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Monday, February 14, 2005

Salon covers Gannon male escort story

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Yes! Good story too. (This is only part of it, read the whole thing - Salon did a great job.)

Guckert insisted his only involvement with the sex sites was as a software consultant and, he added: "Those sites were never hosted. There's -- nothing ever went up on them," as he told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Feb. 10. In an interview posted Feb. 11 with Editor & Publisher magazine, Guckert made the same claim: "They were done through a private company [Bedrock Corp.] I was involved with doing Web site development about five years ago. The sites were never hosted, and nothing was ever posted to the sites." On Monday, John Aravosis posted on his liberal site detailed evidence indicating that not only was Guckert personally involved with the Web sites, but he was also offering his escort services for $200 an hour, or $1,200 a weekend.

Aravosis received on-the-record confirmation, complete with five invoices paid by Delaware's Bedrock Corp., from the person Guckert hired to build the gay Web site, which features X-rated photos. The Web designer also forwarded to Aravosis dozens of unused photos that Guckert sent him when the site was being built. "Each photo looks remarkably like Jeff Gannon," Aravosis writes.

AmericaBlog also details scores of other gay escort sites featuring photos and personal profiles of Guckert, such as,, and Guckert's first site remained live until May 8, 2003, one month after he began covering the White House for Talon. According to Aravosis' research, Guckert's escort profile on was still active as of Monday. Aravosis says he contacted Guckert for comment for the story but received none....

The gay escort angle may also force Guckert's conservative defenders to rethink their position. Writing last week for Men's News Daily, a conservative site often aligned with Talon, columnist Sher Zieve insisted, "My, most reliable, source advises that ... before coming to Washington D.C., Jeff was in software. The site domain names were registered, by Jeff, for a client or clients. The same source advises that these sites were never brought on-line, for said clients."

Writing for the right-wing media advocacy group, Accuracy in Media, Cliff Kincaid dismissed the controversy as "laughable," insisting Guckert's only "crimes" were "that he was too pro-Republican, attended White House briefings, and asked questions unfair to Democrats." And at Power Line, the conservative outpost that wrote relentlessly about CBS's troubles with its Bush National Guard story last year, the site has confessed bewilderment about the Guckert controversy. "I can't figure out what the story is," wrote one of Power Line's contributors.
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A couple more thoughts on Gannon/Guckert

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There has been some brilliant writing today on Americablog. Kudos to John for his excellent work. The other bloggers have also laid out key issues. I just wanted to say the things that are on my mind:

First, from talking to friends and family, I get the sense that there is some hesitancy about what appeared here today. Granted, some of the web sites and pictures people are looking at is pretty shocking. But, rest assured, to comment on what Gannon/Gucker has done isn't homophobic. This isn't about the gay issues. So, when you get over the initial shock, focus on the real issues.

Second, this shows the absolute disdain the right wingers have for the allegedly mainstream media. Gannon/Guckert/Talon/GOP USA did this right in front of the White House press corps. Gannon used the media last week to create a sob story...those means bloggers are picking on me. He had no compunction about appearing with Wolf Blitzer and denying anything sordid. He thought there were no ramifications. And Howie Kurtz...could he have had any more misplaced sanctimony?

This guy played the media -- including Wolf and Howie -- for fools. And they let him.

Third, is there some big GOP Down Low? Come on, think about it. How does a guy like Gannon, with no media background, go from being called "Bulldog" by his clientele to being called "Jeff Gannon" in the White House within weeks? Seriously, how did this happen? He sure didn't follow the career path of most of the White House Press Corps. I bet there are a lot of gay Republicans who are losing sleep over this mess. And I bet we find out how Gannon got his White House credentials, too. Someone greased the skids for Mr. Gannon.

Finally, for all the hand wringing about whether this is fair game, let's be honest: the White House and the right wing (of which Gannon/Guckert was a proud member) have made sex an issue. George Bush devotes a lot of time worrying about other people's sex lives. The whole abstinence thing is one of top examples. (I still want to know if the abstinence policy applies to the White House staff and family, too.) The Bushies and the right wingers are obsessed with the relationships of gay people. They have a sex filled agenda. They have made sex an issue. Of course, once again, no one in the mainstream media ever asks if the Bush family and Bush staff practice what they preach. Clearly, some of their biggest supporters don't. Read the rest of this post...

