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Sunday, December 19, 2004

Late Sunday open thread

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I figured I'd put this ABOVE the lengthy post below, so you could see both. Do read the post below, it's a riot and enraging at the same time. Read the rest of this post...

Why does Alan Keyes hate his lesbian daughter?

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Oh how I wish that title were a joke.

Someone just forwarded me an incredibly hideous, bigoted fundraising email from a Keyes-affiliated organization that's out to fight the homos. It's long as hell, but I'm posting the whole thing because it's amazingly nasty. All-the-more-so since Alan Keyes' own daughter was recently discovered to be an out lesbian. Read this. It's long, but well worth the read. NOTE: the formating is a bitch because it came via email. If you widen your screen to max, it should read a bit better.


Secretly... Stealthily... radical homosexual activists
have been picking the pockets of American companies --
and their customers, like you. In the process they're
undermining America's families and the sanctity of
marriage. And I know THEY don't care about you and your
family, and traditional family values, but you do --
and I do! That's why I had to write you this letter.

Dear Trusted Friend,

YOU PROBABLY KNOW that the recent Supreme Court decision
Lawrence v. Texas basically gives homosexuals the right to do
whatever they want, including "marriage" in Massachusetts --
and soon, in your state too!

BUT WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW is that the financial benefits of
marriage have already been handed to them -- over and over
again -- by American companies YOU do business with!

What I'm talking about is that homosexuals who work for American
companies, in increasing numbers, are demanding and getting
the same benefits for their "partners" as a legally-married
husband and wife.

In fact, a homosexual "partner" can move in on Sunday and begin
getting benefits on Monday! And these FREE benefits include
free healthcare, bereavement and family leave benefits, free
life insurance, the use of fitness facilities, AND sick leave.

And to be "fair," these companies sometimes (not always!)
extend the same benefits to live-in boyfriends and girlfriends
of heterosexuals, too.


Of course, ANY kind of "equal" treatment for non-married
couples sends the message that "Marriage is no big deal,"
and "Our company sees no value in marriage!"

So you might think it was just a handful of companies that
would act this way. But NO -- I'm talking about companies YOU
deal with all the time! Companies like:

American Express, Procter and Gamble, Bank of America,
Barnes & Noble, the stock broker Charles Schwab, Coca-
Cola, Compaq Computers, Kodak, Ford Motor Co., JP
Morgan Chase, General Motors, Hewlett-Packard, IBM,
Levi Strauss & Co., Microsoft, Qwest Communications,
Shell Oil Co., Starbucks, The Gap, Inc., Time Warner
Co., and Verizon Communications.

... and I could, unfortunately, go on and on!

Not only that, but the number of companies who knuckle under
from pressure and threats from radical homosexual activist
groups goes up almost weekly!

In fact, a recent poll shows that one-third of all U.S.
companies either DO offer, or are WILLING to offer, "marriage"
benefits to homosexuals living together. Its not that I hate
homosexuals. But they should not be given special privileges,
which are not provided for under our Constitution and other

Click here to help us by contributing now:


Ten years ago I started Judicial Watch, the independent watchdog
group that uses publicity and legal action to hold government,
and elected officials, accountable to the public. In that time,
I've seen every kind of trick by special interest groups to get
their way with politicians.

Now I'm seeing homosexual groups use the same pressure tactics
on American businesses.

And, as you may know, while I was Chairman of Judicial Watch
before I left to run for the U.S. Senate last year, it was the
ONLY organization to win a verdict against Bill Clinton for
any of his illegal and immoral activities. That success has
given me a national voice.

So now, in the same way, I want to use that voice to expose
another kind of injustice. It is an injustice against the decent
families of America -- families like yours. The very companies
you patronize are denigrating marriage. Their policies proclaim
they have NO pro-family compass.

Not only that, but they see no benefit for themselves in workers
who have stable, loving families! Rather, they give homosexual
employees special privileges by virtue of their sexual behavior!

But their offense is not just against our families, although
that is wrong enough. You see, they also blithely ignore the
financial cost of these "domestic partner" arrangements, sweeping
them under the rug when their stockholders meet.

Yet the fact is, my friend, that such "domestic partner"
arrangements have HUGE costs. While I support medical treatment
for AIDS, you should not have to pay for it. The cost of anti-
HIV drugs alone for homosexual domestic partners is immense!
The insurance companies then recover that cost by raising the
premiums they charge everyone, including you!

