How hundreds of kids believed two gay guys in Chelsea were Santa. For some reason, kids just started sending "Dear Santa" letters to an apartment in Chelsea, NYC. .
Uganda anti-gay law would put to death any who criticize it. Top gay rights activist in Uganda would immediately be sentenced to death if bill passes. .
“The most significant cases these 9 Justices have ever considered, and probably… will ever decide”. SCOTUSblog on the Supreme Court's imminent decision on considering several historic gay marriage cases. .
NV Judge: If gays can marry, straights will decide not to, and the human race will die. If that's your bf's reason for not getting married, HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU. .
Russia to consider “ban everything gay” law. For the children, of course. Though I think it's more for the adults who pine for the old communist dictators. .
Stephanie Miller: “I apologize… I’m a bad gay”. Miller recently had a Salvation Army spokesman on her show whose lies about anti-gay past went unchallenged. .
Carnival Cruise: You can dress in drag if your drag looks like your photo ID, which would be NO ONE. So is Carnival planning va-jay-jay inspections of all of their female passengers, because that should be fun. .
NFL player defends right to use word “f*ggot” in public. Cleveland Brown's Tank Carder: "I don't agree with being gay... but saying f*ggot doesn't make me a homophobe." .
Current TV’s Stephanie Miller: It’s an Internet lie that Salvation Army is anti-gay. Current TV's Stephanie Miller erased four decades of Salvation Army anti-gay hate in one four-minute segment. .
Carnival ban on “drag” during “drag cruise” is not anti-gay, it’s cuz of 9/11. How odd that Carnival didn't ban costumes on a non-gay cruise just a month ago. .
“Call me, maybe” face-off: US troops vs. UK Royal Engineers, in Afghanistan. There's a special place in heaven for hunky military boys acting all gay. .
Boeing using DOMA as excuse to deny benefits to married gay couples. It's a pretty weasel-y thing for Boeing to do, and they're catching hell for it. .
Fire Island sand dunes destroyed by Hurricane Sandy. Hurricane Sandy damaged Fire Island, but the local sand dunes did a lot to lessen the destruction. .
Amnesty International suggests being gay is a “choice,” in story about Uganda “kill the gays” bill. "It's really a question of the right of an individual to choose how they want to live their lives." Uh, no. .
Give Salvation Army anti-gay bigots vouchers instead of money. The Salvation Army considers itself an evangelical church and actively discriminates against gays. Boycott them. .
Uganda to pass death penalty for gays, people who rent to gays, donate to gays, don’t turn gays into police. In these tough fiscal times, why is the US giving half a billion dollars a year to finance this slaughter? .
Straight guys respond to gay guys’ threat to marry their girlfriends (funny). A cute follow-up video to the cute video I posted earlier in which gay guys threaten to marry your girlfriends. .
Was advice columnist right to tell woman to divorce transgender husband?. Did she make the right call? Is marriage, any romantic relationship, based on gender to such a degree? .
SF Bans Public Nudity: The Rise of the Fig Leaf. Move over Peoria, Toledo, and the 88,000 other US cities that ban public nudity, and make way for San Francisco. .
Gay men will marry your girlfriends unless you support gay marriage (funny video). A hysterical video about why every straight guy should support marriage equality. .
Religious right lawyer Lisa Biron arrested by FBI on child sex charges. Worked for "the" lead religious-right family-values legal group tied to Focus on the Family, Coral Ridge. .
UK bus-driver abandons bus because of pro-gay ad on side. The ad read: "Some people are gay. Get over it!" The bus driver, sadly, did not get over it. .
Gays made Petraeus do it, religious right say. General Petraeus' adultery is all the fault of the gays, says Family Research Council. Damn we're good. .
“Hispanics are… socialists,” that’s why they vote for Dems, says religious right leader. GOP presidential candidates, congressmen, regularly appear on the AFA's Bryan Fischer's radio show. .
Were legalizing marijuana and gay marriage on the same day God’s plan?. Gay marriage was legalized in three states last election day, recreational pot in two. Is there a connection? .
With religious right’s help, Nigeria trying to ban everything gay. African country set to pass US religious right-inspired hate bill in ironic effort stop stop western influence. .
Will Obama be a more effective progressive in his second term?. Writer Kerry Eleveld says that flush with victories on gay rights and immigration, the answer is "yes." .
Wonderful video of the moment gays won in Minnesota last Tuesday. A tear-jerking look at the moment we beat a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage in Minnesota. .
Religious right to target Starbucks in Middle East over gay marriage (bizarre). Of course, America's religious right thinks Muslims are demons. So, good luck with that. .