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Thursday, July 01, 2004

Outing rumor sparks Hill panic

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Oops. :-)

The article did get one thing wrong: Elizabeth Dole in fact SUPPORTS the anti-gay constitutional amendment (the article says she opposes it).

Also, I found something else of interest in the article:
But the offices of members of Congress with strong records opposing gay rights subtly re-enforced their objections to having openly gay employees, leaving them “very nervous about [the outing]."
How about being nervous that you're working for, and helping re-elect, a freaking homophobe who would fire you if he/she knew who you really were?

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Bush Marks Civil Rights Act Anniversary

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Yes, our civil rights president - the man who brought us brought new words into the US lexicon like Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, enemy combattant, the Federal Marriage Amendment, John Ashcroft, and whose civil rights policies include the effort to rescind job protections for gay federal employees, to end affirmative action, and who has appointed judge after judge who wouldn't know a civil right if it hit them in the ass.

My hero. Read the rest of this post...

God's pissed & He's gonna go all Noah on us...

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An excerpt from James Dobson's new book about why gay marriage is going to destroy the galaxy:
The culture war will be over, and the world may soon become 'as it was in the days of Noah' (Matthew 24:37).

This is the climactic moment in the battle to preserve the family, and future generations hang in the balance. This apocalyptic and pessimistic view of the institution of the family and its future will sound alarmist to many, but I think it will prove accurate unless - unless - God's people awaken and begin an even greater vigil of prayer for our nation. That's why we are urgently seeking the Lord's favor and asking Him to hear the petitions of His people and heal our land. As of this time, however, large segments of the church still appear to be unaware of the danger; its leaders are surprisingly silent about our peril (although we are tremendously thankful for the efforts of those who have spoken out on this issue).
This reticence on behalf of Christians is deeply troubling. Marriage is a sacrament designed by God that serves as a metaphor for the relationship between Christ and His church. Tampering with His plan for the family is immoral and wrong. To violate the Lord's expressed will for humankind, especially in regard to behavior that He has prohibited, is to court disaster.
Yeah, love you too, James. Read the rest of this post...

Bush's potentially illegal plan to politicize churches for the election

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The Washington Post had the story this morning. Reuters picked it up as well now. Basically, the Bush campaign is having people send in their churches' membership directories so the campaign can use them. Eeew. And they're also urging folks to distribute issue guides in church (again, eew).

Of particular interest is the fact that the Rev. Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Church - someone whom I recall being kind of a dick, at least in his anti-gay-ness - said he was "appalled" that Bush had asked for the directories. Of course, Land may have had to say that, lest he lose his tax exemption. But still, it was an interesting reaction.

Lots of mis-steps by the Bush boys... Read the rest of this post...

Jack-Off Ryan vs. John Kerry

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Andrew Sullivan complains in his blog that John Kerry is getting off easy, not releasing his divorce papers, while former Illinois Republican Senate candidate Jack Ryan was excoriated for not releasing his:
"If Jack Ryan's sealed divorce papers are legitimate objects for perusal (and you are prepared to force the issue in court), why not Kerry's? Can't you just wait for the Chicago Tribune to explain why they won't pursue the story?"
Andrew's problem? The Trib gave a rather high-fallutin explanation as to why it was ok to see Ryan's file, and I don't buy it (their explanation, that is). It frankly sounds like a bunch of legalese - you can read it yourself via the link I just gave you.

The real reason Ryan's files are relevant is that he was running as a family values Republican. He believes that the federal government should legislate the way you and I run our private lives. Therefore, Ryan should have a lesser expectation of privacy about his private life than, say, John Kerry who does not support govt intrusion in this area. The issue isn't whether divorce records per se should be public, but rather, whether people who live in marriage glass houses should be throwing stones.

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Oh man, ANOTHER Reagan monument?

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Andrew Sullivan, of all folks, alerted us to yet another new Reagan monument via his blog. Read the rest of this post...

