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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Why is the only good Republican a "conservative" Republican?

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Rick Santorum suggests today that only "conservatives" are good Republicans. Why? Someone should ask him why you have to be a conservative to be a good Republican. Why can't you be a moderate Republican, or a liberal Republican? Why is it only people on the far right of the party who are "real" Republicans? It's a fascinating point, and one that has become dogma within the GOP, if only because moderate and liberal Republicans are such wimps they rarely stick up for themselves.

From Zeke Miller at Buzzfeed:
"It’s absolutely laughable to have a liberal governor of Massachusetts say that I am not a conservative," Santorum said, attacking Romney's tax plan.
Santorum then unloaded on Paul, responding to his charge on Wednesday night that he is 'a fake.' "Let’s see who’s calling who a fake," Santorum said. "His conservative rating has been one of the worst in Congress. His conservative rating is as bad as some liberal democrats, maybe it’s for different reasons. He’s no conservative."
Again, so what? Why doesn't the media ask ask people like Santorum to explain why you have to be a conservative to be the candidate? It seems conservative Republicans keep busting the budget and getting us into wars. Could moderate Republicans really be worse? Read the rest of this post...

Great story of how Reddit helped a terminally ill kid get a book pre-publication

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Neat story. Even neater video of the friend giving the kid the book. HuffPost has the story, I'll quote a little, but you can go there and read the rest:
In what resembled a crowd-sourced take on the Make-A-Wish foundation, social news site Reddit has helped make the literary hopes of a young, terminally ill patient come true.

User kivakid created a post asking, "My friend has terminal cancer and may die by June. I’m trying to fulfill one of his last wishes. Is there any way to obtain a copy of a book that hasn’t been released yet?"

The book was an installment of "The War That Came Early," a series by Harry Turtledove, set to release in July of this year...
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Fired Murdoch exec briefed by police on hacking investigation

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So far there's no sign of money being handed over in exchange for the information, but there aren't many reasons why anyone in the police would provide such information out of friendliness. Once again, just imagine how News Corp would be spinning this story if it was a competitor. Murdoch should be thankful that his competitors are too nice. The Guardian:
Rebekah Brooks allegedly received details of the original failed phone-hacking investigation into the News of the World from a senior Metropolitan police officer. Brooks, who resigned as News International chief executive last July, is expected to be interviewed by officers as a witness in the coming weeks over the new allegations, the Independent reports. There is no suggestion that she is implicated in the investigation. The unnamed police officer, who was involved in the first phone-hacking inquiry, has not been suspended while the allegations are investigated.
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Will the so-called deficit hawks condemn the Romney plan?

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When I saw pictures of Romney's 1200 person stadium crowd, my first though was 'hey didn't our guy fill stadiums last time round'. I was planning to do a photo comparison but Think Progress got there first. The visual comparison is quite stunning. Obama was filling stadiums for real round about this time in 2008 and it is clear that Romney could not do that, not in any state of the union.

Not such a good message for a candidate whose campaign proposition is that he is the only candidate who can beat Obama.

But as Ezra Klein points out, the real news was not the stadium fail but the speech Romney gave. Promised as 'revenue neutral', the actual plan is essentially more of the Bush approach that got us into this mess:
The outline of Romney’s tax reform plan is the same as what you heard on Wednesday. And Romney backed his advisers up, promising that his plan “will not add to the deficit.” Or he appeared to. But the way it won’t add to the deficit, he said, was through “stronger economic growth, spending cuts, and base broadening will offset the reductions.” Raise your hand if you see what Romney did there.
Krugman will undoubtedly weigh in sooner or later pointing out that Romney's budget is based on lying. Apparently it takes a Nobel laureate to point out the obvious fact that it is not possible for a country to solve a deficit problem with massive tax cuts for the 1%.

But even judged on the GOP's own standards the Romney budget is a catastrophe. The country cannot afford a budget that is 'revenue neutral'. The budget is already in an unsustainable deficit and the additional revenues from growth are already spoken for to reduce the deficit.

Don't get me wrong. Austerity is not the solution to a recession. Japan proved that long before the Europeans went down that path. Now is not the time to be reducing spending or raising taxes on the 99%. But once the economy is growing again, that time will have come. Obama is proposing to use spending cuts and growth to move back towards the balanced budget Clinton left the last GOP administration. Romney is proposing a plan that would sustain the deficit at current levels even according to his own figures.

No wonder then that the candidate of the 1% attracts a 2% crowd. Read the rest of this post...

The .01 Percent Primary—How 196 people will buy the 2012 election, and where that money will go

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There's an excellent, longish article at Alternet by Ari Berman, highly readable, well researched, about the major money going into the 2012 election. The revelation isn't that it's being bought — it's the extent to which it's being bought. Berman delivers the names and numbers.

He starts with the bottom line (my emphasis and some reparagraphing throughout):
At a time when it’s become a cliché to say that Occupy Wall Street has changed the nation’s political conversation -- drawing long overdue attention to the struggles of the 99% -- electoral politics and the 2012 presidential election have become almost exclusively defined by the 1%. Or, to be more precise, the .0000063%. Those are the 196 individual donors who have provided nearly 80% of the money raised by super PACs in 2011 by giving $100,000 or more each.
And where is that money going? TV ads, which are not at all cheap, plus other media and direct mail buys. This is not something you should gloss over lightly; it's a critical part of the problem, as I'll explain in a minute:
The Wesleyan Media Project recently reported a 1600% increase in interest-group-sponsored TV ads in this cycle as compared to the 2008 primaries.

