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Friday, July 16, 2004
Political Attacks on Gays Will Continue
The sad item buried deep in the story: Kerry's office didn't return calls asking whether he supports or opposes attempts to deny gays equal marriage rights at the state level. Surely they were ready for that question? But he has no good answer because he's been so wishy-washy on the issue.
NOTE FROM JOHN: Kerry's response should be simple. It's none of the federal government's business what state governments do within the realm of their own jurisdiction. This isn't a nanny state. That applies all the more when talking about marriage, which has traditionally been a state issue - the president has no business sticking his nose in. If George Bush truly believed in states' rights he'd let states attend to their own business and only get involved when an issue becomes a federal matter. As for why Kerry gave an opinion on the Massachusetts state constitutional amendment? He's still the Senator from Massachusetts so it was appropriate for him to comment on politics in his own home state.
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I Hate Gays More Than You
The hell I do, implies Coors, despite the fact that while he was an executive at his family's brewery and it would aid the bottom line, the company backed benefits for gay workers and reached out to the gay community. The complaint is that the ad is an illegal contribution.
But who cares? Both candidates supported the constitutional amendment that would have attacked gays and turned 30 million Americans into second class citizens. And never forget who helped Coors reach out to the gay community: Mary "Flip Flop" Cheney.
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Jerry Falwell Accused of Breaking Tax Rule
Proof that FOX News is a Republican propaganda organ
Bush lied, Giuliani covered up, massive NYC asbestos levels following 9/11
This is also a major indictment of Giuliani. He knew the results of the tests, he knew the EPA was outright LYING about the results, and yet he said nothing. And these guys have the NERVE to hold their convention in NYC? They should be greeted by thousands of protesters wearing gas masks and tuxedos.
From the NY Post:
An Environmental Protection Agency memo claims city and federal officials concealed data that showed lower Manhattan air was clouded with asbestos after the World Trade Center collapse.
And officials sat on the alarming information even as they told the public it was safe to return downtown, the internal memo says.
Testing by the city Department of Environmental Protection showed the air downtown had more than double the level of asbestos considered safe for humans, claimed federal EPA environmental scientist Cate Jenkins, who supplied the memo to The Post.
The data, which Jenkins says she culled from state records, appear damning.
On the day after the attack, the memo claims, city test results from the corner of Centre and Chambers streets and from the corner of Spruce and Gold streets showed asbestos concentration at about twice the level considered safe by the EPA.
The city did not release this information to the public, Jenkins says.
The next day, Sept. 13, city tests were "overloaded" with asbestos in the air — so much that the lab could not conclude precise amounts — along Church Street.
Again, the information was withheld, the memo claims.
When the city published the test results for the weeks following 9/11 on its Web site in February 2002, there were 17 instances where the data was either understated or left blank, Jenkins asserts in her report."New York City could wiggle out of the [claim of] concealment, because they weren't making any explicit statements about data at the time," Jenkins told The Post. "But the EPA can't wiggle out of this. They said the air was safe at the same time they were coordinating data with the city."
To drive her point home, Jenkins compares statements made by the EPA on the same day test data was showing dangerous levels of asbestos.
On Sept. 18, then-EPA administrator Christie Whitman said the public in lower Manhattan was not being exposed to "excessive levels of asbestos."That same day, city testing data, some of which was later made public, showed asbestos levels 50 percent higher and more above what her agency considers safe, the memo states.
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Heather may have 2 mommies, but Hatch has 3 great-grand-mommies
The thing that I find strange is that Hatch and Mass. Governor Mitt Romney (who is also a Mormon), both, according to this article in the Salt Lake Tribune, think that it was just for the Supreme Court to intervene and uphold laws banning polygamy since the court felt that polygamy was in fact NOT an exercise in freedom of religion.
Now think about that. Orrin Hatch and Mitt Romney think it is okay for the Supreme Court to intervene and overrule how a religion defines marriage when a religion defines marriage as polygamy, but it's wrong for the Supreme Court to intervene and overrule how the religious right and other conservative religions define marriage when a religion defines marriage as solely a man and a woman.
So which one is it Orrin and Mitt - is it the role of the Supreme Court to decide what is and isn't marriage, even over the objections of any religion?
'I come from a culture where at one time polygamy was a religious belief and was practiced by a small percentage of people in my faith,' said Hatch, explaining that his great-grandfather Jeremiah had three wives and 30 children.Read the rest of this post...
'Those were days when they lived this principle because they believed it to be a spiritual principle, they believed it was important to bring as many children into the world as they could, among other things.'
But Hatch said those beliefs were put aside when the U.S. Supreme Court in 1879 upheld a Utah Territorial Supreme Court verdict against polygamist George Reynolds, the personal secretary to LDS President Brigham Young. The nation's highest court ruled that polygamy was not an exercise of religious freedom and that government had legitimate authority to determine whether plural marriage or monogamy would be the law.
'When that came down, the Supreme Court case outlawing plural marriage, basically my faith did away with plural marriage, and I have to say no one would argue that it should ever come back,' Hatch said.
US Commission on Civil Rights demands investigation of 2004 Florida voter reg. fiasco
Members of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights called on the Justice Department on Thursday to investigate possible voting-rights violations in Florida's troubled effort to purge felons from its voter registration lists.Read the rest of this post...