Here's another ass, this time a Democrat

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Governor Mark Warner of Virginia doesn't just oppose gay marriage (which most politicians who want to survive oppose as well), but he opposes civil unions too (now that is not so mainstream for Dems), and he - get this - "had an uneasy feeling" about recent Virginia legislation that likely vitiates most pro-gay policies in the state, including gay wills, powers of attorney, etc.

An uneasy feeling is all he gets? Gee, thanks Gov. I have an uneasy feeling too - about you. Read the rest of this post...

Fundamentalist bigots diss Latinos

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Who knew that Latinos would be the next to feel the radical right's un-American wrath? First they came for the gays (who they called perverts), then Muslim-Americans (who they compared to rats), now Latinos. The "radical Hispanic group," as the radical rights' newsource AgapePress calls them, is actually one of the top Latino civil rights organizations in the nation. AgapePress also quotes someone calling the group "racist" against white people. Any Latinos out there? Time to call your friends, because now President Bush's friends are coming for you:
An immigration reform activist is blasting Senator John McCain for recent remarks he made to a radical Hispanic group, calling for fast-track amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. McCain made his speech at the annual conference of the National Council of La Raza. Rick Oltman of the Federation for American Immigration Reform says that group's objectives are quite clear. "This is a race-based group that makes racist comments about white Americans. They have their own agenda, and it isn't about law and order or about the citizenship of all races. It's to thwart enforcement and to push their racial agenda." Also, Oltman feels strongly that amnesty is not the appropriate response to illegal aliens dying in the desert. The immigration reform advocate says "there's ways to see that it doesn't happen besides throwing down the borders and inviting the entire Third World to move into your neighborhood." He says one such way is to put such a deterrent patrol force on the border that illegal immigration will not be considered worth the risk. Oltman acknowledges that illegal immigration results in higher profits for some business owners, but he says another result is that the American taxpayers get stuck with higher costs in the areas of health-care, education, and law enforcement.
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Make me a man, with blond hair and a tan...

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An email I just got from a good friend:
I was sending my graphic and vulgar request to the Exodus prayer email address today and decided to check out the site again. (

Anyway, I came across this passage in a testimonial:
"Entering Marriage--and Finding New Problems
Our first year of marriage was torture as my insecurities poured out. I began to seek solace in phone sex with men. Then I heard a broadcast on homosexuality, featuring an interview with Dr. Elizabeth Moberly. As she spoke about same-gender deficits, I realized that I had many close female friends in my life, but no significant male friendships. I asked God to send men to me with whom I could share my struggles. The Lord was faithful and sent two men within the next year. They were gentle and compassionate, and held me accountable."
You can pray for god to send you men and he does? Men who are gentle and compassionate yet hold you accountable? Can we also request that they wear leather and have hairy chests?!?!
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How do you spell "whore"?

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Please sir, may I have another whipping?
June 29, 2004
(Washington, DC) - The Log Cabin Republicans praise the Republican National Convention for its choice of inclusive, big tent Republicans to speak in primetime at the convention in New York City. Included in this list are former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Arizona Senator John McCain, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and New York Governor George Pataki. Additionally, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg will open the convention.

"These speakers represent the future of the Republican Party. These Republicans are among the leading voices for inclusion in the GOP. We applaud the RNC for showcasing leaders who have had the courage to oppose any attempt to write discrimination into our Constitution," said Patrick Guerriero, Executive Director of the Log Cabin Republicans.

Bloomberg, McCain, Giuliani, Schwarzenegger and Pataki have all been critical of the anti-family Federal Marriage Amendment. Each of these Republican leaders has a track record of running winning inclusive campaigns, and a track record of support on many issues critical to the gay and lesbian community.

"We thank Chairman Gillespie, Bill Harris, CEO of the Convention, and Governor Racicot, Chairman of the Bush-Cheney '04 campaign, for selecting leaders who are examples of how to build a stronger Republican majority in America," concluded Guerriero.

Log Cabin Republicans is the nation's largest organization of Republicans who support fairness, freedom, and equality for gay and lesbian Americans. Log Cabin has state and local chapters nationwide, a full-time Washington office, and a federal political action committee.


