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Monday, August 20, 2012

Middle Class more charitable than the rich

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But wait, the rich are big jobs creators like Mitt Romney since he retired so how can this be? The rich do everything which is why they need taxes cut yet again so the Romney Class can pay even less than the 13% that Romney claims, but won't confirm.

Not only are the wealthy pushing to have lower taxes, the rich also show little compassion for anyone other than themselves.
A new study shows that middle-class Americans give a larger share of their income to charity than the wealthy.

The study, conducted by the Chronicle of Philanthropy using tax-deduction data from the Internal Revenue Service, showed that households earning between $50,000 and $75,000 year give an average of 7.6 percent of their discretionary income to charity.

That compares to 4.2 percent for people who make $100,000 or more. In some of the wealthiest neighborhoods, with a large share of people making $200,000 or more a year, the average giving rate was 2.8 percent.
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Phyllis Diller has died

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I always loved her.  We even saw her once on a tour at Universal Studios.

Here she is with Liberace in 1969 (this one is a real hoot):

And here she is being interviewed on The View a few years ago.

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Crops unharvested in California due to labor shortage

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The problem of crops going unharvested raises a few questions that have been ignored during the anti-immigration debates. If the anti-immigration people are able to shut down the border, are they also willing to pay a lot more money for the produce due to higher wages being paid by the farms? If farmers are struggling to find workers during this economy, clearly they're not offering enough money for the hard work involved.

Are the farmers themselves ready to pay more money or are their margins already too low? Some are but even then, few want to do this back breaking work. Either way, it's a pity so see good food go to waste while crops are dying elsewhere in the US.
"This year is the worst it's been, ever," said Craig Underwood, who farms everything from strawberries to lemons to peppers, carrots, and turnips in Ventura County.

Some crops aren't get picked this season due to a lack of workers.

"We just left them in the field," he said.

The Western Growers Association told CNBC its members are reporting a 20 percent drop in laborers this year. Stronger border controls are keeping workers from crossing into the U.S. illegally, and the current guest worker program is not providing enough bodies.
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Constitutional coup? PA voter ID Judge Simpson is a "pedigree Republican ideologue"

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By now you know that Penn. Judge Robert Simpson has put the court stamp of approval on Pennsylvania's game-changer voter ID law.

Now comes newer news about how this rule is being administered. Mike Papantonio puts all of that in context in a conversation with Ed Schultz on Shultz's radio show. (The video is from the studio of Ring of Fire Radio, where Papantonio's side was taped.)

My comments first:

(1) There is no question that this is an ongoing constitutional coup by the Republican party. We watched the Republican governors all last year and their attempted take-over of democratic government in Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio, among other places.

Read this about the role of the judicial system in legitimizing constitutional coup. This is what that looks like in the U.S.

(2) If the mass of people don't rise up, this becomes "the new normal" — with only one side (Republicans) playing by this "new rule."

Bush v Gore was the time for Americans to stand with democracy, and the people were found wanting. This is the next act in that drama — the next attempt by one side to use the judiciary to recapture the White House.

(3) According to Papantonio, this is the Republican Party's last shot at the crown:
Because of demographic changes, if they don't win here, this could be the death of the Republican party.
You don't have to agree with Papantonio; just consider whether Republicans agree with him. If Republicans think this is their last shot, watch out. They were already dangerous; this makes them dangerous and desperate.

Now here's the interview. I'm starting this at the 3:20 point to get right to Papantonio's response to Ed's three-minute question, "I'm flabbergasted; what's going on?"

Constitutional coup — capturing the organs of state, then using them to pervert the system into permanent one-party rule. If you don't first capture the judiciary, you can't do the coup.

The Republicans have spent 20–30 years capturing the judiciary. (A great discussion of that by Dahlia Lithwick is here.)

Are Republicans ready to pull the trigger nationally? Looks like it to me.


To follow or send links: @Gaius_Publius
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Paul Ryan was for stimulus spending before he was against stimulus spending

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As if being caught in a blatant lie about requesting stimulus money wasn't enough, Paul Ryan will now have to answer questions about his complete support for stimulus spending during the Bush presidency. If ever there was an example of the obstructionist Republican party, it's right here. Everything that Ryan said in 2002 to support the Bush stimulus is somehow null and void during the Obama presidency. For the modern Republicans, it's all about obstructionism and politics rather than helping their country.

