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Sunday, November 26, 2006

AP: Bush in "burst of diplomacy"

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Does the idea that George W. Bush is undertaking a "burst of diplomacy" instill confidence in anyone?

Oh yeah, and remember Afghanistan? Our big undisputable victory? Not so much.
Retired Air Force Gen. Joseph Ralston, a former NATO Supreme Allied Commander, said that "events in Afghanistan are reaching a critical juncture, and European politics and perceptions, as well as U.S. commitments in Iraq may prevent NATO from getting the assets necessary to ensure victory."

"A military failure in Afghanistan would be catastrophic for the alliance," Ralston said.
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Carmella gets her bath

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Carmella got her weekly bath tonight, and it was quite the production. Actually, she was really good about it - other than the tremendous shaking. Absolutely adorable dog, though a tad ugly and pathetic sopping wet.

She's a Yorki-poo, and now a year and a half old.

Beginning of the bath

Mid bath, and very unhappy.

Post-bath, post- hair dryer.

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CNN's John Roberts: What Americans are seeing on TV about Iraq "is being sanitized" - it's worse than we see on TV

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Oh no. Bush, Rummy, Condi, Cheney, O'Reilly, Hannity and the rest of the pathetic Republican liars in Congress and beyond have repeatedly told the American people that Iraq is actually going much better than we see on TV. We see only see the bad stuff on TV, they tell us. The American media is liberal and biased, they refuse to tell Americans how good things really are in Iraq.

Fine. Then Iraq is really going great. I'm so glad. I guess we can expect victory any day now. And when we don't achieve victory, I want everybody who supported this war - everybody who attacked Democrats for saying years ago that this war was a huge mistake - to apologize publicly. Far too many Americans bought into the Republicans' bs talking points about Iraq. And now we're paying the price for it, in the lives of our soldiers, in the utter destruction of Iraq.

Americans need to wake up to the fact that their choices have consequences. The Republican party owns this war. They keep telling us that victory is the only option. Fine. Then it's their job to get us out of it and prove that victory really is still an option.

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Politics - Iraqi and American - are responsible for the out of control violence

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Iraq's leaders are blaming politics for the violence that has overtaken their country. They mean Iraqi politics. But, it was American politics that started this war in the first place. It was the George Bush/Karl Rove brand of fear politics and their willingness to exploit 9/11 that pushed for this debacle. And, it has been the failure of America's Republican politicians to take the actions necessary over the past 3 1/2 years to quell the violence. The GOP let partisan politics prevent them from challenging and questioning the way the war was being directed. Their politics -- and their political leadership -- are responsible for this disaster:
“These actions are at most the reflection of political backgrounds and wills and sometimes the reflection of dogmatic, perverted backgrounds and wills,” Mr. Maliki said at a news conference. “The crisis is political and they who can stop the cycle of aggravation and bloodletting of innocents are the politicians.”

Mr. Maliki’s comments were an acknowledgment of the political nature of the war here and they placed responsibility for achieving any sort of peace on the shoulders of Iraq’s politicians. The civil strife is generally driven by Sunni and Shiite militias vying for dominance and has spiraled into a pattern of revenge killings and sectarian cleansing of neighborhoods.
Politics are to blame. But, it was George Bush's politics of lies and deceit that started this war in the first place. There is plenty of blame to go around in Iraq. But, the initial blame begins with the man who started this war and never had a plan to finish it: George W. Bush.

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Trent Lott is kicking Karl Rove around

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Oh how times have changed for Karl Rove. Payback is a bitch and there's a long line of Republicans waiting their chance to smack around Rove. Think Progress has the video of Trent Lott taking his turn today. This is Lott's public gripe about Rove. Imagine what's he is saying behind closed doors. It's just great to watch the GOP in-fighting and back-stabbing.

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GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney: I'm more pro-gay than Teddy Kennedy

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I remember when Mitt Romney ran against Ted Kennedy for the US Senate in 1994. Romney couldn't do more to show that he wasn't just as pro-gay as Ted Kennedy, he was MORE gay than Kennedy. And now the evidence is coming out. It's going to be a hoot if Romney runs for president as the Republican candidate.

This just in from the Boston Globe:
When he ran against Ted Kennedy for the Senate in 1994, Romney wrote a letter to the Massachusetts Log Cabin Club, pledging that as "we seek to establish full equality for American gay and lesbian citizens, I will provide more effective leadership than my opponent." During that same campaign, Romney was accused of once describing gay people as "perverse." In response, Romney's campaign vehemently denied that he used the word "perverse" and said that he respected "all people regardless of their race, creed, or sexual orientation."

While running for governor in 2002, Romney and his running mate, Kerry Healey, distributed pink fliers at a Gay Pride parade, declaring "Mitt and Kerry wish you a great Pride weekend." He backed domestic partner benefits for public employees, winning the endorsement of the national Log Cabin Republicans. In his inaugural speech, he promised to defend civil rights "regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or race."

As governor, he appointed openly gay and lesbian people to high-profile administration positions. He doubled the budget line item for the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, until he tried to disband it last May -- more political theater for the Republican right.
So, Romney was a big gay-lover just until the last two years when he decided he needed the religious right gay-haters in order to become president. Typical, pathetic Republican. They are a party that no longer believes in anything. Their politicians will do anything, so anything, in order to win your vote. The only thing they won't do is actually vote their conscience. Everything is calculated, and everything is a lie.