Plus, homosexuals living together as "domestic partners" often
file as "married" with the IRS for further benefits.

Not only that, but companies, to pay the higher premiums their
"open-mindedness" costs them, usually pass on the costs to their

So every Coke you drink, every piece of Microsoft software you
buy, every roll of Kodak film you buy, and the Ford or GM car
you drive -- plus your health insurance -- have an inflated
price to pay benefits for non-married (mostly temporary)

To me, that's just not right, and it's not fair to you or to
any other American who has a stable family.


You see, radical homosexual activists haven't been satisfied
just with "domestic partner" agreements from these companies!
They've also gotten them to donate millions to radical pro-
homosexual lobbying groups at the local, state, and federal

For example, you may have wondered, "Gee, I don't have money
to pay a lawyer to sue somebody. Where did a homosexual guy get
the money to sue the state of Texas -- and take them all the
way to the Supreme Court -- and win?"

The answer is: Radical Homosexuals undoubtedly use some of the
money from these corporations to help finance this.

And, as the refusal of the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a challenge
to same-sex "marriage" in Massachusetts shows, it is becoming
more and more necessary to see this corporate high jacking of
the American consumer come to a stop!

A Constitutional amendment, while necessary, will take many, many
years to push through, after all the damage has been done. That's
why it is so very critical you help me succeed now in cutting off
the funding of the radical homosexual effort to destroy marriage!

Click here to contribute now:


You see, we need to reverse this growing trend among American

* Because their "generosity" pushes up the cost of
the products YOU buy and the health care premiums
YOU pay.

* Because once the "camel's nose is in the tent,"
many of these same companies go on to give BIG
bucks to radical homosexual groups -- the same
ones who are pushing to force homosexual
"marriage" through the courts in every state.

* Because corporate endorsement of homosexuality
further erodes the place marriage MUST hold in
any healthy society.

You see, my friend, corporate America depends on "regular folks"
like us to use their products. They never could survive on
homosexual customers alone (about 1-2% of the population by
current estimates).

But they think they can count on our ignorance, or apathy. That's
why they effectively funnel millions of dollars they get when we
buy their products to radical groups who are at war with everything
we believe in -- groups who are determined to wipe out the special
place of the traditional family.

WITH IT. Because I know, and now YOU know, just what they're

So I'm asking you to join with me in a 5-part strategy to counteract what radical homosexual activists are doing in corporate America.


Before I lay out my strategy, let me explain to you why so many
companies -- more every week -- are caving in to the demands of
these radical homosexual groups.

In a few cases, it's because the company leadership is so "liberal"
that they actually believe that trashing marriage is a good idea.

But in most cases, it's because they're SCARED! Scared of the kind
of venom, hatred, harassment, and embarrassment that radical
homosexual activists will cause ANYONE who opposes them.

Believe me, I know what I'm talking about! In every public campaign
I've done to promote the family, or to promote traditional American
values, some of my most bitter opponents have been radical homosexual activists and the politicians who are beholden to them.

So, frankly, I understand why these company executives just want
to be left alone. That's their motive. Just leave me alone, they
say, and let me sell cars, or coffee, or financial services.

So our basic strategy has to be: let's NOT "just leave them alone."
We have a five-part plan:

FIRST, I need to alert conservatives like you to what's going on
and get your backing.

SECOND, you and I must let the leadership of companies that aid
and abet radical homosexual activists know we are aware of their
actions and we will call public attention to it.

THIRD, we will alert company Board members, and especially
stockholders to the effect these "domestic partner" arrangements
are having on the company's bottom line. Believe me, the company
executives who promote radical pro-homosexual policies do NOT
want a big stink raised at stockholder meetings! They DREAD it!
But that's what's coming at them if you'll help me!

FOURTH, we must demand they make amends by supporting, at least
as much as they do radical pro-homosexual groups, those groups
working to strengthen the traditional family. Homosexuals represent
a mere 1-2% of the population, and we're over 40%, so support for
our causes should be made at least 20 fold!


Frankly, my friend, we are probably going to have to pursue legal
means to achieve our goals. We need your significant help
financially, since the radical homosexual activists hope we will
run out of funds, shut up, and go away.

