From the Family Research Council:
"This is a blatant display of judicial arrogance where a non-elected federal judge has shown a total disregard for what 70% of Nebraska voters stated, marriage is between one man and one woman," said Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council.Uh, actually Anthony, you kind of screwed up on this one. Not only is our system of government NOT built on the premise that a majority vote overrules the Constitution, but using your logic, even WITH a federal constitutional amendment banning gay marriage all we need is a majority vote of the citizenry to ignore it - since, after all, you and the FRC clearly believe that the majority vote of citizens overrules the Constitution and judges have no right to intervene in order to say that the majority vote is unconstitutional. Read the rest of this post...
"This unfortunate act of judicial activism makes it very clear that marriage is at risk in the federal courts and Congress must pass, and the people of this country must ratify, an amendment to the U.S. Constitution defining marriage as being between one man and one woman.