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Monday, June 28, 2004

What to do with your Fahrenheit 9.11 ticket stubs...

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From Scott:

Here's what to do with you "Fahrenheit 9/11" ticket stub....

After you go to Fahrenheit 911, keep your ticket stub and mail it to:

George W. Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20500

With a note attached, "I saw what you did last summer". Read the rest of this post...

Ron Reagan, Jr. says Cheney dissed Nancy at funeral

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New York Times:
Q: How did your mother feel about being ushered to her seat by President Bush?

A: Well, he did a better job than Dick Cheney did when he came to the rotunda. I felt so bad. Cheney brought my mother up to the casket, so she could pay her respects. She is in her 80's, and she has glaucoma and has trouble seeing. There were steps, and he left her there. He just stood there, letting her flounder. I don't think he's a mindful human being. That's probably the nicest way I can put it.

Q: Did you vote for Bush in the last election?

A: No. I did not.

Q: Why can't they run the United States with that kind of efficiency?

A: That's a good question. One thing that Buddhism teaches you is that every moment is an opportunity to change. And we will have a moment in November to make a big change.
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Nancy won't address GOP convention unless Bush caves on stem cells

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I LOVE it. Read the rest of this post...

U.S.-Led Forces Would Back Martial Law, Bush Says

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Ok, so let me get this straight. First we went to Iraq to get the nukes, but no nukes. Then it was to get Al Qaeda, and no Al Qaeda. Then it was to get chem weeapons, no chem weapons. Then bio weapons, no bio weapons. Finally, we were told we're losing men and women every day in Iraq to instill democracy, but now we seen that authoritarian military dictatorships are cool too.

Ah, that shining city on the hill... Read the rest of this post...

Uncertainty About Interrogation Rules Seen as Slowing the Hunt for Information on Terrorists

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Now, here's a queer little article from today's NYT. It seems that those "isolated incidents" at Abu Ghraib have now stifled the entire US international war on terror since now NO ONE knows what is and isn't an acceptable interrogation technique. How can that be, you ask, since I thought Abu Ghraib was only the act of a few soldiers, and CLEARLY didn't reflect US policy? So, then, why is the Abu Ghraib scandal now forcing all American interrogators into mass confusion if they were already following the rules THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT HAPPENED AT ABU GHRAIB?
Confusion about the legal limits of interrogation has begun to slow government efforts to obtain information from suspected terrorists, American intelligence officials said Sunday.

Doubts about whether interrogators can employ coercive methods, the officials said, could create problems at the start of a critical summer period when counterterrorism officials fear that Al Qaeda might attack the United States.

Interrogators are uncertain what rules are in effect and are worried that the legal safeguards that they had believed were in place to protect them from internal sanctions or criminal liability may no longer exist, the officials said.
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Presbyterians pick pro-gay leader

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Funny, I thought all Christians hated gays? At least that what Bush and Congress keep telling us. Do you mean, horror of horrors, the president and Congress are trying to pass a constitutional amendment that only codifies the beliefs of SOME religions over others> ;-) Read the rest of this post...

Militants Say They Executed U.S. Soldier in Iraq

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If true, another pointless death laid at Bush's feet:
Al Jazeera television broadcast a video tape on Monday showing what militants said was the execution of a U.S. soldier captured in Iraq in April.

A gunman could be seen firing one shot at the soldier, wearing greenish overalls and seen only from the back, in a dark setting. The body fell into a hole.
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Bush lodges complaint with Irish Embassy over interview

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Despite following White House regulations of submitting questions three days in advance, Bush was not pleased that the Irish press is not a bunch of fucking wimps like the American press and RTE Washington correspondent Carole Coleman held her ground and pushed Bush to answer the questions that he had for the previous three days and not use the interview as yet another Soviet-style scripted session. So far this story has received sparse attention by the US press, probably because they are embarassed that it has taken an outsider to do the job. Mrs. Bush was supposed to also give an interview with the RTE but canceled without reason. Bravo to Ms. Coleman and I hope to see more spine by the press sometime soon. Read the rest of this post...

Flaming Bush

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A bit of silliness. Bush cuts a mean figure on a disco dance floor in this short clip. Our favorite dance move? The top left button shows it. (Hint: look for the Exorcist-like moment where his body spins around and his head stays still.) Read the rest of this post...

