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Thursday, June 01, 2006

Iraqi Prime Minister says US soldiers are habitually killing innocent civilians in Iraq

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The Prime Minister of our puppet government just accused us of wantonly killing civilians habitually. Not as an "isolated incident."

What the fuck are we doing in Iraq?

And by the way, this guy who just Sister Souljah'd us, he's the NEW Prime Minister. You might recall that a month or so ago we got the OLD Prime Minister kicked out because Condi and George Bush didn't like him. Way to go George and Condi, this is YOUR guy that YOU forced into office, and now one month on the job he's pretty much declared all out war on US troops. Heck of a job you did on that one.

And let me just add, Democrats you suck. Had the Democrats had the balls to embrace withdrawal from Iraq months ago when Murtha first brought it up, we would OWN the issue today. The American public is going to demand that we get out of Iraq soon, just you watch. We could have owned this issue. What the hell happened? (And okay, Nancy Pelosi DID support Murtha, and good for her. But across the board the Dems sucked, House and Senate, on the Iraq issue overall and on withdrawal. And don't even get me started on Joe "Everything is going really great!" Lieberman.)

From the NYT:
Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki lashed out at the American military on Thursday, denouncing what he characterized as habitual attacks by troops against Iraqi civilians....

In his comments, Mr. Maliki said violence against civilians had become a "daily phenomenon" by troops in the American-led coalition who "do not respect the Iraqi people."

"They crush them with their vehicles and kill them just on suspicion," he said. "This is completely unacceptable." Attacks on civilians will play a role in future decisions on how long to ask American forces to remain in Iraq, the prime minister added.
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New video of new Iraq massacre. US forces killed entire family, including 6-month-old baby, 75-year-old grandma. Iraqi police say family was executed

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There is a new BBC story, and video, about yet another alleged US massacre of Iraqi civilians.

The US military says the family of 11 was killed when their house fell on them during a firefight with US forces. The Iraqi police say the US soldiers entered the house, lined up the entire family, including a six-month-old baby and a 75-year-old grandmother, and shot them all.

The BBC says that, from the video they have of the victims, the bullet wounds didn't look to be shot at close range - casting doubt on the execution story - but the video also made clear that the American version of the story, that the building collapsed and killed everyone, was simply untrue.

Gee, who could have ever imagined that Rumsfeld and General Pace would let the Pentagon lie to the American people and the world about the war in Iraq?

I'm sure this is just another "isolated incident." Read the rest of this post...

Bush invites fake-Iran-story guy to White House as "expert" on Iran

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You remember. The fake story about how Iran was going to make Jews wear yellow badges in public. Wasn't true. But that isn't stopping the White House, a mere two weeks later, from inviting the "writer" of that story to brief President Bush on Iran as an expert.

This is who Bush is getting his war advice from. People who write stories that aren't even true.

Not to mention, a very interesting "coincidence" that this "writer" writes a false story about how evil Iran is, a story that could help sway the American people towards going to war with Iran, and now we find out that there are clearly strong ties between the White House and this "writer." Might make you wonder where that false story actually came from.

Things that make you go hmmm.

More from Molly Ivins. Read the rest of this post...

Open thread

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It's been a while. Read the rest of this post...

Associated Press AGAIN publishes false and unsubstantiated allegations about Harry Reid

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Okay, this has gone past the point of complaining on the blog. Anyone who wants to figure out how to do a campaign to get John Solomon at AP fired, I'm game. Feel free to figure out how to target their advertisers, get local newspapers and Web sites to drop them, whatever you need. But they've crossed the line here with repeated stories that contain outright errors and fabrications intended to mislead their readers into believing accusations that are unsubstantiated and untrue.

The Associated Press is outright lying to its readers in a partisan attack that would appear to violate their C3 tax status. They want to talk about ethics? Let's talk about violating tax law.

Rather than explain AP's latest lie, Paul over at TPM Muckraker does a great job, and I'll quote a bit of his latest piece:
AP reporter John Solomon seems to think that the best defense is yet more bamboozlement.

