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Friday, September 30, 2011

Newt’s a little edgy about how badly his fundraising is going

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From HuffPost Hill:
A reporter today asked Newt Gingrich about his fundraising. "See, I knew you couldn't resist. I'm not going to answer you," the former House speaker replied. "You should really go home and think about why you would even ask that today." So we guess that means "not well."
More from the LA Times.

Hey, maybe Newt would be more comfortable explaining why he refused to admonish the GOP debate crowd that booed a US soldier in Iraq. Huntsman, Johnson and even uber-bigot Santorum denounced the crowd for booing a service member in combat. But not Newt. Newt refused when the media asked him for comment. Why would Newt side with the Teabaggers who run the GOP and apparently hate the troops? Boy, if a Democratic debate crowd had booed the troops, Newt would have been all over that one. But when it's a GOP audience booing our soldiers, Newt clams up.

Maybe someone should ask him. Read the rest of this post...

Poll: Global investors support "Buffet Rule"

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Despite the cries of the end of the world coming, the reality is that most people outside of the GOP and Fox News are on board with this plan. Bloomberg:
Obama said Sept. 19 that making sure that the wealthy pay at least the same tax rate as the middle class was “just the right thing to do.” House Speaker John Boehner accused the president of practicing “class warfare,” saying any new tax would hurt job creation and Buffett’s situation was not typical.

The call for the rich to pay more, however, found backing among financial professionals in the quarterly Global Poll of 1,031 investors, analysts and traders who are Bloomberg subscribers. “Higher tax payments could help to avoid or delay potential social disturbances and in addition create some kind of a general solidarity,” says Henry Littig, chief executive officer of Henry Littig Global Investments AG in Cologne, Germany, a poll respondent.
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UK: The Left, the Right and the Gay Free Zone

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Gilbert Moon is a new writer here at AMERICAblog, and an old friend of mine. He's British, a lawyer (aka "barrister"), and lives and works in London. JOHN

Tower Hamlets is a borough in the East End of London. Recently it has been the backdrop for a series of conflicts that, taken together, point to some unusual re-alignments of political groupings on the Right and Left fringes of mainstream politics.

The East End has traditionally been the part of London in which immigrant populations establish themselves. Over 36% of the population is now Muslim compared to a national average of 3%. The Labour Party, of which I am a member, holds a majority of the seats on the council. There are two reasons why that is no great surprise. First, the area is a working class one and, secondly, Labour has traditionally polled more strongly in areas in which members of ethnic minorities represent a high proportion of the population (though support amongst Muslims for Labour suffered significantly as a result of the then Government's support for the war in Iraq).

The Labour Party has traditionally prided itself on giving priority to equality and diversity and defending the interests of minority communities. For that same reason, it has often been seen as the natural home for LGBT voters. Certainly the Conservative Party did its popularity in the gay community few favours when last in government. It introduced the notorious "Section 28" which provided that local authorities should not "intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality".

Broadly speaking, there was a correlation between where a party was situated on the political spectrum and its attitude to LGBT rights and race. If you travelled rightwards you eventually encountered the National Front or, more recently, the British National Party. These parties (despite their occasional denials) are fascist. They are the parties to which racists gravitate and on the question of homosexuality have tended to take the "tolerate but not promote" line which, personally, I have always felt points reliably to intolerance. On the left are various shades of marxist and trotskyist parties. Prominent amongst the latter would be the Socialist Workers Party. If the revolution they claim fervently to desire should ever come about the understanding is that equality would follow. The picture is now much more complicated.

In February this year, posters began to appear in Tower Hamlets, declaring it a "Gay Free Zone". There was a rise in homophobic crime. In May the press covered a story of a religiously-motivated attack on a religious studies teacher. Commentators began to talk of the "Taliban of Tower Hamlets". Enter the English Defence League.

