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Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

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We're intentionally avoiding the political stuff today. More of that tomorrow. But for now, a few photos of the day. More later. Read the rest of this post...

Our Christmas cookie tradition

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Every Christmas we make cookies using these tin cookie cutters my mom got in the late 50s or so. We decorate the cookies with colored sugar, chocolate chips, nonpareils, and chocolate ants (as we call them). My mom uses an old recipe she got from a friend, and, interestingly enough, the cookies come out so durable that you can poke a little hole in the top, string them with thread, and then hang them on the tree for weeks, and they're still good to eat after (seriously). It's kind of a shortbread recipe, I think. But it works. Until the dog knocks the tree down to get the cookies.

My mom used to oversee the venture (adventure), but now I oversee it (though mom finds it hard not to meddle). We have 5 or so basic shapes (Christmas tree, gingerbread man, star, Santa, bell), but only one set. So this year I went on eBay and found the original set (times three), and a bunch more shapes we never had, like angels, bunnies (okay, not quite Christmas-y), diamonds, reindeer and camels. So now we have a set for all the siblings and their kids.

My 23 year old nephew of course had to make a mutant.

And let's not even discuss his anatomically correct Easter Bunny. Read the rest of this post...


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Memories of Christmas past. (My sister warned me years ago - do not get toys that make noise, and if you do, yank the batteries and claim it's broken.) Read the rest of this post...

The Christmas dishes will be clean as a whistle

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Apparently Carmela has taught herself a new trick. Read the rest of this post...

Christmas Morning Open Thread

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Whether or not you're celebrating Christmas today, that message from the Christmas angel of "peace on earth, good will towards men [and women]" isn't such a bad idea. Read the rest of this post...

Merry Christmas

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So what's everyone doing this morning? We just finished our croissant and coffee and are ready for a nice walk around town. No surfing, but with the recent warm weather it wouldn't be out of the question...if I could surf. Read the rest of this post...

Apparently I'm getting my niece a Barbie whose dog poops

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I was wrapping Xmas gifts tonight, late, as is my tradition (born of laziness), and finally got a close look at the Barbie my sister picked up for me to give my 6 year old niece. It appears that this particular Barbie's dog poops. This is the back of the box.

Just called sis, and yes, this was in fact the Barbie my niece wanted. Barbie whose dog, "Tanner," poops.

Christmas is getting weird. Read the rest of this post...

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