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Saturday, July 09, 2005
Londoners starting to blame Blair for the bombing
Video of a Londoner interrupting a CNN broadcast to make this very point. Read the rest of this post...
Another open thread
The Future of Iraq
The once libertine oil port of Basra, 350 miles south of the capital and far from the insurgency raging in much of Iraq, is steadily being transformed into a mini-theocracy under Shiite rule. There is perhaps no better indication of the possible flash points in a Shiite-dominated Iraq, because the political parties that hold sway here also wield significant influence in the central government in Baghdad and are backed by the country's top clerics.
Efforts to impose strict Shiite religious rule across Iraq would almost certainly spur resistance from Sunni Arabs and the more secular Kurds. But here in Basra, the changes have accelerated since the January elections, which enabled religious parties to put more radical politicians into office.
Small parties with names like God's Vengeance and Master of Martyrs have emerged. They work under the umbrella of more established Shiite groups, but many Iraqis suspect them of being agents of the Iranian government. One of the leading parties was formed in Iran by an Iraqi cleric living in exile during the reign of Saddam Hussein.
The growing ties with Iran are evident. Posters of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the 1979 Iranian revolution, are plastered along streets and even at the provincial government center.
One store is bombed for selling musical instruments and women are harrassed if they dare to walk outside in clothes deemed "improper."
Is this what our soldiers are dying for? Read the rest of this post...
FOX News says London attacks were a good thing, FOX looks forward to Paris getting blown up by Al Qaeda
Rupert Murdoch's Fox News channel was under fire yesterday for comments by some of its leading journalists in response to the London bombs.Sure sounds to me like some TV network is encouraging the very terrorists who are killing are troops. Maybe the Department of Homeland Security needs to pay a visit to FOX News. Read the rest of this post...
Speaking about the reaction of the financial markets, Brit Hume, the channel's Washington managing editor, said: "Just on a personal basis ... I saw the futures this morning, which were really in the tank, I thought 'hmm, time to buy'."
The host of a Fox News programme, Brian Kilmeade, said the attacks had the effect of putting terrorism back on the top of the G8's agenda, in place of global warming and African aid. "I think that works to our advantage, in the western world's advantage, for people to experience something like this together, just 500 miles from where the attacks have happened."
Another Fox News host, John Gibson, said before the blasts that the International Olympic Committee "missed a golden opportunity" by not awarding the 2012 games to France. "If they had picked France instead of London to hold the Olympics, it would have been the one time we could look forward to where we didn't worry about terrorism. They'd blow up Paris, and who cares?" He added: "This is why I thought the Brits should let the French have the Olympics - let somebody else be worried about guys with backpack bombs for a while."
So the Family Research Council is saying there is no abortion "litmus test" for Bush's Supreme Court nominees?
Ok, can someone explain this?
At the end of this message, you are asked a question. Answer it immediately. Don't stop and think about it. Just say the first thing that pops into your mind. This is a fun "test"... AND kind of spooky at the same time! Give it a try, then e-mail it around (including back to me) and you'll see how many people you know fall into the same percentage as you. Be sure to put in the subject line if you are among the 98% or the 2%. You'll understand what that means after you finish taking the "test".Read the rest of this post...
Now... just follow the instructions as quickly as possible. Do not go to the next calculation before you have finished the previous one
You do not need to write or remember the answers, just do it using your mind.
You'll be surprised.
Start: How much is:
15 + 6
3 + 56
89 + 2
12 + 53
75 + 26
25 + 52
63 + 32
I know! Calculations are hard work, but it's nearly over. Come on, one more...
123 + 5
Scroll further to the bottom...
A bit more...
You just thought about a red hammer, didn't you?
If this is not your answer, you are among 2% of people who have a different, if not abnormal, mind. 98% of the folks would answer a red hammer while doing this exercise.
Lead radical right Christian activists embraces known hate group
As you may recall, Cameron was kicked out of medical professional societies twent years ago for being a quack, and just this year the Southern Poverty Law Center labeled his organization, the Family Research Institute, a "hate group." Other hate groups that SPLC monitors include the Klan, white supremacists, and more.
It is therefore with some surprise that the lead radical right groups continue to embrace Cameron, the leader of a known hate group. One lead radical right group that is now promoting the Menegele-esque studies of this known hate group is the Center for Reclaiming America, run by radical right leader D. James Kennedy. LifeSiteNews.com and Catholic World News have also embraced Cameron and his hate group.
Other right-wingers who have now decided to spread the bigotry of hate groups to attack minorities include:
- American Family Association's "AgapePress"
- The Conservative Voice
- Christian News Wire
- Illinois Family Institute, run by Peter LaBarbera, a former employee of both the Family Research Council and the Concerned Women for America.
