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Friday, May 21, 2004

Thank Nancy Pelosi - Stop the Republican McCarthyite smear machine

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Nancy Pelosi is right. Bush is an incompetent leader. But the Republican McCarthite cheerleading squad is already on her case, accusing her, incredibly, of taunting the troops and putting their lives at risk simply because she publicly acknowledged what we all know - that Bush is an incompetent leader.

It's time to tell the Republicans that we live in a free country, and their attempts at McCarthyite censorship are getting a little old. Let's all send a big THANK YOU to Nancy Pelosi letting her know that it's nice to see a Democratic with cojones, so to speak :-)
DC office phone 202-225-4965
San Francisco office phone 415-556-4862

Here's what the Republican Nazi brigade had to say about Pelosi's honest words:
Republican leaders accused Pelosi of taunting the troops, inspiring the enemy and putting American lives at risk by telling The Chronicle on Wednesday that Bush is an 'incompetent leader'' who lacks the judgment, experience or knowledge to make good decisions.

Pelosi stood her ground, telling reporters that 'the emperor has no clothes.' With the violence in Iraq threatening to overshadow all other issues in the coming election season, each party claimed to possess the moral high ground in setting the rules for debate.

'She apparently is so caught up in the partisan hatred for President Bush that her words are putting American lives at risk,'' said House Majority leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas. 'This nation cannot afford the luxury of her dangerous rhetoric.''

Countered one Democratic leader: 'Frankly, that's McCarthyism.'' - SF Chronicle
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Catholic priest kicks gay couple out of communion & church choir

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Pedophiles, good. Committed gay couples, bad. Any questions? Read the rest of this post...

More weird shit from the Bush White House

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Very weird article in the Boston Globe today. First, Mrs. Bush refused to endorse the federal anti-gay constitutional amendment. Good for her - better than Mrs. Cheney has done. Then, when asked if she would ever invite a married gay couple to a state dinner at the White House, she responded "Sure, of course." Again, great answer. But then, her press secretary jumped in and said he could not imagine such a situation arising. Huh? Why the hell not? Bush has appointed gay ambassadors - what if one gets married? The Mayors of Paris and Berlin are gay - what if they get married? Is Mrs. Bush's press secretary saying he could not imagine ever having the mayor of Paris to a state dinner? Gay marriage is now legal in Canada and a few countries in Europe. This answer is just bizarre.

But in the good news column, I can't wait to see the fundies freak that Mrs. Bush is apparently not a member of the fundie wing of the Republican party. Read the rest of this post...

ACTION ALERT: Contact the North Carolina GOP gay-haters

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Earlier in the blog, I wrote about how the NC Republican Party has told gay Republicans that they are not welcome in the party, and went so far as to tell them that they are "not normal" people.

I think it's high time we all gave the NC Republican party a holler to let them know that bigotry isn't normal behavior either.

Main office contact info:

Main Phone: 919.828.6423 (M-F, 9am-5:30pm)
Main Fax: 919.899.3815

Specific Staff Email Addresses:
NC GOP Party Chair Ferrell Blount - he's the BIG bad guy who said gays aren't normal

Vice Chairman Linda Daves

National Committeeman Jim Cain

National Committeewoman Linda Shaw

Acting Chief of Staff, Bill Peaslee

Communications Director, Kevin Howell

Deputy Political Director, Dennis V. Berwyn Read the rest of this post...

Dick Cheney caused 9/11

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There they go again. Yet another book blaming Clinton for everything. This time, he's responsible for 9/11. Newsmax explains:

Remember, it was on Bill Clinton's watch when terrorist Osama bin Laden:
- Bombed the World Trade Center in 1993, killing six Americans.
- Blew up two U.S. embassies in East Africa in 1998, killing 11 Americans and 224 other innocent bystanders.
- Bombed the U.S. military barracks at Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, killing 19 U.S. Military personnel and wounding hundreds more.
- And masterminded the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000, which killed 17 U.S. sailors and injured 39.
What did Bill Clinton do for eight years when he had numerous chances to arrest -- and even kill -- Osama bin Laden?

As David Bossie explains, Bill Clinton was busy:

- Slashing the defense and intelligence budgets
- Raising taxes on your Social Security benefits
- Having an illicit affair with intern Monica Lewinsky right in the White House Oval Office.
This is the real story of the Clinton years and 9/11 -- the story the liberal media will never tell you! (Source: Newsmax)
Ok, we can play this game too! After all, it was on George Bush's watch that 9/11 happened, and if we want to talk about cutting defense budgets, one need look no farther than Dick Cheney. According to the Pentagon's own Web site:
The DoD budget faced Cheney with his most immediate and pressing problem when he came to the Pentagon. President Bush had already said publicly that the proposed FY 1990 Defense budget of more than $300 billion had to be cut immediately by $6.3 billion, and soon after Cheney began work the president increased the amount to $10 billion. Cheney recognized the necessity of cutting the budget and downsizing the military establishment....

