sin they may do. We love those who at this time are gay, but reject what they are doing and promoting. It's time to stand up and oppose this attempt to change our society and we will.
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TNR's take on Cheney's gay marriage outburst

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I hadn't thought of this, it's an interesting angle:

The New Republic vis CBS:
As near as I can figure, Cheney's approach to public policy seems to be that he believes in a basic set of rules that everyone should live by -- except in those cases where doing so would prove inconvenient for him or his family. Gay marriage isn't the only area in which he's invoked this personal exemption. There was also Cheney's behavior toward Iraq during his tenure as Chairman and CEO of Halliburton. Despite being a hardliner about America's not doing business with Saddam, Chief Executive Cheney conveniently looked the other way while his firm's foreign subsidiaries made millions selling oil-drilling equipment to Baghdad.

I understand that all politics are personal. But are we really supposed to applaud a man who strays from his pinched ideological worldview only when it serves to benefit himself or someone in his circle of intimates? That's not compassionate conservativism; that's political cronyism (or, in Mary's case, nepotism).

Of course, if having personal ties to an issue is what it takes to get the Vice President in touch with his softer side, we should probably all be rooting for Cheney to discover that, in addition to having a gay daughter, he also has a couple of black grandkids, an illegal immigrant cousin, an aunt with a drug habit, a transsexual brother, a sister who just got laid off from a textile mill in North Carolina, and a long-lost son who's been getting his butt shot at in Najaf.

With enough rabble-rousers, poor folk, and minorities in the family, the Vice President might actually be forced to become a tolerant, compassionate kind of guy. Barring that, we can only hope that enough swing-voters see through Dick's freedom-for-everyone b.s. to send the dark-hearted, autocratic jerk back to Wyoming come November.
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CBS NEWS: FBI Probes Pentagon Spy Case

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CBS News has learned that the FBI has a full-fledged espionage investigation under way and is about to -- in FBI terminology -- "roll up" someone agents believe has been spying not for an enemy, but for Israel from within the office of the Secretary of Defense at the Pentagon.

60 Minutes Correspondent Lesley Stahl reports the FBI believes it has "solid" evidence that the suspected mole supplied Israel with classified materials that include secret White House policy deliberations on Iran.

At the heart of the investigation are two people who work at The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a powerful pro-Israel lobby in Washington.

The FBI investigation, headed up by Dave Szady, has involved wiretaps, undercover surveillance and photography that CBS News was told document the passing of classified information from the mole, to the men at AIPAC, and on to the Israelis.

CBS sources say that last year the suspected spy, described as a trusted analyst at the Pentagon, turned over a presidential directive on U.S. policy toward Iran while it was, "in the draft phase when U.S. policy-makers were still debating the policy."

This put the Israelis, according to one source, "inside the decision-making loop" so they could "try to influence the outcome."

The case raises another concern among investigators: Did Israel also use the analyst to try to influence U.S. policy on the war in Iraq?

With ties to top Pentagon officials Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith, the analyst was assigned to a unit within the Defense Department tasked with helping develop the Pentagon's Iraq policy.
I have no idea yet how this plays. It depends on how high up this guy goes. From a political perspective, this is what one would say, unfortunate timing for the President. Right before his convention, the media is going to be asking whether Israel manipulated the Americans in the Iraq affair. That is not a nice place to be, even if you have a poll or two showing you not losing that badly. Read the rest of this post...

Some religious right groups still pissed at Cheney

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More evidence that all is not well with the fundies leading into next week's GOP Convention.

From the AgapePress (radical right news service):
A pro-family activist claims Vice-President Dick Cheney's remarks earlier this week in support of homosexual marriage were orchestrated by the Republican hierarchy. Dr. Janice Crouse of the LaHaye Institute believes Cheney's words were no mistake, but were a deliberate left-aimed pitch. "There's no question that this remark was planned by the GOP," she says. "They're trying to be all things to all people, and you can't really do that in politics. If you kowtow to one group, you are going to alienate another group. It's obvious they are reaching out to the far left in the party." However, Crouse says this tactic will not work because the bulk of Republican support comes from pro-marriage, pro-family people who are offended by this kind of rhetoric -- and she feels such statements could end up costing the GOP critical votes.
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Bush on Kerry: "No, I don't think he lied."

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"I think Senator Kerry should be proud of his record," Bush told The Times. "No, I don't think he lied." - Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Then it's over. If the media has any more questions about the Swift Boat charges, they can ask President Bush why he thinks the Swift Boat guys are lying. Story over.
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"GOP Agenda" leaves Christian conservatives in the cold

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A sharp reader pointed me to the Republican Party Web site and its description of President Bush's agenda. In it, talk of the economy, national security, education, social security, health care, the environment, and energy. That's it. What's missing is any talk at all of anything of importance to Bush's Christian conservative base. Nada. Nil. Zilch.

