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Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Republicans plan mid-July vote on ant-gay constitutional amendment

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Yes, while more American soldiers die in Iraq and while more American civilians are kidnapped and may soon suffer the fate of Nicholas Berg, what do the Republicans in Congress decide to focus their attention on? Passing a constitutional amendment making gay Americans second class citizens.

This just in from the Human Rights Campaign:
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) is expected to announce that he will bring up the Federal Marriage Amendment for a vote in the second week of July. Senator Santorum (R-PA) has already admitted that he does not have the votes to pass the FMA. Given the timing of the vote, this seems to be a political move designed to put Democrats on the record before the Democratic Convention. But given the number of Republicans who also oppose the FMA or are likely to vote against it, this is a misguided attempt to turn an important vote against discrimination into a political weapon.
To all gays and straights who support these asses, you're an enemy combattant and a traitor. If you're gay (or have any other family-values problem) and you support these vermin in making sexual orientation a political weapon, then your sexual orientation is fair game, and you will be outed to the rafters. It's take no prisoners time, folks. These folks declared war on us in the name of the missionary position, and they're gonna get a war that makes sure every single one of them is as chaste as they want to force us to be.

I want names, folks. If you got 'em, I'm making a list. Read the rest of this post...

There You Go Again...

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This comes from John Aravosis direct from the tarmac of the Chicago O'Hare Airport. He notes with astonishment that Vice President Dick Cheney continues to peddle the suspect claim that Saddam Hussein has "long-standing ties to Al Quaeda." Am I crazy, wonders Aravosis, or is this the same bs that the Bush-Cheney administration peddled before the war and has had to back off repeatedly when it couldn't offer any facts? This quote is buried in a New York Times article in which the Red Cross politely suggests that Saddam Hussein will have to be charged with something soon in order to stay within the internationally accepted standards of the Geneva Convention. Of course, the Red Cross forgets that Bush has long since discarded the Geneva Convention as a tiresome bunch of rules that don't apply to him. God help our underpaid, overworked, stretched-thin men and women in uniform if and when they ever get captured by enemy combatants. Read the rest of this post...

Mobs Attack Indian Theaters Over Lesbian Film

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Lovely. Read the rest of this post...

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out

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The Southern Baptist Convention voted Tuesday to quit the Baptist World Alliance following complaints that some members of the loose, global association had adopted liberal theology and "anti-American" thinking.
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John Ashcroft Accused Of Lying About Terror Threats

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Op-ed columnist Paul Krugman eviscerates Attorney General John Ashcroft in today's New York Times. Krugman details repeated examples of Ashcroft coming under fire for his terrible job performance and responding by attacking the messenger or making grandiose claims of foiling terrorist plots (ie. that "dirty bomb" maker) that prove to be false. As John Aravosis questioned here yesterday, Krugman sarcastically implies that the foiled "plot" to attack an Ohio mall is bogus or at the very least puffed up and announced only when expedient. Think about how outrageous that truly is. Why aren't there Congressional hearings into exploring the possibility that the Attorney General of the United States is fabricating terrorist plots against the US in order to protect his career?
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21 Killed in Iraq and Dozens Hurt in Bomb Attacks -- Iraqis Rejoice

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More suicide bombers in Iraq, with coordinated strikes making it one of the deadliest attacks in June. Many of the victims were foreign contract workers and Iraqi civilians. The slightly buried, slightly depressing headline: Iraqi citizens flooded the streets, danced on top of the cars that had been bombed, cheered, set them ablaze and even waved a severed finger at the media recording their joy. Iraqi security forces -- who are more and more in charge of patrolling Baghdad -- stood by and watched helplessly. Read the rest of this post...

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