Any minority who even thinks these groups are on their side need only read up on who their friends are. These so-called "Christians" embrace hate groups, and the FRC's own president was involved in a scandal with former racist Klansman David Duke. Read the rest of this post...
Operation Yellow Elephant is getting some press
GOP has some explaining to do after hacking security funds
It's time to rip into the GOP for this screw up and demand some answers about their failed policies and failed war on terror. Read the rest of this post...
Bush to use military AGAIN for another propaganda speech
Bush was scheduled to visit the FBI training academy at Quantico, Virginia, on Monday to deliver a speech discussing the London attacks, said White House spokesman Scott McClellan.Then he added:
"I expect he will talk about the strategy for winning the war on terrorism," McClellan said. "He'll talk about (how) in the short term, it's taking the fight to the enemy abroad and in the long term it's spreading freedom and democracy to defeat the extremist ideology of hatred and oppression."
Bush said the London attacks were a reminder of the "evil" of the Sept. 11 attacks and underscored that the United States and its allies were fighting a "global war on terror."Or, perhaps, they're a reminder of what happens when you launch an illegal war based on a lie and without a plan for victory. The other guy hits back. Read the rest of this post...
"We will stay on the offense, fighting the terrorists abroad so we do not have to face them at home," Bush said.
Young GOPers Theme: Bring it On
Well, you'd be wrong. They mean Hillary Clinton:
Young Republicans have one thing to say to U.S. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton about a possible 2008 presidential bid: Bring it on.Um, kids, there's a real war going on. And you guys are the ones who want it. Put your energies in to that battle. Read the rest of this post...
Members attending the group’s biennial convention said it’s not too early to talk about how to keep a Republican in the White House, and they believe Clinton could help them win again if she were on the Democratic ticket.
“I think it’s very likely the senator from New York will run,” said Rick Veenstra, 27, chairman of the Illinois Young Republicans. “She’ll bring a lot of people to the polls. The name Clinton before a number of Republicans is akin to waving a red flag.”
G8 fails to seriously address farm subsidies
I just don't see Bush standing up to the cotton farmers or any farmers nor do I see the EU, France specifically, taking on the farm lobby. Financial aid to poor countries is all fine and good (though I would hardly call the "aid" really "aid" because it's more about cutting interest) but as long as the farm subsidies continue, Africa is going to struggle to be competitive.
The message that the G8 sends is that these poor countries need to pick themselves up with their bootstraps but how in the hell are they supposed to do that when the bootstraps have been take away? In a couple of years when nothing changes the West will all complain about Africa failing to do this and that and they will all skip over the failure to deliver a free market. Read the rest of this post...
It's Official: Top Catholic Leaders Are Attacking Evolution
Not only was the article a direct assault on evolution, it was done in cooperation with the very group that wants to shove its own religious beliefs of Creationism aka Intelligent Design into the public schools, the very fundamentalist Christians who hate Catholics. I keep saying fundamentalist Christians hate Catholicism and it's been true for ages, but the Catholics in charge seem to be their cup of tea.
This sort of cooperation is going to have serious repercussions in the public sphere down the road, assuming you don't already think the politicking that cost Kerry the Catholic vote hasn't already dramatically affected this country. The fights in public schools to teach science in science class just got a lot fiercer.
Cardinal Schönborn, who is on the Vatican's Congregation for Catholic Education, said the office had no plans to issue new guidance to teachers in Catholic schools on evolution. But he said he believed students in Catholic schools, and all schools, should be taught that evolution is just one of many theories. Many Catholic schools teach Darwinian evolution, in which accidental mutation and natural selection of the fittest organisms drive the history of life, as part of their science curriculum.Read the rest of this post...
Darwinian evolution is the foundation of modern biology. While researchers may debate details of how the mechanism of evolution plays out, there is no credible scientific challenge to the underlying theory.
LA Times Weighs In On Karl Rove
The LA Times follows the trail, concluding with this saucy kicker:
Asked for comment this week about what connection Rove may have to the case, the White House stopped short of its previous denials of wrongdoing.
"The president's instructions from the very beginning were to fully cooperate with the investigation, and as part of that cooperating, we are not going to comment on any matters that come up during that process," spokeswoman Erin Healy said.
Thanks to threader JeffSD for pointing me to this. Read the rest of this post...
The house of cards real estate problem
Just looking at the numbers should make anyone nervous because in its current state, 16% of the US gross domestic product comes from this sector. The residential housing market has added 700,000 jobs in the last few years during a period of mass layoffs by corporate America.
Anyone who was around during the last real estate crash is no doubt familiar with the talk of bigger and better and never-ending growth talk, even right up to final days of the crash. It's hard to say when but my money is that this will end much like the dot com "soft landing" that we had a few years ago. Read the rest of this post...