Supreme Court Affirms Detainees' Right to Use Courts

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Anyhow, Bush isn't covered by Supreme Court judgments anyway ;-) Seriously, an interesting, and confusing, decision. I think what they ruled is that "enemy combattants" have the right to challenge their detention in US courts, and that foreigners held as enemy combattants have that right as well. And that Padilla is out of lucky because he forgot to dot an "i."

More on this when I get back to DC tonight from NYC. Read the rest of this post...

I'll be on Air America Radio today at 9:30AM Eastern time (ish)

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They want to have a little chat about the issue of outing gay congressional staff who work for anti-gay members of Congress, particularly members who support the constitutional amendment. You can listen to the show live via this page. Read the rest of this post...

'Destroyed' Lewinsky Speaks Out on Clinton Memoir

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Oh geez, get over it honey. You blew the president. He didn't love you. And you shouldn't have expected him too. GET OVER IT. Read the rest of this post...

Texans wary as polygamous sect moves in

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There those crazy heterosexuals go again, defending marriage, and LOTS of it. Read the rest of this post...

The murder, rape, lies and coverup continue in Sudan

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Since Sudan has oil, they are receiving more international and US attention than other countries mired in civil war. The US as well as the UN are doddling and dragging their feet while the Sudanese government is preparing the stage show for Annan and Powell.

"The Sudanese villagers in this western region of Darfur were bombed. They were raped. Their huts were burned and their grain pillaged. Now, those who fled the chaos say they are being silenced.

The Sudanese government dispatched 500 men last week to this sweltering camp of 40,000 near El Fashir, capital of North Darfur state, the refugees and aid workers said. The men, some dressed in civilian clothes, others in military uniforms, warned the refugees to keep quiet about their experiences when Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan visit the region next week."
This war has been dragging on for years and is racially driven but the world community can't seem to get serious about the problem. I suppose that if they didn't have oil, they would treated about the same as Zimbabwe or Zambia or other countries led by brutal regimes that do not have petroleum reserves. Read the rest of this post...

New terror alert, same old confusion

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Shortly before leaving for my holiday break, there was a new terror alert that was later played down by Homeland Security and everyone was confused. When things like that happen, a lot of us wonder about the politics behind the scene and sagging polls. Now that I'm getting back from holiday, I am reading about a new terror alert that is again being denied by Homeland Security. Aren't we supposed to have clear lines of responsibility for churning out terror alerts? Will we always receive new alerts that are timed to distract Americans from administration problems? Is the administration ever going to move forward from this extended Keystone Cops show that we've been watching?

"The FBI issued a warning last week for state and local authorities to be on the lookout for booby-trapped floating material in and around the nation's marinas, warning they could contain explosives.

A homeland security official told CNN on Sunday there is "no intelligence terrorists are planning to or want to do this."
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Governor Grope to headline at GOP Convention

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OK, it's not much of a surprise to see "Democrat" Zell Miller speaking nor is it a surprise to see folks like Guiliani speaking, but after all of the talk about the fundamental differences that Governor Grope has with Bush, he's taking a headline position at the convention surely to make people somehow think there is a compassionate side of the Republican Party. The Terminator as the picture of compassion...uh huh. Read the rest of this post...

Homosexual Marriage Is Abortion To Marriage

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Check out these assholes. Hard to know where to begin on an artricle this nasty other than to say that they're lucky we dont live in the kind of tryannical nation they're wishing for, because if we did they'd be the first to be disappeared. Read the rest of this post...

I once told a lie that was THIS big.

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Babs and O'Reilly?

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I honestly thought Barbra Streisand and Bill O'Reilly were meeting on stage together. Read the rest of this post...

Just a little amuse-bouche...

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(All politics and no play makes AMERICAblog a dull blog.) Read the rest of this post...

'Fahrenheit 9/11' Sets Documentary Record

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Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11' took in a whopping $21.8 million in its first three days, becoming the first documentary ever to debut as Hollywood's top weekend film.

If Sunday's estimates hold when final numbers are released Monday, 'Fahrenheit 9/11' would set a record in a single weekend as the top-grossing documentary ever outside of concert films and movies made for huge-screen IMAX theaters.

Adding the film's haul at two New York City theaters where it opened Wednesday, two days earlier than the rest of the country, boosted 'Fahrenheit 9/11' to $21.96 million.
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