With flip-flopping like this, it's no wonder Mitt Romney loves the guy. Read the rest of this post...

GOP Senate candidate discusses "legitimate rape"

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Craziness that only the GOP can provide on a regular basis.
"First of all, from what I understand from doctors [pregnancy after rape] is really rare," Akin told KTVI-TV in defense of his stand that rape victims should not be allowed to access abortions. "If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."

Akin said that even if a rape victim does somehow become pregnant, "I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child."
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Solving the climate crisis — Goals, targets and tactics (a summary)

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UPDATE: A complete list of climate series pieces is available here:
The Climate series: a reference post.

This post is the summary that's missing from the end of our most recent "solutions" piece:
That post listed five pieces of the "climate solution" puzzle:
As I see it, the climate-solution puzzle has these pieces:
  • Defining the problem correctly.

  • Identifying the umbrella solution — what high-level goal will solve the problem?

  • Choosing the right "ask" — making sure we don't ramp up our forces, for example, and then ask for something that won't be a solution (a surprisingly common mistake).

  • Identifying the targets of action.

  • Choosing effective tactics and acting aggressively.
Each section above ("piece of the puzzle") was discussed at some length and then bottom-lined. Here briefly are those discussions.

1. Defining the problem correctly

The problem has been characterized throughout this series, and recapped at the top of this post. From a solutions standpoint though, only these numbers matter:
  • If we stop now, global warming will reach 1½°C (3°F).
  • We're currently on track for 6–7°C (11–12½°F).
Stopping at "only" 3°C is as difficult as stopping at 2°C, 4°C or even 5°C. No one in power wants to stop at all. Yet all added carbon is a problem.

Bottom line — What's the real problem?

Slowing isn't the problem. Stopping is the problem. No more man-made carbon should go into the air. We also need to characterize and prepare for the 1½°C scenario because it's inevitable.

The full discussion of this point is here.

2. What's the umbrella solution?

We mentioned that near the top of the longer post, and we discussed it at length here. To repeat:
Put the carbon industry out of business.
The goal of the carbon CEO class is to make as much money as possible by putting carbon into the air. Our goal is to stop them. The only way to stop them is to put them out of business.

Bottom line — How do we solve the problem?

If the problem is putting no more carbon into the air, the solution is to put the carbon industry out of business. If we don't do that, we're toast. All "solutions" that include adding carbon to the air add to the problem.

The full discussion of this point is here.

3. What should we ask for?

History is filled with good movements that asked for the wrong thing and got it. We should ask for what we really want.

All of the climate crisis scenarios — from the inevitable 1½°C (3°F) scenario to any higher number — involve increasing levels of crisis. We want the absolute-least level of crisis. Therefore, the "ask" of the climate solutions movement should be:
Stop Now.
Stop at the earliest possible second.
Our "Now" will either come sometime or never. Asking to "Stop later" (which Obama has recently done) always benefits the resistance.

"Stop later" is the same as "Stop never." Stop Now has the added advantage of being the only moral request.

Bottom line — What should we ask for?

The only way to stay under 6–7°C is by asking to Stop Now. "Stop later" is the same as "Stop never."

The full discussion of this point is here.

4. Who are the movement's targets?

The goal is to apply leverage to people whose actions matter. This includes the four groups of perps and the people. The perps are responsible for the problem. The people are needed for the solution.
  • Target the perps to change their behavior.
  • Unconfuse the people.
This means:

  1. The carbon CEO class should be painted as responsible, shamed wherever they go. These are the main beneficiaries of crisis and its chief causes. Make them the face of climate catastrophe. They are.

  2. Carbon enablers in the political class are also responsible. They do the will of the CEOs. Incentivize a change in behavior by taking away what they want. Some should be painted as responsible. Others, like Barack Obama, should be put on the record. Just Say No to Keystone, Mr. Obama. In or out.