He is NOT Jeff Gannon

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Hysterical :-) Feel free to consider this an open thread. Read the rest of this post...

OP/ED: What today's revelation adds to the story

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Three days ago I wrote this:
Well, I personally think that he has something to hide. Or something to hide for someone in the White House who still has a job today. The real story hasn't even started yet.
  • Why hasn't the Valerie Plame case been brought to prosecution? Someone leaked her name, and that was a crime. The list of possible criminals is pretty short. Why haven't we seen justice?
  • How did Jeff Gannon, a man who wasn't even a "journalist" two years earlier, get right into the middle of all of this? Who gave him access to the CIA documents? Did he tell everything he knew to the Justice Department?
So yes, there is more work to do. More threads to unravel and more of the story to tell. Like the Right did with Rathergate, we're doing it with this story. The difference is that our story ends with who committed a crime. An egregious crime against our country.

Someone in the White House put political gain for the President ahead of our national security, exposing an undercover CIA agent who operated covertly in the Arab world. In the middle of a war in the Mideast, someone in the White House diminished our nation's intelligence gathering capability. A crime against our national security at a time of war was committed. And someone needs to be held accountable.
What has today's story accomplished? This:
  • How did Jeff Gannon, a potential gay prostitute who wasn't even a "journalist" two years earlier, get right into the middle of all of this? Who gave him access to the CIA documents? Did he tell everything he knew to the Justice Department?
That's all it did. But that's a lot.

By replacing "man" with "gay prostitute" you have a FULLER story. What John's post today did was to tell a little more of the truth to this story. From the pictures on this post, it's my opinion that The Truth is that Jeff Gannon was a male prostitute before, and perhaps during, his time as a White House "reporter."

So I'm supposed to believe that what bloggers can dig up online means one of three things:
  • The Secret Service did a bang up job and can't protect the White House
  • The Secret Service knew what he was and let him pass into the West Wing on a daily basis regardless, again compromising White House security
  • The Secret Service knew that he was a prostitute and was instructed to let him pass into the White House
Now following this, we have the fact that within four months of his arrival in the White House he is one of six people in the middle of the Valerie Plame affair. The fact that five months earlier he was a gay prostitute makes the story all that more bizarre.

So where can this story go now? I see at least one or two options.
  1. Congress, with its oversight capabilities, can subpoena the White House and Secret Service records to investigate how Gannon got into the White House on a regular basis.
  2. Patrick Fitzgerald can use this information to further his own investigation.
John's post today gave people more of the story, more of The Truth. That's a very good thing.

-- Rob in Baltimore Read the rest of this post...

My Two Cents

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I'm just sitting back and enjoying the work of John "Scoop" Aravosis. This is why I donate my time and you should donate your money to his work.

Steny Hoyer and the conservative blogger above both make valid points. This is not about digging into someone's private life -- this is about national security, this is about planting decoys into the White House press room, this is about manipulating the media to deceive the American people and a lot more. You should be blasting the mainstream media with the very serious talking points John raises below (not to mention the comments of Hoyer).

Who specifically approved of GannonGuckert's access to the White House press room. When? What are the standard background checks done on reporters applying for this access? Who did this check on GannonGuckert if any such check were done? How could a vanity website with no journalistic background pass even the most basic background check? GannonGuckert couldn't get credentialed for a city council meeting and certainly not on Capitol Hill. Who signed off on him? This COULD NOT be done via routine channels or he would have been turned down.

And one more teeny tiny point for those who want to pretend we're invading GannonGuckert's privacy and digging into his personal life just to embarrass him:


GannonGuckert was not stalked by photographers. No one dug through his trash. Hidden cameras were not placed in sleazy hotel rooms to gain evidence. GannonGuckert posed for the cameras and then put them on the biggest display board in the world to drum up business. GannonGuckert wanted people to see them; he wanted strangers to see them. He wanted to make money off of them. Any of his family or friends or business associates could have stumbled upon them at any time. If anyone disturbed GannonGuckert's privacy, it was GannonGuckert himself. Read the rest of this post...

