Well, the Army apparently let some Hollywood producers use a few of the military's helicopters to film the new disaster flick coming out this summer, "The Day After Tomorrow." And - get this - because the film is based on the premise that global warming envelopes the earth and destroys us some day, that makes this a film whose secret intent is to throw Bush out of the White House!
The worst part about all of this is that NewsMax actually called an Army spokesperson to get them to respond to these allegations. Yes, we're at war and folks like NewsMax are wasting the Army's time responding to black helicopter theories of moviemaking.
Besides the fact that this is just so bizarre as to be comical, what really gets me is how, yet again, Republicans are trying to censor every single thing happening in this country since September 11. If it doesn't involve dogs playing poker on black velvet, then it's treasonous.
Since September 11 I've really come to understand, for the first time and first hand, how good countries go bad. How free nations become dictatorships, and how they turn against their own people, and others, in a supposed effort to defend them. This kind of crap is laughable, but it's also scary. It's high time folks on the left told people like NewsMax, in no uncertain terms, to shut the fuck up.
Army Abets Anti-Bush MovieRead the rest of this post...
Supporters of President Bush's re-election are steamed that the U.S. Army has aided the producers of the envirocrat film backed by Al Gore and others who want to oust him from the White House.
As confirmed to NewsMax by a military spokeswoman, the Army allowed the makers of "The Day After Tomorrow" to use its Blackhawk helicopters on location in Montreal (more outsourcing of jobs by the Hollywood left to Canada) for the disaster flick, which hypes the theory of human-caused global warming.
Although Gore has admitted some of the scenarios in the film are implausible, it nonetheless serves what he sees as the noble purpose of indoctrinating the public with a Kyoto-like polemic.
Courageously, President Bush rejected the Kyoto Protocol as a threat to millions of jobs in the U.S.
Katherine Ross, the Army's director of public affairs in Los Angeles, confirmed to NewsMax that the service did in fact aid in the film's production.
Ross told NewsMax's Wes Vernon that in agreeing to participate, the Army did not know the movie would create a controversy.
She said the flick was intended to be a "summer entertainment," a "time-honored genre" of the disaster movie, not unlike "aliens landing." The Army takes no position on the theory of global warming, she said.
NewsMax has interviewed climatologist Patrick Michaels, long a critic of the "global warming" theory, who says liberal politicians and left-wing groups see "The Day After Tomorrow" as the movie that will make John Kerry president of the United States.
Along these lines, NewsMax Magazine's upcoming June edition will have a blockbuster investigative report on how Hollywood and the major media are backing John Kerry. Make sure you read this report.