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Saturday, May 05, 2012

$100 carry-on airline causes another controversy

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Is Jamie Dimon advising Spirit Airlines on public relations? How stupid is the management of this airline and how do they stay in business? As I mentioned the other day, I ran some searches on their prices and they're nothing to get excited about.

Here's a good summary of the recent blunders by Spirit Airlines. Buyer beware:
* Categorically tell a former Marine who's dying of cancer you will not refund the ticket he bought, even though his doctor told him not to fly.
* More than double certain carry-on bag fees, since you're an airline who caters to people who don't want to or can't spend a lot of money.
* Tell folks who have a problem with it to get over it.

Now, no company of any size and in any business, publicly traded or otherwise, is required to be "nice." Corporations, one can certainly and fairly argue, exist at the most basic level to provide a good or service and to make a profit.

Still, at the end of the day, companies have actual real people as employees. And if you're the type of person who thinks most people are decent, you might assume those employees want the place they work to be interested in doing the right thing -- even if that means sacrificing a little profit every now and then. Let's take a look at what's transpiring at the Miramar, Fla.-based discount airline.
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Video - Tonight is a super (full) moon

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There's no chance of seeing here in Paris due to the clouds and rain which is a pity because this sounds cool. Read the rest of this post...

Let's not forget Trevor Thomas, a real Michigan progressive and primary candidate

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As you may know, Trevor Thomas is running in the Michigan-03 House Democratic primary. Thomas is a real progressive, pro-woman's rights, the whole thing.

His opponent in the primary is Steve Pestka, a former Michigan state lawmaker who voted to defund Planned Parenthood — and succeeded. Read the whole story here.

Will the DCCC back Steve Pestka in the general election, if he wins, after "sitting out" the primary? Will they use "Fight the War on Women" funds to help this killer of Planned Parenthood? Guess.

Will YOU back Trevor Thomas while there's still time to help out? Only you know your answer to that.

This is me, asking you to say Yes. A real progressive coalition is built through primaries, by defeating neo-BlueDogs like Planned Parenthood–defunder Steve Pestka.



(To follow on Twitter or to send links: @Gaius_Publius)
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FBI promoting police state surveillance of internet

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Why does the FBI hate freedom and America? The blows to the America of yesterday just won't stop. Yes, everyone realizes that we live in a different era but spying on Americans and launching attack after attack on the general public is getting ridiculous. Budgets for these programs appear to be readily available since the political class is much too afraid of being labeled as "soft on terrorism" even though there's no proof that spying like this makes us safer.

Before launching a full assault on the public, shouldn't the FBI and other agencies have to prove to the public - not just the politicians - that extreme actions contribute to making us safer? The defense and spying agencies have free reign these days and that needs to stop.

More on the latest attack via CNET:
The FBI is asking Internet companies not to oppose a controversial proposal that would require firms, including Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, and Google, to build in backdoors for government surveillance.

In meetings with industry representatives, the White House, and U.S. senators, senior FBI officials argue the dramatic shift in communication from the telephone system to the Internet has made it far more difficult for agents to wiretap Americans suspected of illegal activities, CNET has learned.

The FBI general counsel's office has drafted a proposed law that the bureau claims is the best solution: requiring that social-networking Web sites and providers of VoIP, instant messaging, and Web e-mail alter their code to ensure their products are wiretap-friendly.
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Sen. Lugar appears to be headed for defeat by Teabagger next week

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Chalk this up as another victory for GOP extremism. It's scary to think that Lugar is not conservative enough for the Republican party. Will the people of Indiana elect the Teabagger to the US Senate in November?
Senator Richard Lugar, a six-term incumbent representing Indiana and a leading voice on foreign policy in Congress, trails his Tea Party-backed challenger by double-digits ahead of Tuesday's Republican primary, a poll showed on Friday.

Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock, who draws support from the conservative Tea Party movement, leads Lugar by 10 percentage points ahead of Tuesday's primary, the Howey/Depauw Indiana Battleground Poll showed.
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Would-be Speaker Pelosi's "No I Won't" that means "Yes I Will" cut Soc. Security

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A quick hits follow-up to the "Pelosi & Hoyer killing Social Security" story.