Conservative Web site gets it right about Gannon

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I'm actually kind of shocked by this article. Other than the public school thing, they're right on message. And I don't say that to knock them, like this is a message game. I say it to mean that considering most mainstream journalists have so-far dropped the ball on this story, it took a conservative Web site to understand the real-world and serious implications of this story:
One part in this story that has yet to surface is related to “Gannon”’s claim in his bio to have "taught in the public school system". Since Guckert’s degree from West Chester University of Pennsylvania is in Physical Education, he presumably was a gym teacher. Many parents will be unhappy that boys’ gym was taught by a gay prostitute that likes to wrestle, even if they can accept a discretely gay English teacher.

The bigger question is how did “Gannon” gain inside access to the White House only five days after Talon News Service was established? Was that long enough to run a background check? Did he have inside help? Did an earlier background check only turn up the problem that it would not look good if he were reporting for GOPUSA?

Finally there are the blackmail questions which exist for gays who are not “out of the closet”. Was Guckert blackmailing someone associated with the White House? Was somebody blackmailing Guckert or using Guckert’s services to blackmail someone else?

“Gannon” definitely got special treatment from the White House. So far the White House has denied this, saying anybody in a similar position could get daily press passes. Refusing to acknowledge his special treatment only leads to speculation that blackmail is somehow involved.
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God bless Steny Hoyer

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Fabulous. A democratic who can smell an issue. Let's see if anyone else in the House or Senate gets the nerve, or the brain.
February 15, 2005

Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130
Hoyer Statement on "Jeff Gannon" Connection to Valerie Plame Leak

WASHINGTON DC – House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer released the following statement regarding revelations that a man who went by the name of “Jeff Gannon,” and who was given White House media credentials despite his lack of qualifications, was given access to classified documents which disclosed the identity of Undercover CIA Operative Valerie Plame:

“Valid questions are being raised regarding the Bush White House’s relationship with James Guckert, also known as “Jeff Gannon,” and his access to documents that revealed the identity of Undercover CIA Operative Valerie Plame.

“This issue is important from an ethical as well as from a national security standpoint. It is hard to understand why a man with little real journalism experience was given a White House press corps credential let alone access to sensitive security documents. In fact, it only raises questions as to the nature of the relationship between “Jeff Gannon” and the White House, and whether there was an alliance of interests that did not conform to ethical and security standards. President Bush’s father, President George H.W. Bush, called the disclosure of an undercover operative’s identity treason.

“This most recent revelation is only the latest in the growing list of ways that Republicans in Washington are attempting to manipulate the American people through the media and avoid accountability. When the Bush Administration had trouble selling its domestic policies, it unethically paid journalists to promote its policies under the guise of journalism. When the Ethics Committee held Majority Leader Tom DeLay accountable for improper actions last year, the Republican leadership simply removed Chairman Joel Hefley (R-CO) and other Republicans from the Committee.

“I encourage the Special Counsel looking into the Plame matter to include “Jeff Gannon’s” ties to the issue in his investigation.”
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Open thread

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Have at it. Read the rest of this post...

I've moved the Gannon story back to its regular spot on the blog

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You can find it here. Read the rest of this post...

Digby on Gannon-gate and the double-standard

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I'd say the double-standard of the Dems and the media - where the hell are they? From Digby:
But for a moment let me think as a Republican would, if the shoe were on the other foot:

So many questions so few answers. Just why did JimJeff get such special treatment? It's not like they didn't already have a bunch of ready made shills to ask softball questions. Les Kinsolving's been throwing partisan bombs for years. They certainly didn't need JimJeff to transcribe RNC talking points when they have the Beltway Boys to do it on national television.

Scotty said that the president called on JimJeff of his own volition. A coincidence? Or did someone request that JimJeff get a special treat that day?

And has it ever been logical that this nobody from a vanity web site would get access to the Plame story? Why him? JimJeff claims that he never actually saw the Plame memo, yet he clearly knew of it. Could it have been pillow talk?

I don't have a clue. But, I do know that if this were 1998, we'd be knee deep in congressional investigations into the gay hooker ring in the White House. Every news crew in the DC area would be camped out on JimJeff's front lawn. A wild-eyed Victoria Toensing and panting Kelly Ann Fitzpatrick would be crawling up on the Hardball desk rending their silk teddies and speaking in tongues while Matthews'exploding head spun around on his shoulders.