The EDL claims to exist to oppose "Islamic Extremism". The first paragraph of its mission statement reads as follows:
The English Defence League (EDL) is a human rights organisation that was founded in the wake of the shocking actions of a small group of Muslim extremists who, at a homecoming parade in Luton, openly mocked the sacrifices of our service personnel without any fear of censure. Although these actions were certainly those of a minority, we believe that they reflect other forms of religiously-inspired intolerance and barbarity that are thriving amongst certain sections of the Muslim population in Britain: including, but not limited to, the denigration and oppression of women, the molestation of young children, the committing of so-called honour killings, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and continued support for those responsible for terrorist atrocities.
The purported enthusiasm for women's right, combatting anti-semitism and homophobia is, frankly, a bit unnerving. They otherwise seem a straightforward incarnation of British right-wing identity politics with a membership full of white men wearing football hooligan chic with an inclination to violence. The suspicion is that LGBT rights are being used as stick to beat Muslims with. A Pride march through East London was cancelled earlier this year because it was anticipated that the EDL would turn out in numbers with a view to confronting locals.

Things seem to be changing at the left end of the spectrum too. What Christopher Hitchens calls the "Anti-Imperialist Left" can increasingly be seen travelling in the company of Islamists. The Imperialists that attract their ire are the Americans. On the basis of the familiar principle, America's enemies are its friends. It would not take you long combing through left wing British blogs to find people busily defending the most unsavoury people (from Ghaddafi through to Assad). Blogs such as the estimable Harry's Place track this behaviour in almost obsessional detail. If you want to stay friends with radical Islamists though, you may have to stop being seen with other old friends. It would be going too far to say that the far left have abandoned LGBT rights, but it can certainly be said that they have begun to prioritise other matters. Those who raise issues about the lack of support for LGBT rights in Tower Hamlets, for instance, are likely to find themselves accused of being unhelpful, divisive or islamophobic.

At the beginning of September the EDL resolved to march through Tower Hamlets. A counter-demonstration was organised. Enter Peter Tatchell.

Peter is one of the staunchest campaigners for LGBT rights in the UK. Perhaps one day he'll get a knighthood for his efforts, at the moment he tends to get beatings. At the demonstration he carried a placard saying: "Stop EDL and far right Islamists. No to all hate". What he discovered was that whilst he might want to tackle far-right Islamism, the far left was less keen on him doing so. He describes events here. Many in the gay community (you can see examples amongst the commenters at Harry's Place) feel that the Labour Party has done less than it might to tackle the affront to LGBT rights. The more charitable suggest that it is because the party fears being taken to be racist. The more cynical say that the party is prepared to stop taking calls from its former LGBT supporters if it calculates that electoral advantage lies elsewhere. Read the rest of this post...

Krugman: Republicans have a political need to blame Obama for "everything bad in America"

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This isn't a state-of-the-nation post; it's a state-of-the-Krugman post.

The Professor is getting to the point (at last) where he not only sees that office-holding Republicans are driven by "delusions," but also by a political need to make things worse in America.

In addition, he's getting to the point (finally) where he sees "Republican-leaning economists" as not just confused, but actual bad actors who "lend their credibility" to the party's delusions, and by extension, to the party's bad-faith and nation-destroying political behavior.

That's quite an admission for a professional academic — to accuse your peers of intellectual dishonesty, not just idiotic (but forgivable) disagreement. Think about that for a sec. Imagine accusing your professional peers of intentionally falsifying their data and their recommendations to serve political masters — in print. The state of the Krugman is pulling no punches.

I'll have more on the second point in a bit. For now, here's your Friday Krugman, from the print column (my emphasis, natch):
Yet it seems to me that there is something different about the current state of economic discussion. Political parties have often coalesced around dubious economic ideas — remember the Laffer curve? — but I can’t think of a time when a party’s economic doctrine has been so completely divorced from reality. And I’m also struck by the extent to which Republican-leaning economists — who have to know better — have been willing to lend their credibility to the party’s official delusions.

Partly, no doubt, this reflects the party’s broader slide into its own insular intellectual universe. Large segments of the G.O.P. reject climate science and even the theory of evolution, so why expect evidence to matter for the party’s economic views?

And it also, of course, reflects the political need of the right to make everything bad in America President Obama’s fault. Never mind the fact that the housing bubble, the debt explosion and the financial crisis took place on the watch of a conservative, free-market-praising president; it’s that Democrat in the White House now who gets the blame.
That may be good politics, but as he says, "good politics can be very bad policy." Of course he's talking about the self-proclaimed–conscientious, otherwise known as the anything-to-win crowd, so count on them to "double down."

Sure hope that "newly feisty" Obama sticks around. We need that guy to really come through.

GP Read the rest of this post...