Remember back to Solomon's initial version of his story on Harry Reid's acceptance of ringside boxing seats. Solomon claimed that Reid shouldn't have accepted them to avoid the appearance of impropriety. He didn't explicitly note that Reid actually voted against the guys who gave him the ringside seat credentials. But he didn't allege a quid pro quo either.

But now he seems to be saying that maybe it was a quid pro quo.

Check down in today's piece on Reid:
Reid told AP the free tickets did not influence his position, noting he voted for the legislation when it passed the Senate. However, Reid had forced a change in the bill that let the federal commission regulate the TV networks when they promoted fights. After the change, the House never approved the legislation.
For those of us who speak the English language these two sentences have a pretty straightforward meaning. Reid says the tickets didn't influence his position, "however", ergo, on the contrary, he pushed for this change about regulating TV networks. And "after the change" the House didn't approve the bill. Again, going by basic English, the pretty clear suggestion is that Reid's change had something to do with the bill not making it through the House.

In other words, Solomon is saying one of two things, or maybe both. Either the Commission -- the folks who gave Reid the credentials -- wanted this TV network change or maybe the TV network change was a poison pill, meant to torpedo the bill the House, a backdoor way of killing the legislation.
Paul then goes on to do his own research showing that there is no evidence whatsoever that Harry Reid did anything to kill the legislation. In fact, Reid voted FOR the legislation, and AP already reported that the Republican Senator from Nevada, John Ensign, recused himself from voting altogether after he attended one of the boxing matches as well. Funny, but NOT voting for a bill is equivalent to a vote AGAINST a bill. So Ensign attended the match and did what the boxing folks wanted, yet Reid attended and voted AGAINST the boxing folks. In AP's error-ridden vendetta mindset, this makes Reid the villain and Ensign the good guy.

The Associated Press has crossed the line. They have a rogue reporter who is out on a vendetta, writing outright lies and twisting facts and words to imply things that are completely untrue and unproven. Yet they are presented as fact in order to trick the Associated Press's readers.

I also understand that the AP reporter, John Solomon, has a long history of taking on the AIDS community as well, in a way they are not happy with. Perhaps it's time one of the AIDS groups came forward and started documenting what Solomon did to them as well.

AP, seriously, you've crossed a line. And if you think you can get away with it by simply not responding, then you really don't understand the power of the Internet, or the power of liberals who have finally had it with the mainstream media serving as an arm of the Bush administration. You want us to challenge your entire business and livelihood? Okay.

For starters, any lawyers out there want to start filing a challenge against the AP's tax-exempt status?

Second, we need to know AP's income model. Where do they get most of their money from - Web sites, local papers, what? And how easy would it be to push Reuters instead of AP as the news service of choice by contacting local papers, Web sites, etc.

Third, how does federal regulation affect their business, and is there any aspect of federal law that they've been trying to get changed to help them make more money?

Fourth, what's the best way to impact AP's overall reputation? Protests outside their office, advertisements in industry publications? Where's their soft spot?

Seriously, this is the kind of thing we do for a living, folks. And we win. The Associated Press isn't going to know what hit it. Read the rest of this post...

Her parents are dead

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No, this isn't from the incident in the news the other day. It's from another incident 18 months ago. In Iraq. At the hands of US troops.

War has consequences. Bush's incompetence has consequences. The war in Iraq has cost the US taxpayers over $300 billion. It has cost the US military over 2,000 lives. And it has cost this little girl her parents.

War has consequences. All of these "isolated incidents" have consequences. No American should ever forget that fact when looking back at what Bush's incompetence has cost us all. Read the rest of this post...

FEC: Senate Republican leader Bill Frist broke election law

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All together now: Gee, big surprise. Read the rest of this post...

NY Republicans FURIOUS at Bush for cutting state terror funds by 40% in order to give pork to small towns across America

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Not only did Bush cut funding to NYC and DC by 40% - funding that is meant to stop the next September 11 - and not only is what Bush did today the exact opposite of what his Homeland Security Secretary promised would happen - and not only is this the exact kind of move that the September 11 Commission warned was a big mistake that endangers all of our lives - but it seems that Bush didn't even bother checking with the Republican member of Congress who RUNS the entire Homeland Security Committee in the US House.

