When I arrived on Saturday, my mother, who has become one of the biggest advocates for the "No on 1" campaign, handed me a copy of the Press Herald and told me to read one of the op-eds. So, I did. Turns out, my mom, a very devout Catholic, is scanning the paper every day to find the articles and good letters to the editor. She's also having a lot of conversations about the referendum. It means a lot to me to have that much support from my dad and her. And, as I mention in the post on AMERICAblog.com Gay, along with my sisters, they hosted a very successful fundraiser for the campaign yesterday.
I posted the op-ed my mother made me read late Saturday night at AMERICAblog.com Gay. But, after spending a couple days back home, I really thinks it captures the essence of the campaign in Maine.
So, I'd encourage everyone to read the piece from another Maine mother, Margaret Daros, titled, "Gender aside, this family's story is all about love and commitment." She asked if she could share her story with us and you'll be glad she did. This is how the op-ed concludes:
We have lived in Maine for all these years because we love this state. We love its values, its independence, its commitment to life as it should be.And, it turns out, Margaret's son, Jeremy, is a long-time AMERICAblog reader. So, thanks Margaret and Jeremy.
I ask that you who believe in fairness, the rights of all individuals, and who hold a belief that family values count, join me and my family in voting "No on One" in November.
The election is November 3rd, just four weeks from tomorrow. Absentee voting has already started. So, it's game on. You can contribute to "No on 1" here. I'm very impressed with the way this campaign is being run. It's top-notch. Read the rest of this post...