Dem pols, labor & community groups target CA AG Harris on mortgage fraud talks

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It looks like labor and community groups are starting a strong push to get California Attorney General Kamala Harris to have her reject a settlement with the nation's five largest banks around their wrongful foreclosure and robosigning practices. The pressure is coming from the California Federation of Teachers, California Nurses Association, SEIU 721, and Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment. The group also has high-profile Democratic elected officials like Rep. Maxine Waters and Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom.
Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom has joined a group of California union leaders, activists and politicians in calling the direction of negotiations "a deeply flawed settlement proposal with the banks at the heart of the nation's mortgage crisis."
The coalition is called Californians for a Fair Settlement and it's hard to imagine it not having a major impact on Harris. These groups are huge in the Democratic power landscape in California; Waters and Newsom are two of the highest profile Democratic elected officials in the state.

Five Democratic Attorney Generals have taken strong positions against the settlement talks being led by Iowa AG Tom Miller, Miller has sought a broad release of liability for the banks in areas that have not been investigated. The AGs leading the fight to this point are New York's Eric Schneiderman, Delaware's Beau Biden, Nevada's Catherine Cortez Masto, Minnesota's Lori Swanson, and Kentucky's Jack Conway. Schneiderman and Biden represent the states were essentially all mortgage back securities were formed and are incredibly important to the outcome for both homeowners and investors. Nevada has been devastated by the bursting housing bubble. But California has the nation's largest economy and over two million homeowners underwater on their mortgages. One of Californians for a Fair Settlement's demands is strong principle reductions for underwater homeowners - something that is as needed anywhere in the Golden State than anywhere else in the country.

Not shockingly, CNBC reported yesterday that banks are also lobbying Harris heavily to join Miller's settlement. We will now get to see whether Harris is more influenced by huge swaths of the Democratic base, representing hundreds of thousands of California residents, or big banks who are stealing these peoples' homes. Her decision could be determinative for the fate of Miller's ill-conceived settlement talks: joining them could add momentum that they have not had for months, while rejecting them could ensure their final demise.

For Californians looking to take action targeting Harris online, has a petition up and running.

Late Update:

On Friday, Kamala Harris announced she would not be participating in Tom Miller's 50 state settlement talks and would instead conduct her own investigations into foreclosure fraud. This could well be the death blow to the 50 state talks. The fight isn't done, but it's heartening to see a prominent elected official listen to her constituents and do the right thing. Good for Kamala Harris. Read the rest of this post...

Obama nearly tied with Romney in CT, after winning state by 23 pts in 2008

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PPP (the polling people we trust):
Connecticut isn't a place that would go on anybody's list of swing states but Barack Obama is in a statistical tie with Mitt Romney there, leading only 47-45.

Obama's poor showing in Connecticut is mostly a function of his own unpopularity. Despite having won it by 23 points in 2008.
They go on to show that he's much weaker across New England than he was against McCain in 08, and that this is evidence of a larger problem of his unpopularity nationally. Read the rest of this post...

90% of Americans believe economy is in bad shape

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I didn't realize that the bankers made up 10% of the population. Go figure.
Three years after a financial crisis pushed the country deep into recession, an overwhelming number of Americans -- 90% -- say that economic conditions remain poor.

The number, reported Friday in a new CNN/ORC International Poll, is the highest of Barack Obama's presidency and a significant increase from the 81% who said conditions were poor in June.

The persistent pessimism indicates that Americans are feeling a level of hardship in line with the official statistics. Unemployment stands at 9.1%, economic growth is barely above stall speed, and the housing market remains tied in knots.
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Biden: Obama administration owns economic crisis

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Oh dear. While he's not completely wrong - they do deserve ownership after a few years - he also is making a mistake in not blaming the Bush administration (and the Clinton administration) for the current economic crisis. There is no magic wand to eliminate years of bad political policy. The crisis that the banks triggered were never going to disappear in a year or two and the administration's real failing was not driving that point home more often. The Ticket:
"Even though 50-some percent of the American people think the economy tanked because of the last administration, that's not relevant," the vice president said. "What's relevant is we're in charge."

