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Friday, September 10, 2004

I found the other example of the superscript "th" in the already-authentic Bush documents

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Ok, I admit it, I spent the last hour and a half reading through Bush's military records that had already been previously released by the White House and DOD (i.e., records we already KNOW are real). And, I found the second superscript "th" that CBS is talking about in page 13 of this pdf document on USA Today's Web site.
On page 13, you find a document that's a chronological listing of Bush's military service. The document has a number of entries, each one entered on a different date over a period of 5 years. The 4Sep68 entry is the one with the superscript "th" in the phrase "111th". The same document has other entries from other dates that do NOT use the superscript "th", but rather a normal sized "th." I've copies ALL four references to "111th" off of this page so you can see how the one is clearly a miniature superscript.

Also, since each entry for a specific date could have been entered using a unique typewriter - i.e., a different typewriter for each dated entry - I also copied an entire phrase from the 4Sep68 entry, the phrase "111th Fighter" so that you can compare the superscript "th" in 111th with the normal-sized letters t and h in "fighter." It's clear when comparing the same letters from the same typewriter that the "111th" is written with a much smaller t and h than the same letters in the word "fighter." Thus, the typewriter was capable of shifting to a smaller font for the superscript "th". Voila. Here goes.

This, below, is the example of the four different types of "111th" found in this same document - note how the first one has the small superscript "th."

This, below, is the phrase "111th Fighter" in which I copied the letters "th" from "111th" and then also copied the letters "ht" from "Fighter" - THEN I placed the two next to each other so that you can see that even with the same typewriter, the letters "th" in "111th" are definitely a smaller font than the "h" and "t" in "Fighter". In fact, I'd say the "th" is only slightly larger than the entire letter "h" in "Fighter".

Finally, below, I put the "h" from the "th" next to the "h" from "Fighter." Why? Because someone could claim that the person typing the "th" in 111th simply held the carriage in place so the letters t and h were scrunched together, making them look like a smaller font when they weren't. Aha, but when you put the two h's next to each other, guess what? The "h" in 111th is MUCH SMALLER than the "h" in "Fighter" - which proves it's a different font size from the same typewriter.

So there you have it. Enjoy. Read the rest of this post...

White House AGAIN refuses to say memos are fake

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'We don't know if the documents are fabricated or authentic,' McClellan told reporters...AGAIN the White House today refused to say the memos are fakes. Which can only mean that the content in the memos is true, whether or not the memos themselves are real. That's the only reason the White House would not come out and call the documents a fake. If Bush didn't receive a direct order to get a physical, then he'd have known it and could easily say "that document is a fake." If you produced a memo saying I'm really an Irish Setter, then I could quite easily tell you the memo is a fake, or at the very least the memo is a lie (i.e., perhaps the memo is real but the guy who wrote it is nuts). But the White House isn't going there. They refuse to even say if THE CONTENT OF THE MEMO is wrong. And the only reason for that is because they either fear the content is correct or because they KNOW the content is correct.

This is the fact people should be rallying around. Why won't the White House confirm or deny the facts as stated in those memos? Simply ask Bush the question: Are the facts in the memos true or false?

PS Note AP's ratrher pissy little response to CBS' proof that another White House document, previously authenticated by the White House, ALSO contains one of those raised "th"s. The AP responds, well THAT raised "th" was in a different font than the raised "th" in the CBS memo. Huh? Yes, and what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? The issue was that, supposedly, it was impossible for a raised "th" to have existed in the early 70s typewriters. Now we know they did exist, so what's the problem AP? Read the rest of this post...

Did Bush pay black people to stand in audience at GOP convention?

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Black leader Keith Boykin says that's what he heard. Read the rest of this post...

And a quick overview of the day before I run out to dinner

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There's been a lot of back and forth over whether the controversy over the CBS memoes spells doom and gloom for our side. Hardly. First, it appears now that pro-forgery arguments have all been answered. But more importantly, the entire US has spent the last 48 hours discussing whether GW Bush was or wasn't AWOL, whether he did or didn't disobey a direct order. Bush would rather the entire nation be discussing why John Kerry sucks, or why we're all going to die soon in a fireball unless he's re-elected. The last thing the Bush campaign needs is everyone focused on whether or not there's enough evidence to prove Bush went AWOL. This discussion is a net-gain for us no matter how it's resolved. Everyone now knows about these documents and the doubt about Bush's character will forever be in the back of their heads.

And what's more, since the freeper types went nuts about the authenticity of the memos, they made the story even bigger and gave it even longer legs. They forced CBS News to do ANOTHER EVENING NEWS BROADCAST ABOUT THIS ISSUE, to the tune of almost 6 minutes long - 6 minutes long for a nightly news broadcast? unhead of! And now the media gets to report for the weekend news cycle about CBS finding additional proof that the memos are real.

