Bill O'Reilly Gives Advice On Good Karma? Oh, The Irony!!!!!!
In his continuing series on good parenting, Bill O'Reilly, who is not a child development specialist but plays one on TV, provided yet another tip for parents. On last night's "Factor," he advised parents - ready for it - to teach children to be kind to others because, "It's Karma, the kinder you are, the better life you will have." He summarized his Factor tip of the day. "Be kind to strangers and people you know." Anybody see any cognitive dissonance here?
Read moreCavuto’s ‘Fair And Balanced’ Take On Occupy Movement: ‘A Lot Of Bitching Going On’
Neil Cavuto and guest Malia Lazu discussed the one-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, on September 17, by debating whether or not the movement has made any difference. Cavuto didn’t hide his disdain. He said up front, “You have to have a point to a rally… There seemed to be a lot of bitching going on here, and not a lot of clarifying going on here, and I think that diluted the message.”
Read moreFox Helps Romney Out by Exploiting 1998 Obama ‘Redistribution’ Video
Fox News’ all-out effort to neutralize Mitt Romney’s 47% remarks now includes exploiting the hell out of a fourteen-year-old audio of then-Illinois-state-senator Barack Obama saying that he believes in redistribution.
Read moreStewart Calls Out O'Reilly On Sandra Fluke In Preview Of Upcoming 'Rumble'
Jon Stewart visited The O'Reilly Factor tonight as a preview of their upcoming pay-per-view debate. As always, the two traded funny barbs. But when O'Reilly brought up his current obsession - Sandra Fluke - Stewart let him have it. With good humor, of course.
Read moreRomney Runs To Cavuto For Rehab
Mitt Romney appeared on Your World to discuss the furor over his “47%” remarks. As Media Matters noted, it would be hard to find another host more simpatico with Romney’s agenda than Neil Cavuto.
Read moreSorry, No Scathing, Blistering or Devastation in This Fox Nation Headline
Your humble servant has often wondered who writes Fox Nation headlines. Well, the headline for the first of today's many posts about Romney's "47%" remark reads "RAW VIDEO: ROMNEY GETS REAL." But the URL for the post reads:
Really?? Someone had a chance to use the words "scathing takedown" in a headline and then changed their mind? Did they actually decided Romney wasn't scathing after all? That's a first.
Bachmann and Hannity Blast Obama for Fiddling While Rome Burns
President Obama is attending a fundraiser with Jay-Z and Beyoncé tonight, instead of meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; and last night Sean Hannity and guest Michelle Bachmann radiated horror and disapproval as they discussed this latest manifestation of the President's so-called pro-Islam foreign policy. (Actually, if Obama had been meeting Netanyahu it wouldn't be till next week, when the Prime Minister comes to New York for the opening of the UN General Assembly, so that wouldn't stop him from going to a fundraiser tonight; but who wants truth when exaggeration is so much more effective?)
Read moreBill O'Reilly Fact Check - Civics & Ethics Education Edition
During Bill's "Tip of the Day" segment, during which he advised parents on how to "build character in children," he made a claim that, as Senator Al Franken used to say about Bill's claims, seemed to have been pulled out of his ass. After introducing his topic, "building character in children," Bill said this: "As you know, the public school system does not do that anymore. Used to be that civics classes even ethics classes; but few public schools offer them now." Recently, Bill said that he's rarely wrong. But his Factor fact, that schools don't teach civics and ethics, isn't entirely correct.
Read morePeter Johnson Jr.'s Guest's Message Doesn't Match The Fox Message?
Customarily, on Fox & Friends, the banter between the host(s) and the guest(s) is like the old time religion "call and response" in that both the host(s) and guest(s) are totally in synch with regard to the theme of the piece. Sunday, however, it appears the theme of the piece didn't match what the guest presented in that what seemed to be Peter Johnson Jr.'s initial framing of the narrative was a bit out of synch with the message of the guest. While Johnson seemed ready and set to present a segment about how "God" was involved with the biblical flood story, the discussion took a different turn with the result being that science trumped Fox religious propaganda. Was Johnson's production crew asleep at the switch? You be the judge.
Read moreFox's Todd Starnes Suggests ‘South Park’ Should Be Investigated For Blasphemy
In his eagerness to stand up against what he views as religious persecution against Christians, Fox News’ Todd Starnes seemed to see no irony in putting very little daylight between himself and Islamic zealotry. Because while he called it “well and good” that the Obama administration has condemned the controversial anti-Muslim film that is so central to the Middle East riots, Starnes asked, “Where are the federal investigations into shows like South Park which has denigrated all faiths?”
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