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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Unemployment up in GOP strongholds Texas and South Carolina

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Wait, so does this mean that GOP policies are damaging the employment situation? South Carolina voted for a Teabagger favorite and Texas reelected another GOP extremist who talked about leaving the union. Sounds like their extremist policies are not paying off for the population.

For South Carolina, the GOP made job creation a priority but it's not looking good. Maybe Fox News wants to pick up on this since they liked bashing the Democrats so much. If they want to stay consistent, fair and balanced, they really ought to start hammering away at the Republican policies and job losses. Of course, we all know they have no interest in being fair and balanced.
South Carolina’s unemployment rate spiked to 10.5 percent in June from 10 percent in May — the largest over-the-month unemployment rate increase in the nation, followed by Alabama, Arkansas and Illinois with plus .3 percent each.

“We’ve thrown everything we’ve got at this recession and nothing is working,” said College of Charleston economist Frank Hefner. “We have a structural problem. The recession was a meltdown and we haven’t seen anything like that since the 1930s. I hate to think that the new normal is 10 percent unemployment.”

June is the second month in a row that the state’s jobless rate jumped, after a steady, 16-month decline from a high of 11.7 percent in January 2010 to 9.8 percent in April, according to numbers released Friday by the state Department of Employment and Workforce.
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Midwest thunderstorms

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Midwestern thunderstorms are something I miss terribly, living in DC.  Sure we get the occasional thunderstorm, and the occasionally big thunderstorm, but not like back home.  Shot these in Chicago on Saturday.  A few photos, then a few videos.

The lightning storm, where I got the above shots, was amazing.  At its peak, it was just non-stop flashes of light, almost mesmerizing. Here are a few minutes of video I took of it.

This, below, was some video I tried shooting with my iphone. Not as good of quality as the other vid, but I did capture one great blast of lightning.

I'm not sure if you can totally appreciate the color of the sky in this final video. It was turning green. Any midwesterner can tell you about that green. It's the green that comes before a tornado (doesn't guarantee a tornado, but it's often associated with tornado watches and warnings out here - and it's never a sign of something good).  (With a special appearance by mom's voice, and Sasha shrieking in the background because she's been left behind inside the house.)

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Congress should cut their own salary and entitlements before hitting the middle class

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Budget cuts are only for the little people. Huffington Post:
Nor, I am afraid, can we afford to pay you $174,000 per year. You take a lot of time off already, probably more than teachers, and so we are really overpaying you, and you do not need to invest in continuing education to keep your credentials up-to-date. Moreover, middle-class workers actually suffered a decline in salaries over the last decade, even prior to the Bush Recession, so you need to be cut back to what you were earning in 1999.

We would like to pay you more, but we just cannot afford it.

Oh, yes, on healthcare and your gym memberships -- you can start paying for those like all other Americans do, out of your salaries. Instead of the program for federal employees, you can only get covered by whatever insurance is available in the states from which you come. That will be good for you, it would enable you to be "men and women 'of the people.'" We are doing that for your own benefit.
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DNA shows humans and Neanderthals had sex

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Many modern-day humans may be carrying around a fragment of Neanderthal DNA on one of their sex chromosomes, a new study finds.

The research adds a piece of corroborating evidence to the theory that Neanderthals and humans interbred sometime after humans migrated out of Africa between 50,000 and 80,000 years ago. The DNA fragment, found on the human X chromosome, is present in 9 percent of humans across the world from Asia to Europe to America — except in Africa, where it does not appear.

"It's in the Middle East, it's in Europe, it's in Eurasia, it's in America, it's in Australia," study researcher Damian Labuda of the University of Montreal told LiveScience. "This one event which led to this on the human X chromosome has to occur very early after modern man left Africa."
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Alleged Norway terror suspect admits guilt, calls them "gruesome but necessary"

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How many more home grown right wing extremists are out there on both sides of the Atlantic? BBC News:
The man accused of a massacre at a youth camp in Norway and a bombing in the capital, Oslo, has admitted responsibility, his lawyer says.

Anders Behring Breivik, 32, described his actions as "gruesome but necessary", and said he would explain himself at a court hearing on Monday.

At least 85 people died when a gunman ran amok on Utoeya island on Friday, hours after an Oslo bomb killed seven.

As Norway mourned the victims, police continued to search for the missing.

At least four people from the island camp shooting are yet to be found; it is thought some may have drowned after swimming out into the lake to escape the hail of bullets.
The BBC now claims 97 people are confirmed dead. Rupert Murdoch's UK tabloid, Fox News and the Wall Street Journal both do their best to promote the attack as an al-Qaeda attack. Clever job again by Team Murdoch. Read the rest of this post...

