10:34 PM: Williams asks a stupid final question trying to get Obama and Clinton to diss each other. Obama won't take the bait...she is worthy..and turns to bashing McCain. She doesn't have to answer the question of whether she can be the standard bearer. I just think I'm better. Clinton says they both feel strongly about the country. It's an honor to campaign -- and she intends to do everything she can to win. Either one of us will make history. The question is who can change the country and she thinks she can.
10:29 PM: Clinton would take back her vote on Iraq. Obama upset he didn't stop the Schiavo fiasco. It was his inaction that bothered him. Obama does a nice wrap up. He's right. Both of them want to deliver for the American people. We do have two terrific candidates and either of them will kick McCain's ass.
10:22 PM: Russia question. Long answers, both good answers.
10:14 PM: Okay, reject and denounce. Are we happy now? That was a weird and uncomfortable exchange.
10:10 PM: Russert is doing a damn good job. I wish he'd be this tough on his Sunday show, where I think he talks tough but doesn't always really dog the people he has on the show. He's hitting Hillary and Obama both with the really tough stuff, good for him.
10:07 PM: Not sure I care whether Hillary releases her tax returns, but in general, I've always found it rather voyeuristic, the tax return thing. Maybe I don't get it.
10:04 PM: Campaign finance. Here's the answer -- listen, Tim -- McCain is on the verge of breaking the campaign finance laws. He could go to jail for 5 years as a result. Why do I care what McCain thinks about this issue, he's lost all credibility. As for Obama, Russert got it wrong. Obama didn't promise to take public funding, he said he'd sit down the GOP nominee and try to work out a deal. Big difference.
10:01 PM: Two film clips...both Clinton and Obama say she was having fun with her clip about the sky opening up. Then a clip of Barack talking about Clinton being co-President. He did have a good line about her vote on a credit card bill...said if you oppose bills, you vote against them.
9:48 PM: A break. Brian Williams had to work had to get it, but he did.
9:41 PM: Hillary: I won't get bin Laden. Not a real winning argument. Basically, she criticized Obama for saying that if we had Osama in our sights in Pakistan and the Pakistanis refused to take him out, we would. Hillary just criticized him for saying that. So, she wouldn't go after Osama if the Pakistanis refused to?
9:39 PM: Hillary uses a John McCain talking point on Pakistan. Obama goes back to Iraq -- a huge strategic blunder. She was ready to give into George Bush on Day One. She facilitated and enabled George Bush. He corrects her on Pakistan.
9:34 PM: Barack gets asked about Hillary's foreign policy criticism of him. He doesn't equate experience with longevity in Washington, but Hillary does. Then he pivots into Iraq, Pakistan and other issues where he thinks he's been right -- and she's been wrong.
9:23 Russert just called Hillary on NAFTA. Said she supported it repeatedly. "Your record is pretty clear."
9:18 Holy shit. Hillary just asked if Barack needed another pillow. Jesus Christ. The audience just went "oohhhhh" on that one. My God. We've invoked Matt Drudge and Saturday Night Live tonight. That was just pathetic.
9:16 PM: Good God, shut up already. I'm sorry, but Hillary won't shut up. It's like debating one of those Republicans on TV who just won't stop. Come on, already. She's been doing this the past several debates.
9:11 PM: Still on health care. Clinton gives good arguments. Obama comes right back.
9:07 PM: Brian Williams actually cited Matt Drudge in a question to Hillary Clinton about the now infamous phote. Barack brings it back to health care. NBC showed the photo on the air, not sure that's appropriate.
9:04 PM: Wow, they started by showing videos of Hillary being conciliatory at the end of the last debate, and then the video of Hillary kind of losing it over Obama's recent mailings. She's giving a pretty good answer - sane, level-headed, not angry. I still think "angry" is only minutes away.
Game on. This could be the final debate of the primary season. We've watched and liveblogged almost all of them. John and I are both writing the live blog in this thread.
As in the past, we'll look for the high and low points. Hopefully, more high points.
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