But if you'll help me, I won't let that happen. It's just like
when I started Judicial Watch in 1994. The political special
interests thought they could out-finance me and block any attempt
I made at shedding light on government malfeasance.

They were wrong! Because of folks like you, we shone the cleansing
light of truth into many seamy pockets of Washington.

You see, the main thing needed is knowing HOW to put pressure on
powerful interests -- and then sticking it out until they cave in.

Yet to get this effort off the ground, I need a great response
from folks like you. Because I do not have "deep pockets." But
if you'll help me, I promise to persist with company after company
until they see the light on this issue.

So please help us in this "outreach to corporate America" because
if you do not, I fear the tide is turning against the American
family. Unless we act NOW, the family as we have known it in
America will be swept out to sea, and God only knows whether it
shall be restored.

So will you please make a small investment in your family's
future, and America's future, by giving a gift, today, to the
"Citizen Action Now!", a project of Declaration Alliance which
I have agreed to head up. Declaration Alliance was started by my
friend Alan Keyes precisely to focus on community-wide issues
that relate to the foundational principles of America.

Click here to contribute now:

As you probably know, Alan Keyes and I have joined efforts to
embark on this tough new endeavor. When Alan ran for President
in 2000 he told me he wanted to make me his Attorney General if
he won. Now, I am truly acting as a private Attorney General for
the family. So Alan and I have been preparing to launch "Citizen
Action Now!" for a long time. NOW is the moment -- and he has
asked me to partner with him on this effort!

A gift of $35 or more, from every person who gets this e-mail,
will fully fund our efforts -- at least until we can get a few
companies to see the light and come to our aid!

And some, I know, just can't give more than 5 or 10 dollars. So
if you can donate something extra -- $50, $100, $150, or even
$500 or $1000 or more, would you please do that so there is
nothing lacking in our effort?

Click here to contribute now:

Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It is Americans
like you, under God, in whom I put my hope.

Yours for the Family,

Larry Klayman

P.S. Corporate support of radical homosexuals is the biggest single
battering ram destroying the family and the home. In courts and in
corporate boardrooms, radical homosexuals use corporate profits to
support and legitimize their lifestyle AND their politics of family
destruction. And the actions of these corporations create the social "climate" that even influences the do-nothing and gutless Supreme Court! please, help me stop the destruction of the family by giving to "Citizen Action Now!" in this Outreach to Corporate America. Please let me know how much YOU can help and WHO you think we should focus on first by returning the enclosed reply form. Thank you, and God bless you!

Click here to contribute now:

If you prefer to donate by mail, please send your check to:

Declaration Alliance / Citizen Action Now! Read the rest of this post...

Sunday evening open thread

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Just got back from a really nice Christmas party in the "horse country" of Virginia. Yes, hideously awful state politically, but they do have some beautiful countryside. Cows. Hills. Barns. Quite lovely.

And now, my final plea on this computer stuff. Argh. Here's what I need help on. I have a new xp desktop connected to my wifi router via an ethernet cable. I have an old windows 2000 laptop connected to my wifi router via a wireless card (or whatever). My xp has nice little instructions for creating a network. Windows 2000 isn't as clear at all as to how to create a network between the two. I check the internet connection in my 2000 laptop and it seems to have all the components like file sharing, tcp/ip etc. But what do I do now? I still don't understand how to actually "find" the other computer - do I need to do something else, what do I click? So far, I still have two computers connected to the same wireless router and no idea what to click to "see" the other.

Bottom line: I want the two computers to see each other on the same network so I can transfer files etc from one computer to the next. What in God's name do I do to accomplish this? I'd also like to be sure I'm not opening up this network to the entire world (I have firewalls on both computers).

Thanks, and I really hope this is the last time I have to trouble folks with this tech carp. Read the rest of this post...

Rummy meets Clarence the Angel, trying to get his wings

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Maureen Dowd:
CLARENCE: No more self-pity, son. I'm going to show you what the world would have been like if you'd never been born... Sam Nunn. He's the defense secretary. Sam consults with Congress. Never acts arrogant or misleads them. He didn't banish the generals who challenged him - he promoted 'em. And, of course, he caught Osama back in '01. He threw 100,000 troops into Afghanistan on 9/11 and sealed the borders. Our Special Forces trapped the evildoer and his top lieutenants at Tora Bora. You weren't at that cabinet meeting the day after 9/11, so nobody suggested going after Saddam. No American troops died or were maimed in Iraq. No American soldiers tortured Iraqis in Abu Ghraib. No Iraqi explosives fell into the hands of terrorists. There's no office of disinformation to twist perception abroad. We're not on the cusp of an Iraq run by Muslim clerics tied to Iran. Here's Sam. He's with the chairman of the Joint Chiefs.
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GOP Senator Hagel: No Confidence in Rummy

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The buzzards are circling. Read the rest of this post...