London 7/7 terror victims investigate whether London police sold their private details

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It's not just the News Corp team that needs to be cleaned up. The London Metropolitan Police have had serious problems for a long time. The Guardian:
Survivors of the 2005 London bombings have asked lawyers to investigate allegations that Scotland Yard "sold" or passed on the confidential contact list of the 7 July victims to reporters working for News International.

Beverli Rhodes, chair of the Survivors' Coalition Foundation, said that a number of 7/7 victims suspected that personal contact details, including mobile phone and ex-directory landline numbers as well as home addresses, were passed by officers to News of the World journalists.

The former security consultant, who specialised in counter-terrorism, said she had been contacted by a number of survivors of the bombings who said they had been approached by News of the World reporters with bogus stories of how they obtained their details, which they believe may have originated with the police.
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Krugman: "President Pushover"

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From Elizabeth Drew in the New York Review of Book (link here) via Paul Krugman:
[Obama's past concessions have] established in both Democrats’ and Republicans’ minds the thought that Obama was a weak negotiator—a “pushover.”
No news there, and in my mind, not true in the actual world (see below). But it is true in the ad-man world of "perception is reality," the world of the easily fooled (look around; you see a few).

In that sense the "President Pushover" meme matters, and that's what Obama's selling himself as, whether he wants to or not. He still has this large hopey-changey aura from legions of our low information voters clinging to his cloak, but the noticing ones (early adopters of the next round of change) are dropping away rapidly.

The real news from Ms. Drew is her view of inside-the-White House thinking.
It all goes back to the “shellacking” Obama took in the 2010 elections. The President’s political advisers studied the numbers and concluded that the voters wanted the government to spend less. ... [T]he political advisers believed that elections are decided by middle-of-the-road independent voters, and this group became the target for determining the policies of the next two years.
Note that those middle-of-the-road voters are the "easily fooled" mentioned above. (For more on low-information voters, read this from Chris Hayes; an eye-opener.)

Ignore the fact that this thinking has nothing to do with integrity, or ideas, or policy, or Audacity, or Hope; it's pure what's-best-for-me-now. Here's Krugman on what's wrong with this thinking from a political standpoint:
As I recall, two things happened last year: voters were angry about the weak economy, and older voters believed that Obama was going to take away their Medicare and send them to the death panels. And so the way to win those voters back is to cut Medicare and weaken the economy?
Exactly. If the Double Dip Fairy shows up (is that its little head just at the door?), and if the Republicans attack Obama on Social Security and Medicare (duh), all bets are off for 2012.

So what's really going on? I think Ms. Drew is right in her analysis of insider White House thinking. I asked earlier if the GOP was trying to crash the economy on purpose. There are three players — the Obamas, the Boehners, and the Cantors (Tea Party players). Your analysis depends on whether you think it's Obama & Boehner vs. the Tea Party, or Boehner & Tea Partiers vs. Obama.

My best guess is the former (Obama-Boehner) with the outcome vs. the Tea Party still in doubt. The Tea Party, I think, really does believe that the only apocalypse is the one in the book they worhsip, that Geithner can dance away from trouble for months if he has to. Obama and Boehner seem to be 99% agreed, with most of the fiddling being done on appearances. (Does Obama need to appear to force new revenue? Does Boehner need to appear to reject it?)

Me? I'm rooting for the Tea Party to force a last-minute clean bill, but I believe in the Happy Ending Fairy.

If all three players are in it together, we're sunk. In that light, I found this from Digby to be very thoughtful. It's from Michael Hudson speaking on KPFA radio (my emphases):
It’s a good cop-bad cop charade. The Republicans are playing the role of the bad cop. Their script says: “You cannot raise taxes on anybody. No progressive income tax, no closing of tax loopholes for special interests, not even prosecutions for tax fraud. And we can get a lot of money back into the economy if we give a tax holiday to the companies and individuals that have been keeping their money offshore. Let’s free the wealthy from taxes to help us recover.’

Mr. Obama can turn around and pretend to be the good cop. “Hey, boys, let me at least do something. I’m willing to cut back Social Security. I’m willing to take over what was George Bush’s program. I share your worries about the budget deficit. We have to balance it, and I’ve already appointed a Deficit Reduction Commission to prepare public opinion for my cutbacks in the most popular programs. But you have to let me get a little bit of revenue somewhere.”

In the end the Republicans will make some small token concessions, but they’ll get their basic program. Mr. Obama will have sold out his constituency.
Click here to see the interview audio link.

That's the analysis that says that either Boehner–Obama–Tea Party are all play-acting for our benefit (we're screwed); or that Boehner–Tea Party will force President Pushover into the worst possible deal (we're screwed). President Pushover or Deceiver-in-chief? It may not matter.

And the outcome? Place your bets now, folks; the last dice are coming out.