Florida has proven the battle royal of the super PACs thus far. There, the pro-Romney super PAC, Restore Our Future, outspent the pro-Gingrich super PAC, Winning Our Future, five to one. In the last week of the campaign alone, Romney and his allies ran 13,000 TV ads in Florida, compared to only 200 for Gingrich. Ninety-two percent of the ads were negative in nature[.]
Berman calls this the ".01 Percent Primary" — agreeing with all those who believe that while "The 1%" makes a great slogan, it's really the 1% of the 1% who call all the shots.
The .01 Percent Primary

More than 300 super PACs are now registered with the Federal Election Commission. ... [With the exception of the Stephen Colbert super PAC] the super PACs on both sides of the aisle are financed by the 1% of the 1%.

Romney’s Restore Our Future Super PAC, founded by the general counsel of his 2008 campaign, has led the herd, raising $30 million, 98% from donors who gave $25,000 or more. Ten million dollars came from just 10 donors who gave $1 million each. These included three hedge-fund managers and Houston Republican Bob Perry, the main funder behind the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in 2004, whose scurrilous ads did such an effective job of destroying John Kerry’s electoral prospects. ...

[Rick Santorum's] super PAC -- Red, White & Blue -- has raised and spent more than the candidate himself. Forty percent of the $2 million that has so far gone into Red, White & Blue came from just one man, Foster Friess, a conservative hedge-fund billionaire and Christian evangelical from Wyoming. ...

For now, Gingrich’s sugar daddy Adelson has pledged to stay with his flagging campaign, but he’s also signaled that if the former Speaker of the House goes down, he’ll be ready to donate even more super PAC money to a Romney presidential bid.

And keep in mind that there’s nothing in the post-Citizens United law to stop a donor like Adelson, hell-bent on preventing the Obama administration from standing in the way of an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, from giving $100 million, or for that matter, however much he likes.
Stunningly large amounts of money; but I shop at Safemart. I don't have Adelson's $21,000,000,000, or Foster Friess' $530,000,000, or the money of any of these Romney billionaire donors, as listed by Forbes:

        Ken Griffin [$2.3 billion]
        Paul Tudor Jones [$3.2 billion]
        William Koch [$4 billion]
        Julian Robertson [$2.4 billion]
        Stephen Ross [$3.1 billion]
        Steven Roth [$1.05 billion]
        Marc Rowan [$1.45 billion]
        Alice Walton [$20.9 billion]
        Jim Walton [$21.1 billion]
        Sam Zell [$4.7 billion]

If I did have those dollars, I drop a few dimes (in $10 million increments) on the presidential race as well. There's more than $60 billion dollars of net worth in just that Romney list, and that's not his whole list; there's more.

(By the way, the two Waltons on the list are the really-bigs; that $40 billion between them is inherited Walmart money. And yes, that's yet another Koch brother, the poor one. The Waltons and the Kochs are two of the 18 families behind the repeal of the Inheritance Tax. You read it right — just 18 families.)

Shadow super PAC—the 501c4 groups

The article then mentions the Daddy of all Super PACs, the "501c4" organizations, and says, "any donor can give an unlimited contribution to a 501c4 -- outfits defined by the IRS as 'civic leagues or organizations not organized for profit but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare,' and to make matters worse, that contribution will remain eternally secret." He calls these "shadow super PACs" and he's right.

Obama isn't spared. In a section called "The Myth of Small Donors" Berman notes: "Obama’s top contributors included employees of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, and Citigroup" despite the little-guy giving the campaign chose to emphasize.

Obama's 2012 super PAC is called Priorities USA. He needs $1 billion to run his campaign. Do the math; then do the after-election math.

There's more to this piece than I can quote or even reference. Berman's writing is clear and specific. You won't be sorry you read it (you may be sorry you live here, but not because the article is badly done; it's not.)

About those TV stations

Remember how I said above that the media — the networks and TV stations — were a huge part of the problem? Most people only look at the front end of the election system. They see how Big Money buys candidates who pay them back with favorable laws, low taxes, and lack of prosecutions.

But think of the candidate as just a pass-through for the cash. The money starts somewhere (Our Betters); they give it to campaigns and campaign surrogates; tons of people take a very generous cut; and it ends up somewhere. The candidate isn't bought with the money; the candidate is bought with electoral office.

What does most of that money actually buy? TV time. Very expensive TV time.

Think for a minute from the standpoint of the network or TV station owner:

■ I have a broadcast license that, in practice, I can never lose. (I pray daily to the Great God Clinton, blessings on his name, for that one.)

■ I have a political system that allows me to charge big bucks for what used to be free — access to TV for candidates.

■ I have a campaign financing system that dumps unlimited money into the pockets of politicians and their supporters — and that money needs to be spent.

■ Who do they spend it on? Me.

As a general rule, 75% of campaign money goes to media and communications, and while I don't have the TV numbers (national and local), I'd bet that TV accounts for the bulk of it.

In 2008, TV commercials accounted for $2.8 billion, alone, in expenditures; 2012 is on target to go off that reservation and onto another planet.

If I'm a network owner — and I look at that setup — I'm looking at "my Precious." I love my Precious more than life, and I will murder with my hands the first person who tries to change a hair on its little head.

Virtually murder, of course, by single-mindedly and repeatedly destroying his reputation. Something I can easily do, because my product is — media.

Even if every politician in the world wanted that system to change, the media owners would block them every time. That system is worth gold. It's ... Precious. For that reason alone, I fear it will never change.

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Ethiopiques - Alemayehu Eshete

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Wow, truly a golden age for music in Ethiopia. The sound is such a fantastic blend of Western music and northern Africa. I'm still in Texas at the moment and getting organized for South By South West in Austin next month. I made it to Austin for the first time recently and really enjoyed it. My parents lived there way back in the 1950's and lived in the SoCo area, well before it was the neighborhood that it is today. Definitely looking forward to making the trip back and grabbing a coffee at Jo's again. If anyone is going to be attending SXSW let me know. Read the rest of this post...

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