Again, it's not surprising that Bush doesn't want to bring attention to the crazy Christian aunt in the attic. But still, you'd think at some point the religious right would wake up to the fact that the only thing this president has given them at this convention is platform from the dark ages - which sends an incredibly hateful religious right message, to be sure, but is politically meaningless. Hell, the most conservative guy speaking during convention prime time - other than Bush and Cheney - is a Democrat, Zell Miller.

The religious right is clearly feeling the heat. It's no coincidence that this past week we've heard from Gary Bauer, Andrea Lafferty (Lou Sheldon's daughter), and today Jerry Falwell, all trying to assuage their fundamentalist flock that the cold shoulder they're getting at the convention isn't a bad thing, but rather a necessary step for the president to win re-election. Of course, what the radical right is really admitting is that they're now the pariahs of the Republican party, and apparently their leaders have no problem with aiding and abeting their own second-class treatment. Their leaders argue that the president who finds them so distasteful next week in NYC will somehow adore them after the election. I can tell you as a gay man working in national politics for the past 15 years, when the candidate avoids you like the plague during the campaign, he isn't much nicer to you once he's in office.

The gay Republican group, Log Cabin Republicans, spoke this week about how the GOP convention was trying to "put lipstick on the pig" by showcasing party liberals like Giuliani and Schwarzenegger, whereas the party's true leadership and agenda is all conservative. But Log Cabin got it only partly right. The GOP isn't putting lipstick on the pig, it's shoving the pig in the closet. Read the rest of this post...

"George W. Bush: 'You're fired!'" billboard trucks hit New York for Republican convention

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Human Rights Campaign to Launch Truck Caravan at Tuesday Press Conference

WASHINGTON - Four large billboard trucks with the message "George W. Bush: You're Fired" will troll the streets of Manhattan the week of the Republican National Convention. The Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender political organization, is sponsoring the trucks to highlight the need to defeat George W. Bush in November. President Bush has been the chief advocate for the discriminatory "Federal Marriage Amendment" that would forever ban critical protections for same-sex couples and their children.

What: Press conference launching "George W. Bush: You're Fired" truck caravan with photo opportunity of the trucks to follow.

When: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 10:00 a.m.

Where: Warwick Hotel 65 W 54th St. (at Avenue of the Americas) New York, NY 10019

Who: Cheryl Jacques, President Human Rights Campaign Read the rest of this post...

Chechnya Terrorists Blamed By Russia For Downing Of Jet

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Yes, it looks like Russia has found some evidence (traces of explosive) in the wreckage of at least one of those two downed jets. Also, no one has come forward to claim the bodies of unidentified Chechnyan women (one in each plane) that have been set aside. (All other victims have been spoken for.) The conclusion? It looks like Chechnyan terrorists. Well, we know what Bush would do -- invade Georgia.
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Bush Administration Lied About Abu Ghraib

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The New York Times obtained part of the classified report by three generals on Abu Ghraib.

1. Military officials and the Bush Administration repeatedly lied -- they claimed prisoners in Iraq were being treated by the rules of the Geneva Convetion when they knew this was not true.

2. Abusive techniques were not the result of a bad few acting on their own -- these abusive methods that violated the Geneva Convention were approved at the highest level; indeed, by Lt. General Ricardo S. Sanchez, the former top commander in Iraq. It doesn't get much higher up the chain of command than that. The abusive techniques they approved also violated those in the standard Army field manual -- so no one had any excuses in claiming they didn't know it was wrong.

3. The only reason any of this was "classified" and withheld from the American people? It was embarrassing.

"Army officials said Thursday that some sections of the report had been marked secret because they referred to policy memorandums that were still classified," wrote the New York Times.

"But the report's discussion of the September and October orders, while critical of General Sanchez and his staff, do not disclose many new details of the orders and do not appear to contain sensitive material about interrogations or other intelligence-gathering methods. They do show in much clearer detail than ever before how interrogation practices from Afghanistan and Guantánamo were brought to Abu Ghraib, and how poorly the nuances of what was acceptable in Iraq were understood by military intelligence officials in Iraq."
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Bush Still Cool On Global Warming

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In a wide-ranging interview with the New York Times, Bush says that he doesn't believe Kerry lied about his war record, still refused to condemn the scurillious ads that made that charge without any factual basis or eyewitness evidence, admits he made a "miscalculation" about the post-war conditions of Iraq (is that like admitting a mistake?) and so forth. But my favorite bit came when the NYT brought up his own administration's new report that finally acknowledged what the overwhelming scientific evidence has made clear: that a major factor in global warming is carbon dioxide emissions.