Again, none of this is good for Bush. It all just keeps the story going and going and going. And that little energizer bunny ain't good for President AWOL. So buck it up, relax, smile, and go get a drink. All in all, we kicked Bush's ass this week. And some of you thought he was untouchable. Ha. Read the rest of this post...

VIDEO: CBS Evening News responds with proof that memos are real

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UPDATE: CBS has posted the high-res version of tonight's broadcast online here.

They got the goods on him. This is their broadcast tonight. (Sorry, it's a RealPlayer file, get over it - it's a lot smaller than the original file as an mpg.) Read the rest of this post...

More on CBS' response to GOP rumor mill

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CBS just published a big story about this:
CBS News Anchor Dan Rather says many of those raising questions about the documents have focused on something called superscript, a key that automatically types a raised "th."

Critics claim typewriters didn't have that ability in the 1970s. But some models did. In fact, other Bush military records already released by the White House itself show the same superscript – including one from 1968.

Some analysts outside CBS say they believe the typeface on these memos is New Times Roman, which they claim was not available in the 1970s.

But the owner of the company that distributes this typing style says it has been available since 1931.
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Report to come momentarily, but in a nutshell, they found ANOTHER document the White House released earlier that includes the same "th". Na na na na na. Read the rest of this post...

Updated version of my Bush-Cheney banner ad

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Democrats plan "Girlie Man" doll of Schwarzenegger in drag

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Oh, please do one of Bush (and Dan Bartlett with his pretty hair-do). Read the rest of this post...

CBS fights back - will discuss authenticity of memos on tonight's news

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Oooh, this should be good :-) I think CBS is fighting mad, and sounds like they've got the goods on Bush. From PR Newsire:
Later today, CBS News will address on the air and in detail the issues surrounding the documents broadcast in the 60 MINUTES report on President Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard. At this time, however, CBS News states with absolute certainty that the ability to produce the "th" superscript mentioned in reports about the documents did exist on typewriters as early as 1968, and in fact is in President Bush's official military records released by the White House. This and other issues surrounding the authenticity of the documents and more on this developing story will be reported on tonight on THE CBS EVENING NEWS WITH DAN RATHER.
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POLLS: Bush only ahead 2-3 points

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Like I've been saying all along, Bush is only BARELY ahead of Kerry folks. Gore was BEHIND 4 points, according to the polls, on election day in 2000 and we all know now that he actually won the popular vote. So snap out of it, get angry, and fight back.

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Why does George Bush love terrorists and hate our police?

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New York Times:"'Four years ago,' Mr. Kerry said in St. Louis, 'George Bush said he'd stand with and protect America's police officers by extending the assault-weapons ban, which keeps the most dangerous assault weapons off our streets, the same weapons that America's police officers want off our streets, not just to fight ordinary crime but to take on terrorists.

'In fact,' the Democratic presidential candidate went on, 'an Al Qaeda training manual recovered in Afghanistan included a chapter urging terrorists to get assault weapons in the United States. Why is George Bush making the job of the terrorists easier and making the job for America's police officers harder?'"
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Edwards responds to Cheney's eBay comment

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'If we only included bake sales and how much money kids make at lemonade stands, this economy would really be cooking,' Edwards said in a statement. - AP
UPDATE: Campaign Money Watch has already jumped on Cheney's ridiculous statement and done a little bit of advocacy with it. Check it out. Read the rest of this post...

How did Bush's "witness" see W at SUMMER drills in Alabama when Bush didn't report in until October?

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Inquiring Democrats want to know. Read the rest of this post...

Supposed "proof" of forgery doesn't pass muster

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Someone has posted a computer-generated recreation of the CBS docments that this person created on their own computer, thus trying to prove that the documents could have been made on a computer today. The thing is, I don't think the "new" document this guy created is at all like the old one from CBS.

Check this out.

CBS doc:

New doc guy just created:

Now, others have said these are identical. I don't think so. Note a few problems here:

1. The biggest problem is the relative height of each letter and word. In the "new" document every word (and every letter in each word) is on the exact same horizontal line as every other word and every other letter. In the CBS doc, some of the letters in a word are actually higher up than other letters, and some words are higher up. Let me explain:

a. In the CBS doc, the S in Staudt in the first line, the bottom of the S goes BELOW the bottom of the t that follows it. Yet in the new doc, the bottom of the S and the t are on exactly the same horizontal line.

b. Hell, look at the title "Memo to File" - in the CBS doc, the M is lower than the e that follows, the next m is all fucked up (half the m is low the other half is high). In the new doc, all is well.

c. Actually the letter m is messed up everywhere it appears in the CBS doc, it's perfectly typed in the new doc.

d. The apostrophes are straight up and down in the cbs doc, they're curved inward in the new one.

e. Note how 187th is higher in the CBS doc - at least the 1 and the 8 are higher up than the 7. In the new doc, again, all is well.

