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Saturday, March 01, 2008

Where is Hillary Clinton tonight?

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The media is trying to figure out where Hillary Clinton is tonight. The best guess is Saturday Night Live.

UPDATE: Yep, SNL. Ben Smith watched. I didn't:
Hillary Clinton embraced the theme that the media is out to get her in her appearance on Saturday Night Live tonight.

She appeared -- and praised -- a parody of the recent NBC debate, painted as an absurdly tilted playing field in which moderators "Brian Russert" and "Tim Williams" accused Hillary of crimes and offered Obama outlandish praise and easy questions, then praised him for his "courage" in defending them from charges of bias.

"The scene you just saw was a re-eneactment -- sort of -- of last Tuesday’s debate," Clinton said.

"I simply adore Amy's impression of me," she continued, standing beside actress Amy Poehler, dressed in a matching outfit. "Do I really laugh like that?"
There's so much that could be said. So much. But not a good sign that the other presidential candidate on the show was the other New Yorker who has since dropped out:
And Clinton wasn't alone on this stage featuring two who once stood as the front-runners in their parties' presidential polling -- Rudy Giuliani helped close the show.
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Hillary: If Obama doesn't win every single primary on Tuesday, and win big, he's a loser

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The Clinton campaign is now saying that if Obama doesn't win every single primary/caucus this coming Tuesday with a decisive victory, then he's lost big. Forget the fact that if she doesn't win 65% of the delegates in both Ohio and Texas, it's actually over for her - the math says she simply can't win the nomination without that margin of victory. What's really disturbing here is that the Clinton campaign is making it clear that if Obama doesn't win Texas, Ohio, Vermont and Rhode Island on Tuesday, and by a huge margin, Hillary plans on staying in the race for the long haul, even if Tuesday is the coup de grace to her campaign. Yes, it sucks to lose, but once you've lost it's better to get out than take us all down with you. This race is getting far too bitter. I see it in our own readers - it went from friendly competition to a death match about 4 weeks ago. If Hillary doesn't get her 65% of delegates in Ohio and Texas on Tuesday, she needs to accept that she lost, and quit the race. If she doesn't, then I suspect the negative attacks that are going to be making news next week won't be Hillary's at all. They're going to be from the rest of the party demanding that she concede. Read the rest of this post...

McCain supporter planned to hold "slave sale" fundraiser; asked if he should call his dog a "canine American"

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Oh my.
A March 7, 1996, article (accessed via the Nexis database) in the San Antonio Express-News reported that Hagee was going to "meet with black religious leaders privately at an unspecified future date to discuss comments he made in his newsletter about a 'slave sale,' an East Side minister said Wednesday." The Express-News reported:
Hagee, pastor of the 16,000-member Cornerstone Church, last week had announced a "slave sale" to raise funds for high school seniors in his church bulletin, "The Cluster."

The item was introduced with the sentence "Slavery in America is returning to Cornerstone" and ended with "Make plans to come and go home with a slave."
A July 27, 2006, Wall Street Journal article about Hagee noted the incident:
To help students seeking odd jobs, his church newsletter, The Cluster, advertised a "slave" sale. "Slavery in America is returning to Cornerstone," it said. "Make plans to come and go home with a slave." Mr. Hagee apologized but, in a radio interview, protested about pressure to be "politically correct" and joked that perhaps his pet dog should be called a "canine American."
McCain has reportedly courted Hagee to endorse his presidential bid, and Agee has also courted controversy with his anti-Catholic bigotry. Read the rest of this post...

McCain reportedly had breakfast meeting with anti-Catholic evangelical supporter

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Catholic-basher John Hagee claims that last year he had a strategy breakfast with John McCain:
January 29, 2007

This morning I had an extended breakfast with Senator John McCain of Arizona. Our topic of discussion was Israel and his candidacy for the Presidency of the United States of America....

We discussed his positions on other matters that I will share with you when I speak with you in person. This newsflash goes to the ends of the earth and I don't want to read it in the media tomorrow.
Too late. Read the rest of this post...

McCain stands with his Catholic bashing supporter. What is that good Catholic boy Tim Russert going to do?

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Another major scandal brewing for John McCain. This week, the GOP nominee got endorsed by a vehement anti-Catholic -- and doesn't seem to think it's that big of a deal.

Where's Tim Russert now? He sure made a big deal about Farrakhan with Obama during the debate the other night. And, Russert is never shy about discussing his Catholic roots.

Jane Hamsher has more details -- including a reaction from Bill Donohue, the wild man who runs the Catholic League, obtained by Glenn Greenwald. The outrage transcends politics. Jane thinks there is only one solution for Russert:
It's significant that this is not a partisan issue, both sides of the political spectrum are in agreement that McCain should be forced to account for this. Even the National Review is applauding Glenn Greenwald's efforts on this front.

It's going to be hard for Russert to garner an audience to address this matter that is quite as big as he did in a Presidential debate, so I'm going to make a suggestion here that I never thought I would...

(*sharp intake of breath*)

...he needs to have Bill Donohue on Meet the Press.

Fair is fair, right?
Jane is right.

This should be all the talk at Catholic churches around the country this weekend, like Blessed Sacrament parish here in DC. That's where Russert, Chris Matthews and lots of other political-types go to mass. Chances are their fellow Catholics won't appreciate the Church being called "the great whore" by a leading McCain supporter -- who McCain refuses to denounce and reject. Read the rest of this post...

Saturday Morning Open Thread

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Good morning.

Intense campaigning this weekend in Ohio, Texas...and Rhode Island and Vermont, too. Very intense. For the best in-state reporting, check out Burnt Orange Report for Texas and, in Ohio, Buckeye State Blog and Ohio Daily Blog.

Check out the poem of the week, "Paradise Motel" by Charles Simic. John Lundberg, the poet behind the poem-of-the-week "read[s] Paradise Motel as a brutally honest commentary on how we relate to war and suffering." And, it is.

Start threading the news. Read the rest of this post...

Paco de Lucia, Entre dos aguas

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An absolutely amazing song by one of the best guitarists in the world. My first date with Joelle was a long weekend in Madrid and she gave me one of Paco de Lucia's CDs that included this classic. Great memories all around. Read the rest of this post...

Obama smear offends Kenyans

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Rightly so.The dispute has angered many in Kenya who resent the implication that Mr Obama did anything wrong during his visit. Wajir residents plan to demonstrate after Friday prayers today to show their support for the Illinois senator. Mohamed Ibrahim, who attended a crisis meeting in Wajir yesterday by clan members who hosted Mr Obama, said: "The US government must apologise to us as a clan and the old man. We have been offended and we cannot afford to just watch and stay silent." Read the rest of this post...

Haven't we see this before?

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