Oh, and I found out what the big liberal groups are doing to stop the GOP from repealing the filibuster. They're handing Congress a petition with a million signatures. Isn't that nice?
Well, no it's not.
They should be having an event about why the GOP thinks judges deserve to be murdered, not handing out worthless petitions. What would Republicans do in our stead, if several Democrats just pretty much threatened judges, and justified violence against judges, while judges were being shot at? Do you think the Republicans would respond with a petition? Just asking.
Media AdvisoryRead the rest of this post...
April 5, 2005
Contact: Mistique Cano, LCCR
Halle Czechowski, PFAW
Julie Bernstein, AFJ Rachel Perrone, NARAL
Micheline Kennedy, CCMC
One Million Americans Voice Opposition to Partisan Power Grab: Coalition to Deliver Petitions to Senate Leadership on Supreme Court Steps
Washington – On Wednesday, April 6th at 1 p.m., the Coalition for a Fair and Independent Judiciary, representing the country’s leading public interest and civil rights organizations, will rally on the steps of the Supreme Court to present Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (NV) with petitions signed by one million Americans who oppose Republican leaders triggering the nuclear option.
Under pressure from ultra-conservative groups, Senate Republican leadership is trying to eliminate the Senate filibuster of judicial nominations. Known as the “nuclear option,” this radical change in Senate rules would dismantle our system of checks and balances and overturn more than 200 years of Senate tradition.
One million Americans have recognized the “nuclear option” for what it is: a partisan power grab. An overwhelming majority of Americans opposes eliminating the filibuster, and wants to see bipartisan cooperation and consultation as the Senate debates judicial nominations and assesses the qualifications of those seeking these powerful, lifetime appointments.
WHO: Coalition for a Fair and Independent Judiciary
WHAT: Rally on the Steps of the Supreme Court
WHEN: Wednesday, April 6 at 1:00 p.m.
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The Coalition for a Fair and Independent Judiciary- an Alliance of Civil Rights, Human Rights, Labor, Religious and Women’s Organizations