But, it isn't 1998 and it will probably not even be mentioned. And I'm not a Republican so I don't think, as they would, that it's necessary to dig into every single White House staffer's sex life to find out who leaked a confidential memo to a gay hooker.
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So what is a story, Howard?

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Howard Kurt was on CNN today with their “blog reporter” Jacki Schechner:
SCHECHNER: This is so fast. So absolutely quick. The other one we wanted to talk about was the Jeff Gannon story. Something that you're very familiar with. Now, he had originally -- let me show you first the trend. Let's look at that. You can see here it's the yellow line. Now there's a spike today and the reason why is because he had told you that some of these sort of racier sites that he had allegedly been a part of didn't exist.

KURTZ: He had registered the addresses, he said the sites never actually went up.

SCHECHNER: Well, we found it. Or actually, one of the bloggers found it. We found it through the blog [sic - it's. org] which is a liberal site found it. Now we would show you that but the pictures on that site are actually kind of racey. So we didn't want to go there but has it as well. And you can read about that story.

KURTZ: She has the PG version?

SCHECHNER: She has the PG version and then she has a link to the sort of X-rated version.

KURTZ: So just like in primetime television sex apparently sells based on these pictures.

SCHECHNER: They were and actually they were pretty graphically displayed. And then we went back and they were covered over.

KURTZ: Although what this has to do with Jeff Gannon's job at the White House -- whether was criticized on the substance is debatable.
With all due respect, are you joking Howard? What relevance does it have that a prostitute (let's just assume for a moment that he is) who has currently live Web sites soliciting clients, is in the West Wing getting called on by the president? That he claims to have received classified CIA information? That he has defaulted on a court judgment in which he owes $20,000 to the state of Delaware? That by all accounts, all of this makes him a massive walking ball of security risk? What possible relevance does this have to anything? Are you totally freaking out of your mind?

I can't tell if it's homophobia, misogyny or what that makes a gay hooker suddenly something that must not be named. But if it was a female prostitute it would be the talk of the town.

This is a White House that is more worried about bronze breasts in the Justice Department than a hooker in the West Wing. And the media, and increasingly it looks like the Democrats as well, are planning on being complicit. Read the rest of this post...

More story angles regarding Gannon-gate

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More angles the media needs to cover, and the blogs should consider covering, and you can feel free to weigh in on in the comments.

1. The gay hypocrisy angle, and the growing number of gay Republicans exposed as willing to help promote an anti-gay message. What makes them tick?

2. What must the religious right think of the growing number of gays exposed as working in cahoots with this administration?

3. The bloggers. This story was broken by David Brock at MediaMatters, then Atrios and DailyKos and the kossacks and World O Crap and others jumped into the fray, then me and even more. This is a great illustration of the power of the blogs. What have we learned, what does it mean?

4. Where is the mainstream media? Do you think they'd be this quiet if Clinton asked a potential hooker a question in the White House? If the potential hooker received classified CIA information? Would they be more likely to cover the story if the hooker were a woman?

5. Propaganda White House. This is part of the larger story of this White House using media, and fake media, to impose lies on the American people. Armstrong Williams, Maggie Gallagher, etc.

6. Valerie Plame. What did Gannon know and when did he know it? And did a man with his background, and his meager news outlet, allegedly get access to CIA information?

7. Gannon and the White House. How did a man of his background get regular access to the White House, and have the president call on him? Who helped him out, and why? Read the rest of this post...

McClellan talks about Guckert

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Interesting. Didn't know he used an alias. Wasn't aware of his Texas connections. Really? So how the hell did he get repeated access to the White House, to the president, and allegedly CIA information? Some guy who's totally unknown to the White House is getting regular access and inside info. Very interesting indeed. Read the rest of this post... on White House spokesman and gay scene in Texas

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Get the Gannon Story on Google - PUT A LINK ON YOUR SITE

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Has Jeff Gannon told Peter Fitzgerald all he knows about the Plame affair? If you'd like to "spread the word" on the Gannon story to help encourage the Prosecutor's office to give Jeff a call, put a link to it on your Web site.

The more links, the more likely Google is to pick it up in their Google News. The more news coverage of this story, the closer we are to getting to the bottom of the Plame crime. Read the rest of this post...

SIGNORILE: Gannon refuses to confirm or deny male escort ties

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On his show today on Sirius Satellite Radio, Mike Signorile said that he had a two-hour telephone conversation with Gannon/Guckert late last night (Sunday), most of it off-the-record.