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Another Republican Senator endorses McCain's plan for sending additional troops to Iraq

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On Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer, Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) endorsed the McCain plan to send more U.S. soldiers to Iraq. Cornyn wants an additional 20,000 - 50,000 additional troops to go to Iraq. Like McCain, he's delusional. But if more troops is what McCain and the GOP are pushing, so be it. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), who actually knows what he's talking about when it comes to military issues, smacked Cornyn and this emerging GOP idea down pretty hard.

The Republicans in Congress have been derelict in their duty for the past 3 1/2 years while Iraq has spiraled out of control. Now, their solution is to send more soldiers into the middle of a civil war that George Bush fostered and created.

I'll get the transcript when it's up. I suspect we'll have video soon, too.

UPDATE: Here's the transcript:
SEN. JOHN CORNYN (R), TEXAS: Well, it is. And it shows that criminal enterprises in Iraq of all stripes, whether it's smuggling oil or kidnappings and extorting ransom or other criminal activities are what are financing the insurgency.

That's why I believe we have to go big, in the terms of the Pentagon. We have to surge additional force there so that we cannot only clear areas in Baghdad but we can actually hold them.

BLITZER: How big do you want to go?

How many additional -- beyond the 145,000 U.S. troops already on the ground, how many more do you want to deploy?

CORNYN: Well, I would take the advice of our generals on the ground. But I think we're talking about 20 to 50,000 additional troops to embed them with the Iraqis, so that when we clear areas, we can actually secure them.

Then we need to disarm the militias. We need to arrest al-Sadr and make sure the government has a monopoly on the use of legal force.

BLITZER: All right, let me bring Senator Reed in. What do you think -- another 20,000 to 50,000 U.S. troops to deploy, to deal with the current crisis?

SEN. JACK REED (D), RHODE ISLAND: Well, I think 20,000 extra troops would probably not be decisive in terms of changing the political dynamic and the security dynamic in Iraq.

And indeed, we'd have a very difficult time sustaining an additional 20,000 troops over, say, a year or more. A third of our brigades in the United States are reporting nondeployable because of personnel and equipment shortages.

So the prospect of a magic bullet with just more troops, I don't think is there. In fact, General Abizaid indicated in his testimony that he would not recommend additional troops.

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NATO still needs more troops to hold off Taliban

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Imagine what could have been if Bush and Blair didn't divert troops, equipment and money to Iraq. Bush doesn't even seem interested in talking about this problem, but then again, who wants to listen to him complain considering he went against most of the world and invaded a country that had nothing to do with the so-called war on terror?
Although it took over responsibility for the whole country just a few weeks ago, Nato's mission remains at least 15 per cent undermanned, with a significant shortage of combat troops and a desperate lack of helicopters. A succession of Nato meetings has failed to secure reinforcements, and all the indications are that the alliance's Riga summit, presented as one of the most crucial in its post-Cold War history, will not be any more successful.

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Sunday Talk Shows Open Thread

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Iraq and a little politics. Russert's promoting his interview with Arnold who is apparently the savior of the GOP. But, mostly the Iraq disaster on the talk shows today:
ABC's "This Week" - Jordan's King Abdullah II; Sens. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., and Dick Durbin, D-Ill.; supermodel Maggie Rizer.


CBS' "Face the Nation" - Sens.-elect Bob Corker, R-Tenn., Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., and Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio.


NBC's "Meet the Press" - California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger; Reps. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., and Ike Skelton, D-Mo., retired Gens. Wayne Downing and Barry McCaffrey.


CNN's "Late Edition" - Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Jack Reed, D-R.I.; Iraqi National Security Adviser Mowaffak al-Rubaie; former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger; former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski; Maryland Republican Lt. Gov. Michael Steele; Democratic strategist Donna Brazile.


"Fox News Sunday" - Reps. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., Barney Frank, D-Mass., and John Dingell, D-Mich.; Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss.; Joseph E. Robert Jr., chairman of Fight for Children.
Everyone's waiting for the report from the Iraq Study Group -- because no one has any faith that Bush/Cheney/Rice can do anything right in Iraq. Really seems like Bush and Cheney are trying to prove their relevance with their respective Mid-east visits this week. But, every step they take only reinforces their incompetence. Can any of the Repubs. defend Bush's Iraq policy anymore? The GOP owns that policy. They enabled it.

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Iraq insurgency is self financed

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So did the brain trust that dragged us into this war ever consider such a possibility?
The report, obtained by The New York Times, estimates that groups responsible for many insurgent and terrorist attacks are raising $70 million to $200 million a year from illegal activities. It says $25 million to $100 million of that comes from oil smuggling and other criminal activity involving the state-owned oil industry, aided by corrupt and complicit” Iraqi officials.

As much as $36 million a year comes from ransoms paid for hundreds of kidnap victims, the report says. It estimates that unnamed foreign governments Ã?— previously identified by American officials as including France and Italy Ã?— paid $30 million in ransom last year.
So I'm guessing that many on the right will now use this as a new chance to flog the anti-France sentiment again but we already know that our own accountants have identified an $800M gap in the books and we know that US taxpayer money, weapons and equipment goes in the front door and out the back door to help crooked individuals as well as the insurgents. How is it even possible to be in this war for so long and yet know so little? Who in the hell is putting blinders on? It's no wonder the war is going so poorly when the US leadership knows so little.

So when Cheney said the US would be greeted with flowers, was this was he was talking about? Is "flower" a code name for "self financed insurgency?" He's such a clever guy, isn't he?

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Open thread

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Joe is back in DC, and all is well. Read the rest of this post...

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