"On environmental issues, Mr. Bush appeared unfamiliar with an administration report delivered to Congress on Wednesday that indicated that emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases were the only likely explanation for global warming over the last three decades. Previously, Mr. Bush and other officials had emphasized uncertainties in understanding the causes and consequences of global warming.

"The new report was signed by Mr. Bush's secretaries of energy and commerce and his science adviser. Asked why the administration had changed its position on what causes global warming, Mr. Bush replied, 'Ah, we did? I don't think so.'"

Clueless. Maybe if he glanced at a newspaper every once in a while, Bush would know what his own administration was doing.
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Religious right brags about homophobe invited to perform at GOP Convention

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Well, that didn't take long. The religious right is now crowing over the fact that anti-gay activist Donnie McClurkin is going to be performing at the GOP Convention. McClurkin says that homosexuality is "a curse," and that gays "are trying to kill our children.

The religious right is also asking its minions to email the Republicans, thanking them for including this anti-gay activist in the line-up at the convention. Perhaps we need to email them too, and tell a few reporters. Read the rest of this post...

Just watch them try

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Q2 GDP downgraded, Consumer Confidence drops

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The economy is still delicate.
The Commerce Department said the downgrade to the GDP estimate was due to an upward revision to imports -- which detract from growth -- and a downward revision to exports.

The change had been widely anticipated by analysts after a dramatic deterioration of the U.S. trade position in June. The trade gap blew out to a record $55.8 billion in the month, far higher than had been assumed in the first estimate of second-quarter GDP.
Hmm, maybe this is why Wall Street is cooling off in their support for Bush. Can a permanent tax cut really be acceptable to fiscal hawks?
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Olympic weenies

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Hamm won gold in the all-round event but the governing body later said he had been placed first due to a judging error and bronze medalist Yang Tae-young should have won gold.

The U.S. Olympic committee released a letter from the governing body to Hamm telling him it would 'appreciate' the gesture if he gave his medal to Yang.
In case you missed the drama, the Olympic hoohas say they can't give the Korean gymnast a SECOND gold medal because his people didn't object to the mistake in time. I.e., it's like football, they say, you can't change who wins the game the next day by checking the videotape.

What's priceless, however, is that they say THEY refuse to give the Korean gymnast a medal because it's too late, but it's not too late for Hamm to GIVE UP HIS OWN MEDAL? WTF? I love how THEY can stand there and say "no, a rule's a rule" but then turn to someone else and say "ok, bend the rules, give away your medal."

I feel terrible for the Korean guy, he obviously should have won, but the Olympic committee is a bunch of weenies the way they're handling this. Just give the guy another damn medal. Read the rest of this post...

Ignored cost of war in Iraq: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

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This is much more worthy of media attention than the SBVT nonsense.
"We hear about the thousands of injuries -- brain injuries, leg injuries, arm injuries -- but rarely do we hear about the psychological casualties in war," said PTSD expert Dr. Evan Kanter, a neuroscientist and staff psychiatrist at the Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System in Seattle.

"There will be tens of thousands of these, and the cost of that will be tremendous."

An Army survey published in the New England Journal of Medicine on July 1 said 15.6 percent to 17.1 percent of returning soldiers from Iraq exhibited signs of anxiety, major depression or other mental health problems. A new study of 1,300 Fort Bragg paratroopers who took part in the Iraq invasion echoed the findings, showing 17.4 percent exhibited PTSD symptoms.

Comparisons between Iraq and Vietnam are frequent in counseling circles. While an estimated 2 percent to 10 percent of veterans exposed to combat in the brief 1991 Gulf War developed combat-related PTSD, in Vietnam it was an estimated 30 percent.

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US dead in Iraq now at 970

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US wounded is at 6,210 and Iraqi casualties now estimated between 11,707 and 13,714.

Now what exactly has been accomplished over there?
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Wall Street cooling off with support for Bush

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Deficits, sagging Wall Street numbers, poor international business climate, foreign policy mess, etc. I wonder if the "senior Wall Street figure, once talked of as a possible Bush cabinet member, said that he and other prominent Republicans had been raising money with increasing reluctance" is former Credit Suisse CEO John J. Mack??? Maybe that person realized that the stock market historically performs better under Democratic presidents.
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US taking action against banks involved in "oil for food" program, Halliburton still OK

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Fair enough, if there was in fact a scandal the US should go after all guilty parties. I'm not a believer in sanctions because from what I can see they tend to hurt the average person a lot more than the political elite they are supposed to be hurting, but I'd just like to know when we're going to see some action taken against Halliburton for their own business dealings with Iraq (and other countries that US companies are not supposed to be working with) during the years of sanctions. Wasn't that illegal as well? Is the law the law or does it depend on who you are in this administration?
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