Despite years of protectionist policies, corporate welfare handouts/bailouts, plants closings and shipping jobs overseas so the top layer can rake in profits and bonuses, the failures who have driven the industry into the ground due to their own management failures, now they
want to be bailed out bailed out by the US taxpayers. For what? So they can close even more factories and give even more bonuses to the top management? The problem here is decades of pathetic management in the US auto industry who despite having the best and brightest, they have driven the industry into the ground and failed to prepare the industry to compete. Looking at how previous industry bailouts have gone I see no reason why the US taxpayers should be asked to step up and pay the price. If the US is supposed to be a free market democracy, how about Big Auto and the rest of corporate America starts acting like it?
A lot more Americans work in small business these days and they have to manage without these bailouts and in fact, with the GOP bankruptcy bill the middle class is even more screwed than before. There should be no doubt that Detroit is on a path of cutting wages of workers to a level that will drop them out of the middle class and will outsource every possible piece overseas and just line their pockets with this money much like we witnessed at US Air and others in the airline industry after their bailout.
Detroit is pitching (and the politicians are repeating it) that there is some sort of structural change in the auto industry and that needs to be address. Excuse me? That happened in the late 1970s so why are they crying now? The whole lot of them are acting as though it's a war against the Japanese auto industry circa 1980. I suggest Big Auto spends more time on making cars instead of hiring costly consultants to deliver PR pitches for politicians to repeat. This discussion is being masked with "save the middle class dream" but that is the most dishonest load of garbage I have heard in a while. The reality of Big Auto is that they want nothing to do with the middle class. If Congress gave a damn they would not have rammed through the bankruptcy bill. At the same time, corporate America increasingly is turned to bankruptcy and government bailouts. Who's sucking up the welfare now?
Government bailouts are expensive and there are few, if any success stories. It only delays the inevitable and puts costly corporate bonuses on the backs of average Americans. Somebody please tell Detroit to go to hell and learn how to compete just like everyone else out there.
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