Christopher R. Barron
Political Director

Log Cabin Republicans
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Radical right publishes Michael Moore's home address

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Holy shit. Time to sic John Ashcroft on these people. Read the rest of this post...

Cong. Mark Foley (R-FL) is our latest closeted gay hypocrite

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"A Republican congressman [Mark Foley (R-FL)] says Democrats on Capitol Hill want George W. Bush out of office so badly that they put politics ahead of national security." - AgapePress
That's pretty choice coming from Foley, who is a not-very-closeted gay man who is willing to politics ahead of his own community and himself by whoring for an anti-gay president who wishes to make Foley and other members of the GLBT community second-class citizens in the Constitution.

Foley's gayness has been known by most gay folks in town for years - many of us are friends with Foley's former chief of staff, who is also gay (and now helping elect anti-gay Republican Mel Martinize to the US Senate in Florida), and the chief of staff told us Foley's gay. It doesn't get any more confirmed than that. (Foley also has a reputation here in town for being not shy about expressing his sexual orientation.) Foley is also the man who last year callled rumors about his being gay "revolting." Truth be told, I'm revolted that he's actually a member of our community.

Foley continuesin the AgapePress story by accusing Democrats of creating "the kind of poisonous, negative atmosphere that I believe is unpatriotic [and] un-American." Yep, because trying to amend the Constitution to make Foley a second-class citizen, that's not un-American at all.

Foley concludes by alleging that Democrats are willing to do anything get the president out of the Oval Office. Of course, Bush is willing to do anything to STAY in office, including chucking Foley and his closeted gay buddies to the radical right wolves. What a disgusting hypocrite.

Call him: 202-225-5792

And perhaps start by asking him how a gay man could stump for such an anti-gay president? Read the rest of this post...

Fox shows woman get fucked on TV

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Apparently, someone took Dick Cheney's words to heart... (note how the breast is blurred out on purpose but penile penetration is a-ok).

More on this at Read the rest of this post...

Bush is a big girl

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I just got done watching the interview the Irish press did with Bush last week at the White House, and man is Bush a big ole girl. You will not believe how ticked he got at the journalists for asking him pretty basic questions, then he jumps down her throat - oh, about 10 times - for simply asking follow-ups questions. "Let me finish, let me finish" he whines repeatedly. I'd not have been surprised if he called for mommy to come in and scold the mean lady journalist.

Leader of the free world, my ass.

See the video here, read the transcript here. Read the rest of this post...

White House accused of requiring questions in advance for Bush

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Wonkette reports that Bush is under increasing heat for allegedly requiring journalists to submit questions in advance. This is an issue that's been raised before - other journalists have accused the White House of this, and Bush as much as said it was true during a recent press conference.

Here's the White House transcript of Scott McClellan facing some tough questioning about this, and totally avoiding the issue. Read the rest of this post...

New Poll: Bush's credibility SINKING FAST

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Atrios found this new polling data about Bush's credibility and, as Atrios notes, this is the one area in which Bush usually excels - i.e., the public USED to think they could trust him. Not anymore. It's amazing how after months and months of bad news, the public is finally starting to get it. I don't want to speak out of school here, but we could be in for a Kerry landslide:
New surveys by The New York Times and the Washington Post reveal a perilous plunge in the commander-in-chief's credibility. The Times found that 79 percent of the public thinks Bush either is hiding something about Iraq, or worse, is 'mostly lying' about it. The Post asked whether Bush or Kerry is 'honest and trustworthy,' and the president was judged to be honest by 39 percent. Kerry came in at 52 percent.
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Washington Blade Editorial: Out the bastards

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A whoppingly tough editorial from the Washington Blade supporting outing gay Hill staffers working for members of Congress who suppor the anti-gay constitutional amendment. Wow, I'm a bit surprised - but please. An excerpt of this VERY well written editorial:
...IF EVER THERE were a definition of a gay Uncle Tom, it would fit these people. These are not dishwashers or short-order cooks at Cracker Barrel, facing poverty if their redneck bosses learn they’re big homos.

