*In the North Carolina Democratic primary for Senate, Jim Neal is in a tie with Kay Hagen. With four weeks to go, there is a huge undecided -- Jim can win this primary. Help him out here.
*If you're in the DC area, there's a fundraiser for Netroots Nation tomorrow night. Details are here. It should actually be fun:
Join activists, organizers and on-lookers, as we drink, laugh and carouse liberally to celebrate the blogging community and prepare for the Netroots Nation in AustinYou don't see many invites like that in DC. Laughs aren't usually on the agenda, and carousing never is.
Free food, cheap drinks, lively conversation & progressive camaraderie!
*Earlier today, AJ explained how McCain "once again demonstrated his lack of foreign policy abilities today." Tonight, Jed posted wrote, "No wonder John McCain can't come up with an Iraq policy that makes sense -- he still has no idea what's actually going on there." He also posted Olbermann's take on "thoroughly wrong" McCain.
*Cliff Schecter's book, The Real McCain, has moved up to number 108 on Amazon. It's really causing quite a stir. And, the McCain campaign has already called it "trash journalism." Quite a compliment for Cliff, I'd say.
I know there's more...what else? Read the rest of this post...