Guckert did respond on-the-record to Mike when asked about allegations that he has been a male hustler by saying, “I’m not going to respond to any of these allegations, because it’s just one more thing out there and you can’t respond to everything, so it’s best not to respond.”

To specific allegations regarding any websites with photos of him in which he sold his services as a male prostitute – and Mike told Gannon he’d heard such evidence could surface this week – Gannon said, “I can’t respond because it’s just one more thing out there…They’re creating so much stuff out there. I have seen copies of emails that were supposed to be from me that were not. There’s a Web site that says I Am Jeff Gannon and it is not mine. I’m not commenting on [these specific websites mentioned] because there’s just so much stuff out there.”

Asked by Mike again about specific sites with his naked photos in which he was alleged to be selling sexual services to men, Gannon said he had no response. When Mike asked if that means “you will neither confirm nor deny,” Mike says Gannon replied “Yes. I’m just not going to address it.” Read the rest of this post...

A man called Jeff

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WARNING: A number of the links and images in this story are to x-rated photographs, and some of those might prove shocking to some people. Please exercise your own discretion when clicking. (And, as you read, please forgive the necessary typos - I'm going for rock-solid facts, rather than spelling.) Also, note that the appropriately placed black boxes on some of the photos were added by me - in the original photos, he's nude.

BACKGROUND: The story below was written for those who already have a rudimentary knowledge of this scandal. If you're coming to this cold, you might want to start with a few of these links (NY Daily News and video of NBC Nightly News covering the Gannon story). Then read the story below for the real details...
WOLF BLITZER: Because one of the things, as you know, that were said is that you had some sexually explicit Web sites that you were working on. I don't understand what that is, but maybe you could explain that.

JEFF GANNON: Well, several years ago, before I came to Washington, I had registered various domain names for a private client. I was doing Web site development. Those sites were never hosted. There's -- nothing ever went up on them. And the client went on to do something else. - CNN, 2/10/05
Site 1

The Web site reflects the era in which it was built.

A simple black background, white text, lots of kitschy images and bad puns. The theme is decidedly military. The logo at the top is borrowed from the US Marine Corps, an eagle standing atop an anchor. The letters USMCPT run across the logo, written in the colors of the flag. Below the strange acronym are four words: “Personal Trainer, Bodyguard, Escort.” Above it stands a muscular and headless man in black military boots, white socks, buck naked.

In 1999, Paul Leddy, a Web designer and photographer from Los Angeles, says he received an email from a man named Jeff from Wilmington, Delaware. Jeff wanted Paul to build him a new Web site for his business. Paul accepted the job, provided Jeff mailed him a check with half the money up front (Jeff had not provided a last name, and Paul wanted to make sure he was for real). Jeff sent the check, it cleared, and Paul built the site and launched it online for Jeff.

Paul didn’t think about Jeff much until last week when he heard about a breaking scandal involving a man named Jeff who owned several military escort service Web addresses. “I saw the name Jeff Gannon, knew our Jeff, saw the Web address, and thought ‘hmmm, everything was military, that sounds like Jeff who we did the site for.’”

Paul searched the Internet WhoIs director for and saw that the owner was Bedrock Corp of Wilmington, Delaware. “That’s definitely him,” Paul said. (Paul and a second source both recall Jeff paying with a check in the name of Bedrock Corp. The name stuck in their heads at the time because they asked Jeff why “Bedrock”? He replied something about the Flintstones, they recall.) This is relevant because a Bedrock Corp in Wilmington, Delaware also owns former White House reporter Jeff Gannon's personal Web site and a series of Web addresses apparently dealing with military male escorts.

Paul then went and checked his files. He found five invoices to Jeff from August 31, 1999 to March 30, 2000. (The file properties say they were created on those dates by Paul Leddy.)

The invoices are from BELDesigns for “Website Design”and “hosting.” The billing address?

Bedrock Corp
5721 Kennett Pike
Centreville, DE 19807

(Paul Leddy’s address, phone number and email were removed from this invoice by me before publishing, at Paul’s request. I am happy to show the full invoice to journalists.)