These are smart, talented, well-educated professionals who could find success in any number of highly paid positions on or off the Hill but who instead have chosen to devote their professional lives to advancing the careers of politicians who would strip them and their friends of basic civil rights protections and even redress of their grievances in the courts.

The level of rationalization and denial it must take for these people to show up for work each day must be mind-boggling. Add to that their newfound paranoia that an activist — or even this newspaper — might reveal their sexual orientation, and thereby their hypocrisy, and you have some pretty unhappy people about whom all of us should feel absolutely no sympathy whatsoever...
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Andrew Sullivan to endorse Kerry in Advocate article?

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A VERY REPUTABLE SOURCE tells me that gay conservative Andrew Sullivan will be publishing an article in an upcoming issue of the gay magazine, the Advocate, in which he will endorse John Kerry for president. For sure, my sources say that Andrew devotes a good part of his article to explaining why Kerry is sometimes a bit of a putz on gay issues, but nonetheless, I've been told the article makes the case that the gay community should support Kerry in the upcoming presidential election.

Will it matter? I think so. There are a lot of gay Republicans on the fence, confused about what to do this election, distraught (or destroyed) over Bush's betrayal, but not quite yet stomaching voting for a Dem. Andrew puts partisanship aside, or so I hear, and calls it like he seems them. That will influence a lot of gay Republicans and moderates, and that's to be lauded. Read the rest of this post...

This is a draft, folks

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This is starting to piss me off. They're drafting these people:
The U.S. Army plans to summon a new group of about 4,000 reserve soldiers for duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, taking the total number of additional call-ups announced this week to nearly 10,000, officials said on Wednesday.
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300,000 march for democracy in Hong Kong

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The "Coalition of the Willing" doesn't seem to care that people are marching in the streets, asking for universal suffrage. Britain has really turned its back on these people and for a guy who talks so much about freedom and democracy, Bush ignores this group as well. Thank goodness the global corporates are all doing business there, helping government officials become rich. It's striking how the Bush crowd seem to use the same rhetoric, smear and intimidation tactics as the communist China government. I'll bet Bush loves how the PRC government also pistol whips the press.

"Activists have been angered by a Chinese ruling in April that ended hopes of universal suffrage by 2007, when the city must select its next leader.

The ruling prompted international criticism and fears that China was encroaching on principles set out at the 1997 handover under which freewheeling capitalist Hong Kong was guaranteed limited autonomy for a period of 50 years.

Democrats were called traitors by Beijing, and Chinese leaders were accused of mounting a campaign of intimidation against democracy figures."
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"Hints of Disaster" in Sudan

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In perhaps the most understated headline in recent memory, the New York Times claims that both Powell and Annan received "hints" of trouble during their visit to Sudan. This war is one of the longest running conflicts in the world and the government has been active in supporting terrorists, the slave trade, genocide and rape. Something tells me that Powell and Annan have witnessed more than hints during their visit. Read the rest of this post...

Rope-a-dope strategy or dope & dope?

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I'm still trying to figure out the Kerry strategy. Is he letting Bush burn through his cash and sink his own ship with bad news or is he just sitting quiet and letting Bush off easy? He's raising a ton of cash, so perhaps he is focusing more on fund raising now because it's going to really pick up soon. Either way, a new report from NBC News/WSJ says it is still a dead heat, though Bush does have a lot of negatives that are going to hard to overcome, such as the bad feeling among Americans about Iraq. Fingers crossed that Kerry is employing the Rope-a-dope strategy. Read the rest of this post...

The Halliburton "gravy train" steams ahead

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Fair (and more) wages apparently only apply to Halliburton direct hires. It must be nice to havev friends in high places.

"She repeatedly complained to superiors of waste and fraud. The company's response, according to deYoung was: "We can be as dumb and stupid as we want in the first year of a war, nobody’s going to care."

DeYoung produced documents detailing alleged waste even on routine services: $50,000 a month for soda, at $45 a case; $1 million a month to clean clothes — or $100 for each 15-pound bag of laundry.