Yesterday, Russ Feingold called out once-and-would-be Speaker Pelosi for her new-found support of the Simpson-Bowles "Grannie's New Diet" proposal (my emphases everywhere):
Russ Feingold ... said in an email to supporters that Pelosi "has signaled a disturbing potential willingness to adopt a plan that could slash these benefits. And it follows a pattern: Too many House Democrats, including Steny Hoyer, are already on board."
I think "potential willingness" is Feingold being polite, but that's just me; I could well be wrong.

As you can imagine, the "Catfood Train" has a lot of hands on the wheel, none of whom are pleased. One of the displeased is Russell Berman writing at The Hill. Note, the following is in his own voice; it's the writer speaking:
Feingold’s missive was striking for its harsh tone. The email included a photo of an angry-looking Pelosi similar to ones that conservatives have used to demonize the former Speaker in their fundraising efforts.

Feingold lost his bid for a fourth Senate term in 2010, but he remains a darling of the left. Pelosi supporters were apoplectic on Thursday and appeared taken aback by Feingold’s attack on a woman who is herself a favorite of liberals.
Or the reverse — Feingold is a "favorite of liberals" ... and Pelosi is a "darling of the left." Hm, somehow not the same.

See how this works, fans-of-prose? Well done, Mr. Berman; almost snuck it past us.

In addition, Would-be Speaker Pelosi had words herself. Guess what they were — you have three choices:
  • No, I won't cut.
  • Yes, I will cut.
  • The No that means Yes — I'll confuse you first, and then cut.
Ready? Mr. Berman writes:
In a Twitter message on Thursday, Pelosi responded ... “ICYMI I've spent my career protecting Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid from GOP attacks — nothing's changed, I will continue fighting,” she wrote.
See any mention of Simpson-Bowles? Anythng about protecting Social Security from Democratic attacks? Did the word "catfood" come up?

Beneath the fog, Pelosi just said Yes — she will vote for Simpson & Bowles' Grannie-Tax proposal when next it rears its head.

Two notes:

■ We tried asking: We asked. We got an answer. Time to move on to something more forceful? How about billboards in her district? Pelosi & Hoyer, smiling & agreeing — the BFF approach.

■ Why is this happening? My Inner Occam says — Pelosi wants the Speaker's gavel back. Obama has wanted to cut ("fix") Social Security since at least 2006. They made a trade.

This, folks, is what Feingold may have meant by:
"Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security benefits ... shouldn't be put on the table by Democrats for any reason -- including cynical, political ones."
Or not — there are lots of cynical motives swirling in Democratic brains. Still, my money's on Occam to win.

Oh, here's that CREDO Action link again, just in case.

(By the way, I'm kinda liking that billboard-in-her-district idea. It's good to see unity in the "fierce defender" caucus, and good to show it off. Nancy & Steny — wonder if that would get her attention...)


To follow on Twitter or to send links: @Gaius_Publius
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CSNY - Ohio, plus update on the 1970 massacre

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It's hard to believe that the massacre of innocent students happened 42 years ago. I went to college down in Columbus though did know some former Kent State students. Even back in the 1980s there was still a strange vibe to the campus according to those I knew. Maybe a reader out there has ties to Kent and knows more about how it is today.

Watching the Occupy protests last year, things didn't seem to improve much over time. Instead of the National Guard, it was the local police, though from afar it had the distinct look of a coordinated response across the country. As a country, weren't we supposed to have rejected a national police force early on? I almost expect that kind of bad behavior across a country in Europe but didn't expect to see it in the US.

Back to the Kent State massacre, there is a new movement to get to the bottom of the story and AG Holder has been requested to review the case and use modern equipment to review the videotape to try and determine the truth. Discovering the truth is never a bad idea. As a country, we should be big enough and open enough to handle the truth but that doesn't mean the political class is OK with it. Read the rest of this post...

Goodwill receives 1000 year old pottery, gives it back to Caddo tribe

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I always love hearing about cool discoveries at the Goodwill. What makes this story better is that the local Goodwill did the right thing and donated it back to the Caddo Indian Nation. More on this fun story via the Buffalo News:
The piece of pottery that turned up last month in the warehouse of Goodwill Industries of Western New York might be described as "primitive."

Roughly 7 1/2 inches tall, the vessel features a fluted opening and wartlike protrusions.

But it arrived with a note inside suggesting that its provenance may be prehistoric.

"Found in a burial mound near Spiro Oklahoma in 1970," said the note written in pencil on a faded strip of lined paper.
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Would you like some salmonella in your puppy food?

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Getting tired of this. Read the rest of this post...

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