  3. Carbon-enabling in Big Media is why people are confused. Some Media Bigs should be put on the record, forced to side either with or against the deniers. Others, like George Will, should be treated like the CEOs. The goal is to change their messaging.

  4. Important denier "scientists" (the paid obstructionists) should be targeted professionally — discredited as "whores" the way tobacco "scientists" are discredited. This means a serious campaign to take away the professional reputation of any climate denier who will not honestly confront the data.

  5. The people should be unconfused, not punished. Right-wing rubes will never be "unconfused" but thanks to the politicians and the media, most people are genuinely perplexed. They should be helped to understand.

An education campaign — "the data is in" and "here's what's coming" — should be combined with the four targeting efforts above. If some in Big Media, for example, start saying "the crisis is real," our efforts are multiplied.

Bottom line — Who are our targets?

The perps and the people. Make the perps responsible as individuals; aggressively incentivize change of behavior. Perps include:
  • Carbon CEOs
  • Carbon-enabling politicians
  • Big Media
  • Denier "scientists"
Unconfuse the people with easy-to-grasp explanations. Don't apologize, don't speak to deniers, and don't stop. Combine this campaign with the anti-perps effort.

The full discussion of this point is here.

5. Tactics and action

Some tactics are implied above; other suggestions will follow. Regular readers know my thinking:
Using incentives to change behavior is especially important. If Obama thought his legacy were at risk, his behavior would change. If a "liberal" politician's brand as a populist were threatened, his or her funding would dry up; this would also force a change of behavior.

There are examples of leveraged tactics in this post. Read about Color of Change and ALEC, then read about Joe Sudbay and Barack Obama. I don't think a movement based solely on mass demonstrations will get the job done.

The full discussion of this point is here.


What the above adds to:
  • Problem: Stop putting carbon in the air.

  • Umbrella solution: Put the carbon industry out of business.

  • The "ask": "Stop Now" not later.

  • Targets of action: The perps and the people. Paint the perps as responsible. Unconfuse the people with clear messages.

  • Tactics: Asymmetrical, leveraged, well-timed actions that need few resources. Incentivize the perps to change behavior. Tell the people the "data is in." Tell them what's coming.
The post that discusses these topics in detail is here.

Thanks for caring about this critical issue.


To follow or send links: @Gaius_Publius
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Deutsche Bank under investigation for business with Iran

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Not to worry though because it's painfully clear after the crisis that the financial industry is the law, so little will come of this. Now that the US Department of Justice has taken a pass on prosecuting Wall Street for the 2008 banking crisis, it's hard to say what a bank has to do in order to be held fully accountable for their actions.
U.S. prosecutors are investigating Deutsche Bank and several other global banks over business linked to Iran, Sudan and other nations currently under international sanctions, the New York Times reported on Saturday.

The U.S. Justice Department and the Manhattan District Attorney's office are investigating the banks for allegedly using U.S. branches to move billions of dollars in Iran-linked transactions, according to the report, citing unnamed law enforcement officials.

The investigation into Deutsche Bank is at an early stage and so far there is no suspicion the Germany-based institution moved money on behalf of Iranian clients through American operations after 2008, when a policy loophole allowing such maneuvering closed, the Times reported.

Deutsche Bank decided in 2007 it would "not engage in new business with counterparties in countries such as Iran, Syria, Sudan and North Korea and to exit existing business to the extent legally possible," a spokesman told Reuters on Saturday. He declined to comment further.
Equally unsettling is the NY Times report that our "allies" in Iraq (including those with deep ties to the government) are also finding lucrative business and banking partnerships with Iran. Read the rest of this post...

In 1768, the HMS Romney came to America to raise your taxes

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And she never left.

True story, in fact - via Snopes:
Claim: A ship named the HMS Romney was once used to help enforce import duties on the British North American colonies.


[Collected via e-mail, April 2012]

I was on facebook today and I saw a message directed at Teabaggers which stated:
Hey Teabaggers
Guess what?
In 1768, the British dispatched a 50-gun warship to New England to enforce the crown's right of taxation over the rebellious colonist.
The name of that ship?
HMS Romney
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