At a hearing on the state's effort to use a list of 48,000 suspected felons to trim voter rolls, the civil rights commission's chairman, Mary Frances Berry, also urged the newly created federal Election Assistance Commission, which is distributing millions of dollars to the states for voting improvements, to consider withholding Florida's share....
On Saturday, the Florida secretary of state, Glenda Hood, suspended the state's felon effort, citing a methodological flaw that virtually guaranteed that voters who registered as Hispanics would not be purged, while thousands of blacks might be.
Jeb caught trying to throw the election AGAIN
And now we know that Florida was gearing up for a reprise of the election shenanigans of 2000. It took a court order to get the state to release a list of 48,000 suspected felons that was to be used to purge people from the voting rolls. It turned out that the list contained thousands of names of black people, who tend to vote Democratic, and hardly any names of Hispanics, who in Florida tend to vote Republican. Once their 'mistake' was caught, the officials scrapped the list.Read the rest of this post...
Ashcroft trying to jigger the election
Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley today called on Attorney General John Ashcroft to address Maryland U.S. Attorney Thomas M. DiBiagio's e-mail directives to seek more convictions of elected officials and a quota of three "front page" indictments by November.Read the rest of this post...
A May 14 staff meeting agenda written by DiBiagio that states that he wants three "front page" indictments for public corruption or white-collar crimes by Nov. 6, which critics pointed out is four days after the presidential election that could determine whether DiBiagio keeps his White House-appointed position.
Oil up again, reaches six week high
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Kerry taking the lead in PA, NM & MI
Kerry led by 5 percentage points in Pennsylvania, according to a Quinnipiac University poll of registered voters. In Michigan and New Mexico, he is ahead by 7 percentage points, according to the American Research Group Inc.Read the rest of this post...
Kerry is tied in North Carolina, a state Bush won in 2000 by 12.8 percentage points, a Mason-Dixon Polling and Research survey found.
``The underlying numbers show there are concerns for the Bush administration,'' Dick Bennett, president of Manchester, New Hampshire-based American Research Group, said in an interview. ``Independent voters, who are considered the most persuadable, tend to be lining up behind Kerry.''
Bush Loses Again
Unlike almost everyone else (excepting tobacco growers themselves, of course), Bush opposed the bill because he thought it was great that we spent billions of tax dollars supporting the growth of tobacco, a huge cash crop and one of the most addictive substances known to man. He also thought it was fine there wasn't more stringent oversight on advertising -- despite the fact that smokeless tobacco is making inroads among young people. The Senate overwhelmingly said otherwise and it looks like in another ten years we will be out of the tobacco subsidy business -- saving billions -- and using harsher restrictions on advertising.
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Congress Daily censors anti-Cheney ad
When Congress Daily initially refused our DearMary.com ad over a month ago, we were informed that it was because the ad was attacking a politician's child, and that Congress Daily didn't want to establish that precedent. Now Congress Daily says that in fact the reason they censored the ad because it was "tasteless" and included "sexual innuendo."
Putting aside the fact that Congress Daily's reason for rejecting the ad now seems to have changed 180 degrees, their excuse is rather odd as there's nothing sexual or tasteless at all about the ad, other than the fact that it's an ad on a gay issue (you can see an animated version of the same ad at the top of the DearMary.com Web site - the same ad would have run in Congress Daily, with each pane printed separately, comics style). Does Congress Daily think that gay = sexual per se, and therefore any ad on gay issues is per se off-limits for its high-brow audience? Or does Congress Daily think that it is tasteless for gays and lesbians and their allies to demand their civil rights?
Or maybe Congress Daily objects that the last pane of the ad tells the VP and Mary: "You won't #%@$* us again." The irony being that even in one's worst interpretation of what that pane means (and let's face it, the cartoon pages run sentences like that), the phrase is no worse than what Dick Cheney himself recently said on the floor of the US Senate, something the White House defended. Or does Congress Daily find the Vice President himself full of tasteless sexual innuendo? Will, they be covering him in the future?
And finally, I guess this means that Congress Daily in fact had no problem running an ad challenging Mary Cheney for her hypocrisy. Unless of course, all of this is a smoke screen and Congress Daily is simply the latest corporation to censor anyone who would dare criticize the current administration.
Feel free to give them a holler and ask them:
National Journal Group, Inc.
John Sullivan, President
1501 M Street, NW, #300
Washington, DC 20005
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Bushies withhold financial data on Iraq from UN auditors, slush fund in jeopardy
Jean-Pierre Halbwachs, the U.N. representative to the International Advisory and Monitoring Board (IAMB), said that the United States has repeatedly rebuffed his requests since March to turn over internal audits, including one that covered three contracts valued at $1.4 billion that were awarded to Halliburton...Read the rest of this post...
The Security Council established the IAMB, which includes representatives from the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, in May 2003 to ensure that Iraq's oil revenue would be managed responsibly during the U.S. occupation. The council extended its mandate in July so it could continue to monitor the use of Iraq's oil revenue after the United States transferred political authority to the Iraqis in June.
The dispute comes as the board released an initial audit by the accounting firm KPMG on Thursday that sharply criticized the U.S.-led coalition's management of billions of dollars in Iraqi oil revenue. The audit also raised concerns about lax financial controls in some Iraqi ministries, citing poor bookkeeping and duplicate payments of salaries to government employees.
Pet poodle Blair loses MP seat, almost drops a second
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