DeYoung also claims people were paid to do nothing. Mike West says he was one of them. Paid $82,000 a year to be a labor foreman in Iraq, West claims he never had any laborers to supervise. "They said just log 12 hours a day and walk around and look busy," he said. "OK, so we did."
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Shanghaied and shipped to Iraq working for KBR

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Paying people less money (not pocket change) in the developing world than they would be paid in a country like the US or Europe is not shocking to me. I believe in paying people a fair wage that is in line with the local market conditions. (Paying Nike wages is not what I would consider fair wages.) I've witnessed price inflation across the developing world and that too creates problems such as the locals not being able to afford food, transportation and other living expenses. Check out Cambodia, for example. What is revolting to me about this is that people are being tricked into going to Iraq to supply jobs that they do not want when there is an entire country sitting on massive unemployment. Who in the hell came up with this stupid program? If we're going to give away contracts to KBR, shouldn't we at least dictate to them that they hire locals and pay fair and decent wages? I mean, 30,000 workers from 38 countries really takes the cake for stupidity and sounds like the old British and French policies in their colonial empires. Read the rest of this post...

Nixon/Reagan aide: Why we need the draft back

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I guess this guy doesn't want an invitation to the Republican convention this summer, but maybe that's his point. Doesn't he know that Bush supporters are supposed to be quiet on this issue until after Bush wins in November?

"In fact, there are few good arguments against the draft and a surfeit of good ones for restoring it. The most obvious is that we do not have enough men and women in our armed forces. Reliance on reserves and the National Guard is creating strains along the socioeconomic spectrum and is not an endlessly sustainable expedient. If we are to fight elective wars, as we are told we must, we need more men and women on active duty.

It needs a draft to honor, and to even out, the sacrifices we call upon our young to make for our nation.

Finally, America needs this fund of experience to expand the pool of people likely to find their way into the corridors of power and, when they get there, to bring with them a bone-deep appreciation of the true costs of conflict. Thus might we reduce the risks of counsel from those who have never had to learn the difference between a war and a cakewalk."
Hmmm, I wonder what he means by that? Read the rest of this post...

Rock art and other artifacts from ancient culture revealed in Utah

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This is very cool and I would love to see the new park. Finding ancient rock art is so incredibly rare and it's great to see that the old owner has left it alone and a secret for the past 50 years. Apparently the site has hundreds of art panels as well as old pottery, grain storages and other remains of the cultures that lived in the area 1,000 to 4,500 years ago. Read the rest of this post...

NY Times article on Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun updated

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Following up on an earlier post about the suggestion that the Marine hostage Hassoun is a deserter, there seems to be changes in the story published in the NY Times. The cousin who was quoted in the article is furious and the Times is now admitting that the quote attributed to the cousin was incomplete. Hasn't the Times learned anything from their earlier effort to lead the war effort?

"The Times referred to Wassef Hassoun as a "Marine linguist." However, a Marine spokeswoman insisted Tuesday that he was not a linguist but a motor vehicle driver.

The Times said about two months ago Wassef Hassoun told Tarek Hassoun that several American deserters had escaped by bribing Iraqis to help get them out of the country.

"I was misquoted. The way I said it was changed 180 degrees."

Wednesday the New York Times News Service said its story quoted Tarek Hassoun incompletely. The correction said: "The cousin, Tarek Hassoun, said of a conversation two months ago with Corporal Hassoun: 'He said a lot of soldiers, they don't want to die, especially when they see someone dying in front of them.' When the report from Salt Lake City was added to the Baghdad article, this further comment from Tarek Hassoun was omitted: 'But I'm sure he didn't run away.' "
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New statistic for Bush team: 20.1% uninsured adults and it's going up

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They must be so proud to have jumped up from 19.1% last year. The compassion is just killing me, or at least some people.

"An estimated 18,000 Americans die each year because they lack health insurance, according to a recent report by the Institute of Medicine, an independent, nonprofit group that advises Congress and the federal government on health issues."
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