According to the date the html files were created for the USMCPT Web site – files Paul still has - Paul built the site for Jeff in September 1999. Paul says he launched it within a matter of weeks. The site was eventually migrated to its own URL, While the site is no longer live on the Internet, archived copies of it were available up until around February 23, 2005 (someone had them deleted after this story broke on February 14, 2005 - you can see the home page below - note that the home page had a black background which doesn't pick in this file:

Those archives showed that the site was live at the address at least from October 31, 2001 until May 8, 2003. (This date is relevant since Gannon reportedly entered the White House the first time as a "journalist" in February, 2003.) When asked what USMCPT meant, Paul said he asked Jeff that very question. The answer: United States Marine Corps, Part Time. Paul recalls Jeff telling him he was still in the Marines, but only part time. Paul also recalls Jeff being around 40 years old, even though the Web site said he was 32.

The military theme continues at The “Ammunition” section contains the description of the escort. It reads: White, 200 pounds, hair “high and tight,” chest “46’ Usually Shaved or Clipped,” and under “Weapon” it says "8 inches cut." The escort mentions that he takes clients in the Washington, DC, Virginia and Maryland area, and that he prefers to “travel to your location or travel with you.”

The USMCPT home page never specifically mentions sex, though it’s clear this is not your run-of-the-mill personal trainer or bodyguard. Under a section entitled “Mission,” it says:
Ex-USMC Jock: Available for hourly, overnight, weekend or longer travel - OUT ONLY!

Personal Trainer: Safe-Sane-Strenuous-Satisfying workouts, Sports training, and competition, especially wrestling....

Big SPORTS Fan: Will go to the game with you, then take you home and....


Further on down the page, on at least the early versions of the Web site (several versions over the span of a year and a half are cached online), you can see the logo for BELDesigns, Paul's Web design business. There's also a button that says “SEE MORE OF ME.”

This brings you to a page comprising 43 or so thumbnail-sized pictures of "Jeff," in various states of undress.

In one photo he’s lounging spread eagle on some pillows, fully erect.

In another he’s bent over, naked, apparently checking something on his nightstand (while revealing a great set of lats)...

...and in a third set of photos he is urinating.

If you click on the thumbnail photos, you can see larger-sized versions (though not for all the photos, the archive is incomplete). If you look at the html source on this page, you will see that numerous of the photos are named “Jeff.” In several of the photos you will see Jeff wearing a distinctive silver watch with a solid black band. He likes to wear it on his left hand, slightly above the wrist joint.

The site also contains a third page, called “Bulldog.htm.” (The bulldog is recurring theme on the site.) On this page we learn that Jeff is available as a travel companion, a workout partner/trainer, an event companion (“Want to see the Orioles, Caps, Wizards, or ‘Skins?”), tour guide, and bodyguard. Jeff then provides his email address,

The USMCPT site has a link on its home page that, depending on which version in time of the home page you’re examining, says either “See more of me and my buddies at: Male Corps” or “Featured on Studfiles.”

Site 2

The Male Corps link takes you to another of Jeff’s escort pages, housed on a different escort service Web site called The page contains the same spread-eagle picture that was on Jeff’s personal site, notes that his branch of service is “United States Marine Corps,” provides more personal information, and the email address for contact is There’s also a link to see 30 more “x-pics” of Jeff, including “full bod, dick shots, jocks.” The link appears to be no longer accessible.

Site 3

The StudFiles link on Jeff’s USMCPT site takes you to an escort Web site that is still live today. It’s for an escort named “Bulldog.” On the page there’s a picture of Bulldog’s torso, shirtless, wearing dog tags. He’s 32 years old, lives in Washington, DC, is “5’9”, 200 pounds, brown high and tight haircut, green eyes, 8+cut!” Under “position” it says “Top!” For an email – or “emale," as it says – contact it gives There is also a link to visit “the Adult Photos” in Gallery 16. In order to access those photos, you need to buy an electronic Web ID that proves you are over the age of consent...

Site 4

Once you buy the ID, for $20 a year (it’s a write-off), you enter the Web site. You click on Gallery 16 and arrive on Bulldog’s adult page. It’s not unlike the PG-rated page except that Bulldog is now wearing a pair of dog tags, sitting spread eagle, and hard as a rock. The profile also has as link “Visit Bulldog on the Net!” – it links back to

The escort profile is still live today. Interestingly, the name of the html file for the page is “DC007.”