Biden added that he doesn't blame people who are mad at the administration, and said it is understandable and "totally legitimate" for the 2012 presidential election to be "a referendum on Obama and Biden and the nature and state of the economy."
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Listening to the people at #OccupyWallStreet

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Matt Stoller has spent time at #OccupyWallStreet and his post at Naked Capitalism explores what's happening there, who's participating and what it means. The whole post is, as always with Stoller, worth reading. But this passage stands out:
What these people are doing is building, for lack of a better word, a church of dissent. It’s not a march, though marches are spinning off of the campground. It’s not even a protest, really. It is a group of people, gathered together, to create a public space seeking meaning in their culture. They are asserting, together, to each other and to themselves, “we matter”.
This is tremendously important, in no small part because while these people are boldly stating the importance of their take on the world, to this point, political and wealthy elites haven't listened to them. While it is unlikely that these elites will suddenly listen to the complaints about and aspirations for government and the economy from young people and workers, the act of stating their case and expressing their importance is tremendously important. Gideon Rosenblatt wrote about the dangers of not listening earlier this week:
If that happens, if these young people are cowed into submission, or worse, simply ignored by the rest of us in society, then their courage will have been in vain. This promising catalyst that might have helped us all to find the courage to take our own stand, to give voice to our frustrations and work to protect this great country from further excesses of Wall Street -- all of this will have been wasted.
These young people deserve our attention and our respect. They need our help in turning their idealism into actual solutions to move our country out of its current state of decline.
I don't think anyone involved in #OccupyWallStreet is expressing a radical position. It is only radical to the extent that other progressive organizations and liberal individuals fail to lend their support to this movement and leave these people on the outside of accepted debate. The Transportation Workers Union Local 100 in NYC is lending their support, and the Air Line Pilots Association held a huge march and rally to Wall Street. Other larger unions and community groups are joining as well. These actions validate the people camping out on Wall Street and show that at least some of us are listening to the #OccupyWallStreet movement and showing the participants that their action does have meaning. Read the rest of this post...

Al-Awlaki reported killed

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The BBC is reporting that Anwar al-Awlaki, a Muslim cleric and US citizen who was given the status of "specially designated global terrorist" by the US, has been killed. Reports state he was the subject of a kill or capture order authorised by Barack Obama himself.

Reuters is suggesting that it has been confirmed as a drone strike. Yemenis saying Samir Khan also killed.

NOTE FROM JOHN: Ron Paul is ticked that the guy didn't get due process.  While I have no sympathy for the dead Al Qaeda terrorists, Paul has a point regarding just how much power we want to give the President to assassinate people.  Then again, is this not a war? Read the rest of this post...

DOD: Military chaplains may conduct weddings for gay servicemembers

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Ok, this counts as a wow. More over at AMERICAblog Gay. Read the rest of this post...

It’s time for you to leave Bank of America

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From HuffPost Hill:
BANK OF AMERICA JUST BEGGING TO GO DOWN - Bank of America today announced that it would begin charging $5 per month for debit card usage, because defrauding homeowners and cashing taxpayer checks was no longer a winning business model. Well, they announced that first part, but they actually blamed Wall Street reform and a cap the Fed will put Saturday on the swipe fees they can charge merchants. Don't believe it: BofA is getting crushed in the market and simply wants your money. HuffPost Hill will eat its overdraft notices if these fees are still around a year from now. In January 2010, TCF Bank, which pioneered free checking in the 1980s, announced it would begin charging a monthly fee in response to Fed rules restricting overdraft charges. The move was regularly cited during the 2010 swipe fee fracas as evidence of the harm that would befall consumers if Dick Durbin didn't back off. This January, TCF brought back free checking after losing customers. But this isn't the worst crisis consumers have faced! One day before the Senate was expected to vote on delaying swipe fee reform, Chase went nuclear: Thanks to the Durbin amendment, thousands of Chase customers were warned, your kid can forget about that trip to Disney World. "Congress recently enacted a new law known as the Durbin Amendment that significantly impacts debit cards," reads the letter. "As a result of this law, we will be changing our debit rewards program. After July 21, 2011 you will no longer earn Disney Dream Reward Dollars when you use your Disney Rewards Debit Card." Which reminds us: Did we ever tell you about the great swipe fee fight?
More from Ryan Grim and Zach Carter at HuffPost.

Funny, Bank of America wasn't so anti-government when they were sucking at the federal teat to the tune of tens of billions of dollars in bailout money (B of A got at least $45bn, from what I could find).  This is how they pay us back. Read the rest of this post...

Video: Puppy vs step (step almost wins)

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Video: Programmed 2 floppy disk drives to play Imperial March from Star Wars

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