Check this out, from the NY Post no less (uber right-wing Rupert Murdoch paper that ALWAYS support Bush - not anymore):
"As far as I'm concerned, the Department of Homeland Security and the administration have declared war on New York," said Rep. Peter King (R-L.I.), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.

"It's a knife in the back to New York and I'm going to do everything I can to make them very sorry they made this decision."

King said he would launch "rigorous investigations" of the Homeland Security Department - including a $21 million DHS contract with a Virginia limousine service accused of arranging hotel trysts between lawmakers and prostitutes.

"They have cut $80 million in funding to New York City," King said. "Meanwhile, they gave a $21 million limousine contract to the company that was driving pimps and prostitutes around."
Nice words, but keep one thing in mind. It's not like Rep. Peter King just got off the turnip truck. He's been in charge of this committee during the entire time that all of this waste and abuse has been going on at Homeland Security, and Peter King didn't do a damn thing for five years.

Peter King was the guy responsible for making sure the Homeland Security department worked, for making sure Bush didn't continue wasting the money, as he's been doing for years even before this latest announcement.

And now, Peter King is waking up TODAY and suddenly realizing that there's a problem? Had Peter King and his Republican colleagues been doing their jobs the past five years, had they been providing ANY oversight of the executive branch at all, we wouldn't be having these problems today.

So let's just see what Peter King actually does to fix this problem. Like Arlen Specter in the Senate, Peter King is more than a little late to the game. And like Arlen Specter, King will probably just launch feel-good hearings that are meant to make the public think he's doing something, but in fact they'll be hearings that do nothing at all. The witnesses won't be sworn in, the hard questions will hardly be asked, and there won't be a lick of follow-up holding the Bush administration responsible. Because that's what Republican congressmen do. Absolutely nothing.

You're doing a heck of a job, Petey. Read the rest of this post...

Bizarre Reuters photo of Bush

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"I have no head, and I once told a lie that was THIS big." Read the rest of this post...

Liberal blogger Glenn Greenwald's book is #11 on NYT bestseller's list

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Wow. Glenn's book, "How Would a Patriot Act?", is now #11 on the New York Times bestsellers' list for non-fiction paperbacks. Power of the blogosphere at work.

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New Poll: Americans think Bush is the worst president in 60 years

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Wow. And for all the Republican Clinton-haters, Bush beat Clinton (i.e., he's more hated than Clinton) by more than 2 to 1.
Bush was named by 34% of voters, followed by Richard Nixon at 17% and Bill Clinton at 16%, according to the Quinnipiac University national poll of over 1,500 voters released today. Leading the list for best President since 1945 is Ronald Reagan with 28%, and Clinton with 25%.
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VIDEO: Dixie Chicks on Larry King Live

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C&L; has it!

Surprise, surprise, surprise. The Dixie Chicks' new album opened at #1 yesterday on the charts. So what does Reuters do? They write a story about how terrible the Dixie Chicks are doing.

Number one, folks. And Reuters' story says the album got 'whacked' in the record stores. Uh, because the album should have ranked in the imaginary numbers?

Let's tell Reuters to stick it. Buy the album, it's only 9 bucks, and it's worth it for the anti-Bush song alone.

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Josh Marshall vs. John Solomon and the Associated Press

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Josh Marshall, Talking Points Memo:
The last couple days we've been going back and forth with AP writer John Solomon's reporting about Harry Reid and these boxing tickets. He's back tonight with another piece which is written in such a way that it's hard to come to any other conclusion but that the composition of the piece is meant mislead readers....

Solomon buried or omitted key facts about what happened with the unmistakable intention of pumping the incident up into something it just clearly wasn't. Did Reid vote in favor of the agency that gave him the credentials? Did taking them actually violate any ethics rules? And in his follow-up reporting, Paul Kiel has found additional factual errors in Solomon's original report. There's a pattern of selective use of information and misleading omissions that, candidly, I find surprising, maddening and offensive.