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Possible class action lawsuit against News Corp for misleading investors

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It's pile on time and News Corp is going to be on the receiving end for a while.
Hagens Berman's investigation centers on claims that by failing to disclose the hacking, News Corporation made misleading statements to investors, causing the company's stock to be traded at an artificially high price.

Earlier this week, two former executives, one at News of the World and another at the paper's parent company News International, reportedly claimed that James Murdoch, the company's Deputy Chief Operating Officer and heir apparent, was fully informed in 2008 of the scope of the scandal.

"James and Rupert Murdoch either knew or should have known the despicable prevalence of hacking as a reporting tactic at News of the World," said Mr. Kathrein. "We are investigating what they knew and when, as well as the impact the company's failure to disclose the scandal earlier may have had on investors."
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Norway Prime Minister: "The Answer to Violence is even More Democracy"

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Now that is leadership. Unlike the US where so-called leaders continue to believe that it's possible to bomb and jail the the bad guys into submission, this is a refreshing change. Sure, the US and Norway have different positions in the world but if the US wants to tell everyone about how great it's democracy is, maybe it would be possible to actually deliver rather than shut it down. Bush may have led the charge into ignorance but there weren't many who objected. Even now, how many really are demanding that we stop bombing the world? As a country, we could certainly learn a few lessons watching Norway's reaction to this awful act of terrorism. Read the rest of this post...

Krugman on Obama’s deficit proposal: "horrifying... politically stupid"

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Paul Krugman:
Jonathan Cohn summarizes what seems to have been in the deal that Boehner walked away from; it’s horrifying. Above all, the proposed rise in the age of Medicare eligibility was a real betrayal of both Democratic principles and good government.
But it’s quite something else to take people who are currently being covered by a rational single-payer system, and force them back into the inefficient, parasitic world of private insurance. That’s terrible. And it’s also politically stupid: if you think for a minute that Republicans wouldn’t turn right around and run ads about how Obama is taking away your Medicare, you’ve been living under a rock.
Great work, White House.
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Report: News Corp UK execs threatened British Members of Parliament

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Anyone want to bet against the same thing happening in the US? How long do you really need to think about it before you come up with a story about ridiculous attacks on Democrats? This bullying behavior has to stop.
Lib Dem insiders say NI officials took their lobbying campaign well beyond acceptable limits and even threatened, last autumn, to persecute the party if Vince Cable, the business secretary, did not advance its case.

According to one account from a senior party figure, a cabinet minister was told that, if the government did not do as NI wanted, the Lib Dems would be "done over" by the Murdoch papers, which included the now defunct News of the World as well as the Sun, the Times and the Sunday Times.

The accounts are only now coming to light, say sources, because the minister involved feared the potential for damage to the party, which was already suffering a dramatic slide in popularity after going into coalition with the Tories. They chime with reports from senior figures in the Labour party who say that Murdoch executives issued threats to Ed Miliband's office after the Labour leader turned on NI when the news broke that murdered 13-year-old Milly Dowler's phone had been hacked into by the News of the World.
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It’s Wedding Day in New York!

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It's a big day in the Empire State. At the stroke of midnight, marriages between same-sex couples became legal in New York. And, shortly thereafter, couples began getting married.

Over at AMERICAblog Gay, Tim Beauchamp wrote about the first weddings in Niagara Falls.

We'll be covering the day's festivities over at AMERICAblog Gay. So many couples were making plans to get married to day in NYC that Mayor Bloomberg instituted a lottery, capped at 764. But, fortunately, all 823 couples who applied were told they could get married today.

No surprise, there will be protests by homophobes, led by the National Organization for Marriage (NOM). Whatever. They're days of blocking equality are coming to an end. The trendline is moving in our direction -- and fast. New York is a tipping point. The haters know it. We know it. Read the rest of this post...

Amy Winehouse - Tears Dry on Their Own

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It always seemed like it was only a matter of time before this might happen. The poor thing had so much talent but the fame that came with it didn't agree with her. Read the rest of this post...

Norwegian terrorist had links to EU far right groups

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With the focus on Islamic extremists, looks like the Christian far right received a free pass from authorities in Europe. It wouldn't be a surprise to hear the same in the US. The Guardian:
Anders Behring Breivik, the man accused of the murder of at least 92 Norwegians in a bomb and gun massacre, boasted online about his discussions with the far-right English Defence League and other anti-Islamic European organisations.

The Norwegian prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, said Norwegian officials were working with foreign intelligence agencies to see if there was any international involvement in the slaughter. "We have running contact with other countries' intelligence services," he said.

Breivik was arrested on Utøya island where he shot and killed at least 85 people, mostly teenagers, at a youth summer camp for supporters of Norway's Labour party after bombing Oslo's government district just hours before. Dressed as a police officer, he ordered the teenagers to gather round him before opening fire. Survivors described how dozens of people were mown down. The massacre led to the largest death toll ever recorded by a single gunman on the rampage.
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