Sunday open thread

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I'm off to a Xmas brunch. Hopefully the boys will weigh in while I'm away. Chat. Read the rest of this post...

Time magazine picks Bush as person of the year - Time succumbs to the Dark Lord

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Give me a break. This has got to be the new lowest of lows in suck-up journalism. The only possible way Bush has the been the man to most change the world in the past year is to most foul up the world in the past year. In that regard, yes, he deserves the nod, but only if Time is willing to say that this is the reason - the same reason, say, Hitler might be man of the year for most impacting the world. Read through the quotes from Time, it doesn't seem that this was their thought.
President Bush's bold, uncompromising leadership and his clear-cut election victory made him Time magazine's ``Person of the Year'' for 2004, its managing editor said on Sunday.

Time chose Bush ``for sticking to his guns (literally and figuratively), for reshaping the rules of politics to fit his 10-gallon-hat leadership style and for persuading a majority of voters this time around that he deserved to be in the White House for another four years,'' Jim Kelly wrote in the magazine.
Oh gag me. I suggesting taking a subscription to Time off the old Christmas list. Read the rest of this post...

Christian ideals vs. Republican policies

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Interesting article from the BBC. What happens when Republican policies start to come up against REAL Christian values like helping the poor and not killing the world? It may be high time to launch a Christian values counterattack against the GOP. Start talking about real Christian values like helping the disadvantaged, NOT starting wars, loving EVERYONE - then watch their united front divide.
"I don't want to see any more tax cuts," said Carri.

"I see a lot of families struggling a great deal. What we need is more government funds to look after disadvantaged children."

Stephen thought for a moment. "If the purpose of expanding America's forces overseas," he said, "is to chase an ideological idea of democracy, that's where I would break.

"I'm not in favour of democratising the whole world."...

I asked the church's young, softly spoken Pastor, Larry Brown, what President Bush would have to do for him to preach against it from the pulpit.

"If he were creating an empire," he says, "that would be troublesome for me.

"Outright military aggression is something Christians can't embrace."
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In Kerik, Bush Saw Values Crucial to Post-9/11 World

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I think Bush was thinking of values crucial to a post-apocalyptic world. Sex, organized crime, and bad cops. Read the rest of this post...

Another wingnut defection?

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It disturbs me to see yet another so-called moderate Republican speak out about moving the party to the left (or even center) after the active participation in the recent election. Schwarzenegger is now saying that the party needs to move to the left but where was this talk during the campaign? The wingnuts are drunk with confidence and they believe that it was them and only them that won the election in November. I just hope that this internal fight grows into something more than it is now and that the wingnuts try to force them out of the party with their Taliban mentality.
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Big Energy rolls out the red carpet, plans for second administration

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Four more wars! Four more wars! Who owns you George? Who owns us America?
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Why does the GOP hate democracy?

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These are legitimate votes that were received on time with no problems but a Washington state court is rejecting the votes. The failure of the election board to scan in the vote but fail to scan in the signatures should have nothing to do with whether or not these votes are legitimate. Where the hell is the spineless DNC on this issue and why can they not make this a national issue? It's about time they develop a little backbone and learn how to work the media and stand up for Americans who vote.
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Brace yourself! Democrats making an issue out of lack of armor for troops

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Easy there fella. Someone might get the wrong impression and start thinking that the Dem's are planning to eventually fighting back. Sure, this issue has been around for ages and in fact was already a front page news story in the Boston Globe about a week ago (without comment or additional follow up by the media or politicians) but this is our feerless Democratic leadership who is so well known for standing up to the bully party. I guess they have to start somewhere.
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Biggest pedophile enabler in history calls kettle black

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Yes, the Pope again, who else? Apparently, war and famine and disease aren't such a big deal as homos. I can't wait till the Pope finally meets Jesus. He's in for a big surprise. Read the rest of this post...

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