Why the effort to pump up this one story? Because Harry Reid's a Democrat and you really want to get the Senate minority leader on an ethics rap. Bill Jefferson and Alan Mollohan aren't good enough. Not high enough on the totem pole. There's just no other way to understand the reporting on this story. And in this case, the method of distortion is very similar to the one Solomon used in his last piece about Reid. It's becoming an identifiable MO.

If you're going to take a berm on the mountain range of congressional ethics and cut corners, omit key facts and get other facts wrong to manufacture a false appearance of balance, we think it's right to call you on every single distortion and error. And we're going to keep on doing just that.
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Ohio GOP fundraiser/Bush "Pioneer" pleads guilty to illegal contributions

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Tom Noe just keeps on giving -- and the Toledo Blade keeps reporting on his hijinks. The infamous GOP fundraiser in Ohio, who masterminded the coingate scandal that continues to rock his party, admitted to federal felony charges yesterday of illegally contributing thousands to the Bush re-election effort. He's still facing "more than four dozen other felony counts" for allegedly stealing millions from the state of Ohio.

Ohio is a GOP cesspool. Read the rest of this post...

Sensenbrenner wakes up

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Napping on the job, along with quite a few others I might add. Read the rest of this post...

Be afraid, Bush wants to shape the future

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For some unclear reason, CNN decided to broadcast Bush live speaking at the Chamber of Commerce. According to your President, the question facing America is: do we fear the future, or do we shape it? He said he's going to shape it.

Most of us fear a future that he's shaping.

And someone should tell him that the Republican Party, his party, controls Congress. They're responsible for the out of control spending that he keeps ranting about.

Once he got to the discussion of immigration, the main reason for his speech, CNN cut away. Read the rest of this post...

Bush cuts terror funding for NYC and DC

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Because, somehow, in the warped world of Homeland Security, if your city is a top target -- and has been attacked -- you need less money to prepare:
The Department of Homeland Security yesterday slashed anti-terrorism money for Washington and New York, part of an immediately controversial decision to reduce grant funds for major urban areas in the Northeast while providing more to mid-size cities from Jacksonville to Sacramento.

The announcement that the two cities targeted on Sept. 11, 2001, would suffer 40 percent reductions in urban security funds prompted outrage from lawmakers and local officials in both areas, who questioned the wisdom of cutting funds so deeply for cities widely recognized as prime terrorist targets. The decision came less than five months after Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff unveiled changes in the grants plan intended to focus funding on areas facing the gravest risk of attack.
That's classic. Say one thing, do another.

I always thought it was very telling that during the last election, Bush tried to scare the country using the threat of terrorism. But, his scare tactics didn't work in the very places that actually were attacked on September 11th. He lost in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and DC. He also got trounced in Northern Virginia. The places most at risk rejected Bush. Now, his Department of Homeland Security is putting those places more at risk. Read the rest of this post...

Thursday Morning Open Thread

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Hurricane season starts today. On the Today Show, FEMA's director just told America they're ready. But as we know all too well, when it comes to the Bush team, just because they say it, doesn't make it true. Read the rest of this post...

Basra in state of emergency

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So much for a troop withdrawal this summer for UK forces in the area. Even in an area that was once considered calm, the situation is in decline. Al-qaeda is not the problem, but the local insurgency with battling militias is definitely a big problem. How will The Poodle spin his way out of this?
The Shia-dominated southern sector of Iraq, where Britain has 7,200 soldiers, has experienced mounting unrest in recent months, with violence being blamed on sectarian rivalry, militias as well as rival tribal groups.

One group has openly threatened to halt the country's oil exports. More than 100 people were killed in May, including nine British soldiers in the deadliest month for British troops since the 2003 invasion. The Defence Secretary, Des Browne, has said the number of attacks against coalition forces in southern Iraq rose to 103 in April from 36 in January.
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Sun to chop up to 5,000 jobs

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Wow. Remember when they were the darlings of the first dot com cycle? Watching its value crumble was painful (especially as a stock owner) but Sun seems to be in a nasty tailspin and lacking direction. Absolutely brutal. Read the rest of this post...

Open thread

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Bedtime Read the rest of this post...

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