Site 5

A bit more Internet sleuthing turned up even more escort profiles for apparently the same escort on various other sites. contains a profile with the same spread-eagle picture as was on the other sites. This site includes the escort’s name as Jeff/Bulldog. His location, DC. His Internet address is yet another Web site that is no longer active. His rates, $1200/weekend. (While the profile is still live at, it takes a bit of hunting to find it. You need to click on "Meet Local Escorts," then click on DC, then skip through 16 pages or so until you find Jeff in DC, then click on that picture.)

Sites 6 and 7

A search for USMCPT on Google turns up two more escort sites for Bulldog, one in DC and one in Philly (both are still online, but in inactive status). One mentions the weekend rate of $1200/weekend, the other an hourly rate, $200. The sites also include feedback from satisfied customers. The most recent review is from 11/12/2002, from a man named Spaceman. An earlier review, dated 7/11/2000, is from a man who says he’s an active duty senior officer in the US Army. He notes that Jeff has a Marine background.

There’s much more. Paul has additional photos that Jeff provided him. Some of the photos are exact copies of those on the Web site, and then some. The buck naked photo on the logo, for example. Paul provided me with the entire complete photo. The head of the man in question looks remarkably like Jeff Gannon.

Regarding the photo of "Jeff" urinating (it's actually a series of photos). Paul provided the entire photo of a man who looks remarkably like Jeff Gannon, even wearing the signature Gannon watch. Paul provided several more photos that he says Jeff gave him. Each photo looks remarkably like Jeff Gannon:

Compare the above photos from the Web developers with photos, below, that we KNOW are of Gannon:

Even more photos show Jeff wearing the same silver watch with a black band that Jeff Gannon is known to sport. Some show that Jeff and Jeff Gannon have the same short and pointed eyebrows, same ears, same face structure, chest structure and nipples. Same wrinkles/creases in their stomachs when they bend forward. The resemblance is astonishing.

Jeff Gannon was contacted and asked to comment on the specific allegations that he is the owner of and several other profiles that offer his services as an escort. He did not respond to this request.

Why does this matter?

So in the end, why does this matter? Why does it matter that Jeff Gannon may have been a gay hooker named James Guckert with a $20,000 defaulted court judgment against him? So he somehow got a job lobbing softball questions to the White House. Big deal. If he was already a prostitute, why not be one in the White House briefing room as well?

This is the Conservative Republican Bush White House we're talking about. It's looking increasingly like they made a decision to allow a hooker to ask the President of the United States questions. They made a decision to give a man with an alias and no journalistic experience access to the West Wing of the White House on a "daily basis." They reportedly made a decision to give him - one of only six - access to documents, or information in those documents, that exposed a clandestine CIA operative. Say what you will about Monika Lewinsky - a tasteless episode, "inappropriate," whatever. Monika wasn't a gay prostitute running around the West Wing. What kind of leadership would let prostitutes roam the halls of the West Wing? What kind of war-time leadership can't find the same information that took bloggers only days to find?

None of this is by accident.

Someone had to make a decision to let all this happen. Who? Someone committed a crime in exposing Valerie Plame and now it appears a gay hooker may be right in the middle of all of it? Who?

Ultimately, it is the hypocrisy that is such a challenge to grasp in this story. This is the same White House that ran for office on a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. While they are surrounded by gay hookers? While they use a gay hooker to write articles for their gay hating political base? While they use a gay hooker to destroy a political enemy? Not to mention the hypocrisy of a "reporter" who chooses to publish article after article defending the ant-gay religious-right point of view on gay civil rights issue.

Who in the White House is at the center of all of this? Who allowed this to go on in the People's House? Who committed the crime of exposing Valerie Plame? Jeff Gannon has the answers to these questions, and boy we know he loves to talk.

Let him talk to Patrick Fitzgerald.

[Please use this URL to link to this story, sorry, it kept changing with blogger: ] Read the rest of this post...

Got him

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I just got invoices :-)

PS Not playing games with you. Well, ok, a little bit. But I'm still writing. Almost done. I figured I'd slip a little info first. Read the rest of this post...

Open thread

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Almost done Read the rest of this post...

Hint 2

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I'm heading to bed, still have more to write tomorrow before I can publish this. This is the second hint. And an open thread.

Read the rest of this post...

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