Basically, there's lots more. The top document looks like it was typed ona typewriter, where every letter and every word moves around a bit, whereas the bottom doc is a perfect computer generetaed doc.

I'm sorry, but these docs don't look similar at all. Read the rest of this post...

Speaking of Dick Cheney and eBay

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Speaking of Dick and eBay, here's something I created before I launched AMERICAblog. Click here to see the entire thing:

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High school FORCES students to attend pro-Bush rally

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"President Bush and several other Republican politicians spoke at Lee's Summit High School on Tuesday morning. The by-ticket-only event was attended by 15,000 people; 2,000 were students and school staff. Only students with parental permission could opt out of attending. Nine chose not to go." - Kansas City Star
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Four More Years

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EDS cutting up to 20,000 jobs

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For a recovering economy, this is an incredible number. Add on 7,000 from Delta as well 900 from Alaska Airlines and of course Delta and US Air are nearing bankruptcy, this does not look like any recovery that I've witnessed before. I guess some people have a lower bar for counting success.
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Putting money where their mouth is:

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I don't know if these guys are seriously giving away $200,000 to encourage people to vote or not but it sounds like a cool idea to me. Hell, even if they're not giving away the money, it's a good thing to get people out to vote because numbers are critical. The Republicans are doing their best to disgust voters and turn them off from voting but we need every voter to get out there and support the cause.

For those who want to enter under my name and help me win money for my next trip, click here. For those who want to create their own mailing list for unregistered friends and family, create their own chance of winning $100,000 and selfishly deny me my very own slush fund, click here. Good luck!
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Coalition of the Going, going, GONE!

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Another vital partner has removed itself from the list. I guess this means that George will have to find himself another critical team to add to the list. I mean, who gives a damn about a stupid old constitution that calls for pacifism?
Costa Rica asked the United States to remove it from a list of Iraq coalition partners Thursday, after the Constitutional Court ruled inclusion on the list violated the country's pacifist principles.

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Congressional Dem's slap Bush on overtime law

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Great to see the Dem's realizing that they can fight back instead of getting run over by the Bushies. Let's see if Dubya acts on his threat to veto the bill, right before the election.
The House voted 223 to 193 yesterday to block the Bush administration's sweeping new eligibility rules for overtime pay, giving Democrats a significant victory that they hope will boost the party's standing among middle-class voters in key battleground states in the fall election.

Democratic presidential nominee John F. Kerry has vowed to repeal the rules if elected, and Democrats have denounced the regulations as "the biggest pay cut in history."

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Al-Zawahiri video released

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I thought the Bushies told us they were taking these guys out of action. Funny how they're still out there three years after the attack.
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The Faces of the Dead

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Here are photos of the kids who won't be coming home from Iraq.

I wouldn't want to send my kid. Would you want to send yours? I'd love Iraq to be free, but they don't seem to want us there, do they? Can you liberate a people from themselves?
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Abu Ghraib Scandal Widens

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The shame of Abu Ghraib -- wherein US soldiers tortured, raped and beat to death prisoners in Guantanamo, Afghanistan and Iraq -- continues to grow. At every stage, the Bush administration tries to pretend these are very limited actions of a few bad apples, when the practices have been widespread and condoned up and down the command chain.

During Congressional testimony, the latest facts to emerge are that dozens if not up to a hundred or more prisoners were hidden from the International Red Cross by the CIA so we didn't have to go through the niceties of obeying international law. The total is far more than previously reported.

"But even some Republicans were scathing in their comments. 'We had a gigantic failure of leadership - one that a year ago, I would have said was impossible to have in the United States Army,' said Representative John Kline, Republican of Minnesota, who is a retired Marine colonel."

Impossible? Not in George Bush's Army.

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Why does Colin Powell hate the National Guard?

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“I am angry that so many sons of the powerful and well placed and many professional athletes (who were probably healthier than any of us) managed to wangle slots in Reserve and National Guard units. Of the many tragedies of Vietnam, this raw class discrimination strikes me as the most damaging to the ideal that all Americans are created equal and owe equal allegiance to our country.”

Colin Powell, From his 1995 autobiography ‘My American Journey’
Wangle? Who knew? Read the rest of this post...

Bush's FDA tries to withhold child drug data from Congress

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NY Times:
The chairman of a House committee angrily accused the Food and Drug Administration on Thursday of withholding documents on the effects of antidepressants on children.

Holding a copy of an e-mail message from an agency official instructing others in the agency not to unearth the documents, Representative Joe L. Barton, Republican of Texas and chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said it demonstrated that the agency was deliberately defying the panel. He threatened to ask police officers to go to the agency's offices to retrieve the records.

"The F.D.A.'s lack of cooperation with the committee in obtaining relevant and responsive information in a timely fashion on a matter that involves the safety of our children leaves me wondering whether this is sheer ineptitude or something far worse," Mr. Barton said.
I'm sure the email was a forgery too. Read the rest of this post...

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