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Monday, December 26, 2005

American Family Association affiliate threatens Santorum that he's not wacky enough

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Yes, you know you've entered the twilight zone when Rick Santorum isn't enough of a wingnut to satisfy the hate-group-promoting American Family Association.

You'll recall that the AFA is the group that took on Ford, and lost (thanks to us), and they're the group that promotes the Nazi-esque science of known hate groups on their Web site, per the esteemed Southern Poverty Law Center. Then thewre are the accusations of anti-Semitism long charged against the AFA. You get the picture.

Anyway, seems their Pennsylvania affiliate is very upset that Ricky Santorum is now chucking creationism out the window in order to secure his re-election.

Apparently, it's only cool to be a right-wing fundamentalist when you're above 50% in the polls. Read the rest of this post...

Open thread

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Day after Christmas, taking it a little slow. Read the rest of this post...

Bush is looking ahead after a dismal year

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AP gives the year-in-review treatment to Bush. The key line, after listing his paltry accomplishments is:
The list of setbacks is longer.
Let's wish him the same success in 2006. Smarmy, toothy Dan Bartlett tries to put a positive spin on that long list of failures. He (and AP) both forgot to mention the President's recently exposed criminality. That should keep Bush busy next year. Read the rest of this post...

Rick Santorum, kind of embarrassed to be a Christian conservative

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I don't blame him, but come on Rick. Deny me three times, sound familiar? If you're going to be a fundy, at least the have the balls to admit it.

This has been the larger problem with so-called Christian conservatives. They're embarrassed to admit who they are and what they believe. They don't "hate" gays, they say. Sure they do. They LOATHE gays, they think we're an abomination and we're all going to hell - and as O'Reilly said a while back, they probably WANT us to go to hell. Why are they so afraid to admit their beliefs?

As for abortion, of course they want Alito to overturn Roe and they THINK Alito WILL overturn Roe. Have some balls, people. If you think you represent the majority of the country then why are you so damned afraid to admit your views and stand behind them publicly?

And then you have the creationism folks now claiming that God has nothing to do with intelligence design. Uh huh. So you mean, you think the flying spaghetti monster actually MAY have created the universe? Give me a break. They think God is behind it, and they want to teach children that God is behind it, but they just don't have the balls to be true to their own religious beliefs because then they might get shot down.

Santorum is just the latest in profiles of spinelessness from supposed Christians who know they can't come clean about their real extremist agenda because most of the country would flip. So they choose to publicly deny their God. Lovely.

What would Jesus do? Read the rest of this post...

Open Thread

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Drove to my cousin's outside of Boston...been playing with Thomas the Tank Engine, Dora and many sticker books with Molly -- age 5 -- and Little Joe who is 2 1/2.

John is at his cousin's party. This Christmas thing keeps going.

What's going on in the real world? Read the rest of this post...

Bush pressuring editors, publishers

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Because that's what happens in a dictatorship. He's been summoning news executives to the Kremlin White House. Read the rest of this post...

Momentum building for hearings on Bush spy program

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They say oversight, we say impeachment:
Members of the Judiciary Committee have already indicated that they intend to conduct oversight hearings into the president's legal authority to order domestic eavesdropping on terrorist suspects without a warrant.

But Congressional officials said Saturday that they would probably seek to expand the review to include the disclosure that the security agency, using its access to giant phone "switches," had also traced and analyzed phone and Internet traffic in much larger volumes than what the Bush administration had acknowledged.
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Open Thread

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What are you hearing? Anything stirring yet? Read the rest of this post...

Colin Powell says "nobody" has suggested Bush shouldn't continue eavesdropping

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Uh, lots of people have suggested that what Bush is apparently doing is illegal and a violation of the 4th Amendment. That's hardly a vote of confidence in continuing the program. How much you want to bet Powell didn't get called on this?

Oh, the little general who still can't decide which side of the fence he wants to play on:
Powell, who also is a former chairman of the military Joint Chiefs of Staff, had no reservations when asked whether eavesdropping should continue.

"Of course it should continue," he said. "And nobody is suggesting that the president shouldn't do this."
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