Early in 1991 the secretary unveiled a plan to reduce military strength by the mid-1990s to 1.6 million, compared to 2.2 million when he entered office. In his budget proposal for FY 1993, his last one, Cheney asked for termination of the B-2 program at 20 aircraft, cancellation of the Midgetman, and limitations on advanced cruise missile purchases to those already authorized. When introducing this budget, Cheney complained that Congress had directed Defense to buy weapons it did not want, including the V-22, M-1 tanks, and F-14 and F-16 aircraft, and required it to maintain some unneeded reserve forces. His plan outlined about $50 billion less in budget authority over the next 5 years than the Bush administration had proposed in 1991....

Over Cheney's four years as secretary of defense, encompassing budgets for fiscal years 1990-93, DoD's total obligational authority in current dollars declined from $291.3 billion to $269.9 billion. Except for FY 1991, when the TOA budget increased by 1.7 percent, the Cheney budgets showed negative real growth: -2.9 percent in 1990, -9.8 percent in 1992, and -8.1 percent in 1993. During this same period total military personnel declined by 19.4 percent, from 2.202 million in FY 1989 to 1.776 million in FY 1993. The Army took the largest cut, from 770,000 to 572,000-25.8 percent of its strength. The Air Force declined by 22.3 percent, the Navy by 14 percent, and the Marines by 9.7 percent....
Well, under the Newsmax school of journalism, I think that makes it official. Dick Cheney caused 9/11.

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The horror, the horror

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Mass. newspaper apologizes for publishing photo of two newly-married men kissing at their wedding. Read the rest of this post...

Can't you just FEEL the love?

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This latest little missive comes from a man who works regularly with the Concerned Women for America (is speaking at the upcoming conference in DC), and regularly appears on other religious right shows and Web sites:
As expected, Massachusetts has begun issuing legal "marriage" licenses to homosexual couples this past Monday - the first state in America to do so. Remember, no matter what laws "men" may pass or what sin "men" may try to legitimize, homosexuality is still an abomination to the Lord. These "fake" married couples are only "playing house." God does not recognize these so called "marriages" and neither should we.

Homosexuals are establishing "pretend" families. America may not realize that homosexual couples have a 100% infertility problem: they can not have children. My heart breaks as innocent children are being dragged into their "falsehood" and charade. How wicked and evil for these homosexual couples to purposely deny children the God given right of a mommy and daddy, and drag them into their dysfunction.

My language may sound harsh - but it is time to take a stand in America. Yes, we need to reach the homosexual - in love - with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We need to love these individuals more than anything. But at the same time, we cannot force people to accept the Truth. We cannot continue to
let America to be destroyed or overtaken because of a minority of homosexual activists who are trying to LEGALLY force America to accept their behavior.

America needs to put the "stigma" back into homosexuality: it is WRONG. It is HARMFUL. Homosexuality can be DEADLY. We must NEVER forget homosexuality is a SINFUL, REBELLIOUS life style. Yes, there are men and women who struggle with same-sex attraction, and I'm am not addressing this group. Let's be sure to separate the two. I am talking about men and women who REFUSE to play by America's rules and laws, so instead they are forcing the courts to rewrite these laws based upon their deviant sexual behavior. - SBM Ministries
By the way, this man claims he's an "ex"-homosexual who was cured by the power of the Lord. I've seen him on TV, and, well, let's just say that his cure apparently involved lots of hair pomade. Read the rest of this post...

Chalabi drops from penthouse to outhouse

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Who could believe it? Chalabi is now the scapegoat for problems in Iraq. He told Bush what Bush wanted to hear but now the lies are taking a toll on the administration. Accepting any guilt or blame is not part of the program for this administration so Chalabi is toast. Read the rest of this post...

Oil, greed and failed foreign East Timor

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Bush's lap dog in the Pacific has engineered a real mess in East Timor and if the US is not careful, Iraq could be looking like that as well. Canberra does not want to let go of the valuable natural resources that could help East Timor climb out of poverty but I am sure that there will be no shortage of complaining and racial slurs when the next wave of boat people start landing in Australia because of poverty and starvation.

"The oil and gas fields lie much closer to East Timor but, under a deal struck between Canberra and Jakarta in 1989, a maritime boundary was set along Australia's continental shelf, giving it control of 85 per cent of the seabed. East Timor's new leaders want the border redrawn halfway between the two countries, in accordance with international law.

If the boundary was redrawn, East Timor estimates it would earn $12bn (£6.7bn) over the next 30 years, as opposed to $4.4bn at present. It says it would spend the money on health, education and infrastructure." - The Independent
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Pentagon investigating Larium side effects

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Reading this article makes me wonder if the CDC has actually ever done a study or if they are only buying whatever shit Roche tells them. My wife and I have traveled extensively in malaria zones and we specifically did not use Larium because of the numerous stories of negative side effects including nausea, hallucinations and despression. On the road, we have met countless numbers of people having problems with it, including an old lady who was having hallucinations. For the CDC to suggest that "Mefloquine has rarely been reported to cause serious side effects, such as seizures, depression and psychosis" is absolutely incredible since the actual numbers are closer to 1 in 200. Is the CDC using Bush math or something? The pharmaceutical companies really have Washington right where they want them and asking no questions. Between the campaign contributions and the perks that the industry dishes out to influence doctors, the truth is really lacking. Read the rest of this post...

Bush fighting for votes in Louisiana

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Kerry is spending a stunning amount of money and it looks like Bush is nervous and it's probably surprising the hell out of him. I would love to see Bush lose one of the southern states. Read the rest of this post...

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