Trapped in Traffic?

Stuck Listening to the Savage Nation,
Even Though You're a Liberal (or Leftist)?

Or Just a Conservative Fed Up With Michael Savage?

This web site is for you!

Talk Radio Man is the first song from Aeris Aqualis, and they tell me that it was inspired by TRN's lawsuit! I listened to it, I like it, it's mellow, funky and has some hysterically funny lyrics. They say: "It's free! If you like it, burn it -- pass it around -- link it, whatever." Email them at to be added to their mailing list.

Dennis William Hyer covered Savage on his WebComic, Mullein Fields, for a week - got a good chuckle out of me.

Michael Savage for Governor?!? Apparently he's serious (warning: link goes to his web site, has embeded sound - super cheesy). How about a debate between him and Larry Flynt? It would certainly be more entertaining than Davis vs. Simon!

NEW - July 7th, 2003: MSNBC fires Michael Savage (AP) for anti-gay remarks. See also MSNBC Fires Host Savage for Wishing AIDS on Caller (Reuters)

Who took him down? East Coast Bob. Check his web site for an audio sample of Savage losing it completely on the air and other info!

Update - July 10th, 2003: Savage off the air in Los Angeles and Boston (story in Los Angeles Times). Is the end near for Savage's career?!?

Something for Savage to think about in light of the above event...
Death and life are in the power
of the tongue and they who
indulge [abuse] it, shall eat the
fruit of it [for death of life].

- GOD, Proverbs 18:21, Amplified Bible

Latest Press Release, July 7th, 2003: Calls on ClearChannel/KNEW-AM 910 to Dump Savage

Public Service Announcement
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DISCLAIMER: This site is not affiliated with Michael Savage or "The Savage Nation". If you are crazy enough to agree with his despicably racist, sexist/misogynistic, homophobic, anti-immigrant and otherwise hateful rants, then click here to visit Savage's official web site.

Contact Us

Email us at INFO@SAVAGESTUPIDITY.COM, leave a message at 408-591-3342, or write " c/o Thomas Leavitt, P.O. Box 7095, Santa Cruz, CA".

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IMPORTANT: write " defense" on your check, or call/email their development department after you pay by credit card and say that you donated on behalf of This is the only way that your donation will be credited against the costs of our defense (which could still be considerable).

Help us keep fighting!

Send a check made out directly to:

Thomas Leavitt
P.O. Box 7095
Santa Cruz, CA

or click on the PayPal/StormPay/Amazon "gift in support" links above. My wife and I are dependent on very inconsistent free-lance web design income at the moment, so every bit helps keep our heads above water and fighting back against this ridiculous lawsuit and domain dispute.

Main Site


I know you're out there (even Michael admits it), and I know that you're tired of hearing his claims to represent "common sense" and the "majority of Americans" left uncountered by the "liberal" media (which is anything but).


"Without a struggle, there can be no progress."
Join the Frederick Douglass Society today!!!

The Savage Stupidity web site is now over one year old. In that time, we've generated quite a reaction (see the "LoveMail" and "HateMail" pages for a sampling), not to mention quite a bit of press and other attention. If you search for "Michael Savage" or "savage nation" or "Micheal Savage" (a lot of people can't spell Michael, apparently) or "the savage nation" on, you'll find that is near the top of the first page of results - this indicates that, at least as far as the Internet is concerned, this site is as relevant to understanding "the Weiner" as is! As a result of this and other publicity, we are generating thousands of page views a day (cumulatively, over 750,000 as of July 1st, 2003, including over 250,000 in June of 2003 alone).

Which the whole point of having this web site: being heard, by people who both support and oppose Savage. In fact, we have been so successful that the people making a fortune off Savage's hate filled rants, Talk Radio Network, Inc. have hired a fancy Chicago area law firm, Kane, Laduzinsky & Mendoza, Ltd. to try and get this site shut down (see the NastyGram domain name dispute filing and the $1.2 million dollar lawsuit filing). Fortunately, all this has done so far is backfire on them, by generating more publicity for us anti-Savage web sites than we could ever have managed on our own!

Who is Michael Savage (aka Weiner)?

For those of you who don't know, Michael Savage is the number one rated drive-time talk show host in the Bay Area, and is now syndicated on over 300 stations nationwide (he can be heard on KNEW in the Bay Area from 4-7 p.m. weekdays). The latest audience figures (as of spring 2002, according to Talkers Magazine) make him the fifth most listened to talk show host in the nation, right behind Rush, Sean, Dr. Laura and Howard. Scary, isn't it?

If you haven't heard him yet, here's a sample of his brilliant work... highlights: "Sacred Turd World nation", "homosexualized nation where the men are afraid [of animal rights activists]", "Rosie O'Dumbells". You can listen to him via from 2-5 p.m. EDT (11 a.m. to 2 p.m. PDT) and LIVE, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. EDT (4-7 p.m. PDT) Monday thru Friday.

Strike Back - Join The Boycott, Sign The Petition

Tempur-Pedic, Inc. abandons Savage Nation, demands removal from this site!

"We are not advertisers and therefore should not be subject to spending time answering your followers’ boycotting threats."

See Boycott page for details!

Demand diversity in programming and exercise your First Amendment right to free speech, and your consumer's right to choose where your hard earned cash is spent:

Sign our Boycott "The Savage Nation" petition and help restore balance to the airwaves by reinstating the Fairness Doctrine.

Join us in the "HONK IF YOU'RE SICK OF HATE RADIO" campaign! Buy a license plate frame, a bumper sticker, or just print out our free graphic and display it in your car window! When people honk at you, report it to us! It'll be tallied and shown on the HONK-O-METER!

Then visit our Savage Nation sponsor boycott page (thanks to for compiling the sponsors list) and let Savage's advertisers know what you think. Already, a bunch of his sponsors have stopped sponsoring the show (we have proof from the "mortified" advertisers themselves) - hit Savage where it hurts, and the only place he really cares about: his pocketbook.

Update on Lawsuit: WE ARE STILL BEING SUED!

Sue Me, Mr. Weiner, I support, and
Download banner (right click, and hit "Save As"); thanks to Eric Blumrich of
Also see Eric's flash version of this same image, and his non-animated small version.

ACTION ALERT: Help us acquire a videotaped copy of the KION-TV Channel 46 lead story on the lawsuit by Talk Radio Network, Inc. against the co-founders. KION TV indicates the cost of acquiring a copy of the story will be $50.00. We have a volunteer ready and willing to digitize this for upload to the website as soon as it is acquired. Your gift in support of this acquisition is appreciated!

From the Northern Illinois Court web site:

DateCase #CaptionTitleJudgePosted
06/17/0303cv03167Talk Radio v. Thomas Leavitt, et alMinute OrderRonald A. Guzman06/16/03
Description Defendants Thomas and Gunilla Leavitt's motion to exceed fifteen page limit for memorandum of law in support of their motion to dismiss or transfer is granted. Plaintiff given to and including 7/8/03 in which to file response to motion to dismiss or transfer. Defendants given until 7/15/03 to file reply. Ruling on motion to dismiss or transfer will be by mail. Motion of defendant Sigwart to extend the time for filing of motion to dismiss, to and including July 9, 2003, is granted.

Details on Lawsuit

Update on Domain Name Dispute(s): "not confusingly similar" - Now Officially not

Download our banner (right click, and hit "Save As") and link to our site -! Send an email to when you've done this, and we'll link back to you!

PRESS RELEASE, June 29th, 2003: Hails Victory in Domain Name Dispute vs. Talk R adio Network and Michael Savage

Excerpted text from decision:

The Panel finds that the <> domain name is not confusingly similar to Complainant’s mark because the disputed domain name includes the term “stupidity” after Complainant’s mark. Internet users would not confuse Respondent’s domain name with Complainant’s mark because the addition of the term “stupidity” indicates that the disputed domain name has no affiliation with Complainant’s mark. See Robo Enter., Inc. v. Tobiason, FA 95857 (Nat. Arb. Forum Dec. 24, 2000) (noting that using a negative domain name for the purposes of criticism, such as <>, does not create confusion with the service mark of Complainant); see also Lockheed Martin Corp. v. Parisi, D2000-1015 (WIPO Jan. 26, 2001) (finding that “common sense and a reading of the plain language of the Policy support the view that a domain name combining a trademark with the word “sucks” or other such language clearly indicates that the domain name is not affiliated with the trademark owner and therefore <> and <> cannot be considered confusingly similar to LOCKHEED MARTIN).

The Panel finds that Respondent’s domain name is not confusingly similar to Complainant’s mark because the <> domain name is comprised of generic terms “savage” and “stupidity.” See Energy Source Inc. v. Your Energy Source, FA 96364 (Nat. Arb. Forum Feb. 19, 2001) (finding that Respondent has rights and legitimate interests in the domain name where “Respondent has persuasively shown that the domain name is comprised of generic and/or descriptive terms, and, in any event, is not exclusively associated with Complainant’s business”); see also Zero Int'l Holding v. Beyonet Servs., D2000-0161 (WIPO May 12, 2000) (stating that "[c]ommon words and descriptive terms are legitimately subject to registration as domain names on a 'first-come, first-served' basis").

The administrator of also reports victory in his case. A bad day for Savage and his sharks - I hope Talk Radio Network pays their bill promptly, and I hope it is suitably large! :)

Details on Domain Name Dispute

Partner Sites - Counter The Boycott And Discrimination Against The French People

ISwitched.Org - Why We Joined The Green Party

Recall Sanity - Support the Use of IRV in the California Gubernatorial Recall Election

Visit to find out how Hart Williams helped eject Savage from the airwaves of Eugene, Oregon and download a page of printable bumper stickers (just like the one above) for free!
Co-defendant in lawsuit with
Co-defendant in lawsuit with

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