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Thursday, December 04, 2008

It's Christmas time in the city

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It's that time of year again. When the children in the neighborhood love me, and my neighbors less so. It's time to decorate the balcony for Christmas!

First up, we have the now infamous 8 foot Grinch Santa that I'm pretty sure my neighbors across the street loathe. I have a bit of a reputation for liking "Hillbilly Christmas decorations," as one friend put it. But you know, there's no such thing as too many lights or too many decorations - well, okay, within reason.

And this little guy, making his second appearance, is the Santa I bought in Normandy a few years back. He's all the rage in northern France, they have him climbing up homes all over town. Total freaking hoot. And yeah,he's a little Hillbilly too. But how can you not love it? (And just wait to see what I'm cooking up for the inaugural!) Read the rest of this post...

Cop give pregnant woman ticket for using breakdown lane to race to hospital while in labor

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Hey, they can't all be Sarah Palin, giving speeches and flying around the country on 9 hour flights after her water breaks.

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Donny Osmond, after equating gays with wife beating, child abuse, and possibly incest and pedophilia, then says "some of my best friends are gay"

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I'm gonna guess not any more.

You see, Donny decided to write about gays on his Web site. He kind of equated us with men who beat their wives and children, or perhaps men who have sex with their own children, it's a bit hard to tell. But what isn't hard to tell is the part where he says that gays are "immoral" and that they "will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets."

What a pompous bigoted ass. Do you forcibly convert Jewish Holocaust victims to Mormonism too, Donny?

Joe.My.God has more:
Donny Osmond "loves" his gay friends, even though he believes they are immoral whore-sluts bringing "calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets" upon the nation. How does that work, exactly? For what it's worth, there's no evidence that Osmond donated to Yes On 8, nor has he spoken publicly on the issue other than on his website. However as a devout and wealthy Mormon, some portion of his tithing probably went into the campaign.
Didn't know a lot about Mormons until November 4, the day they killed love, other than the fact that many people think they're a cult. And I have to say, I grow less impressed by the day. They seem awfully intent on forcing everyone on the planet to live their way. Read the rest of this post...

Obama may reach out to world's Muslims on first international trip as president

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Brilliant idea. Whether you like 'em or not, Muslims make up between 1 and 1.8 billion of the world's 6.6 billion people. It would be nice if more of them had a better opinion of us. Obama is uniquely positioned - particularly because of the secret-Muslim slurs against him - to reach out to the Muslim world. Starting with, apparently, Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim country. Ben Smith reports:
Barack Obama told a group of donors in California early last year that his first international trip would be to Muslim Indonesia, a supporter who was present recalled today....

As Leary notes, there's a logic to an Indonesia trip: It's giant, Muslim, democratic -- and a place Obama lived as a child.

He said Obama told donors to “imagine if on January 20, 2009 a guy named Barack Hussein Obama was sworn in on the US Capitol steps as the President of the United States, what that would say to the world, especially the Muslim world, about our nation.”
It says, the long national nightmare may finally be over. Read the rest of this post...

Food stamps hit record high in US

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Another proud moment in compassionate conservatism. Bonus money for the failures on Wall Street and food stamp record numbers for the poor. How long before we hear Republicans out there smearing the poor and their luxurious benefits?
Food stamps, the main U.S. antihunger program which helps the needy buy food, set a record in September as more than 31.5 million Americans used the program -- up 17 percent from a year ago, according to government data.

The number of people using food stamps in September surpassed the previous peak of 29.85 million seen in November 2005 when victims of hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma received emergency benefits, said Jean Daniel of the USDA's Food and Nutrition Service.

September's tally -- the latest month available -- was also boosted by hurricane and flood aid, Daniel said on Wednesday.

But anti-hunger groups said the economic downturn is the main reason behind the higher figures.

"It's a disturbing trend," said Ellen Vollinger, legal director with the Food Research and Action Center. She said she expects more people will turn to food stamps as unemployment figures rise and the economy remains weak.

One in 10 Americans were participating in the food stamp program as of September, said Dottie Rosenbaum, analyst with Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a think tank.

That's approaching the all-time high of 10.5 percent of the population that used the program in 1994, and is similar to levels seen in the early 1980s, she said.

States that have seen a drop in job numbers and increase in home foreclosures such as Florida and Nevada also have seen a marked increase in food stamp use, Rosenbaum said.
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Harvard endowment loses over $8 billion, possibly more

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America's "best and brightest" are not doing very well either on Wall Street or minding their own shop. Maybe they should have been a bit more generous with that endowment when they had it instead of being excessively greedy. From the Boston Globe:
Even the famous Harvard University endowment can't beat this historically ugly market.

Harvard had just one-third of its assets in stocks last summer, yet the fund still lost 22 percent of its value, or $8.1 billion, in four months from July through October, the school's president told deans in a letter Tuesday. It was by far the largest loss ever for the world's biggest endowment - a huge reversal of fortune at a school known for its investment superstars.

And the damage isn't over yet. Total losses this fiscal year could reach 30 percent, according to the letter, written by Harvard president Drew G. Faust and executive vice president Edward C. Forst. The recent losses have come amid the worst market plunge since the Great Depression, spurring a cash crunch at Harvard and warnings of cost cuts across the university.

Calling the decline "sobering," Faust wrote that "the severe turmoil in the world's financial markets has affected all major asset classes in which the endowment is invested."

The endowment provides an unusually large share of the university's operating budget - about 35 percent, or $1.6 billion last school year. Most large private schools rely on endowments for just 15 percent of their budgets.
Uh huh. Because Harvard has always been so generous, or did that only start when Congress pushed them? I wonder how much they're paying their investment team this year. Read the rest of this post...

No one could have predicted that the religious right hates gays and cares about gay marriage

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Rolling Stone:
From the start, the leaders of the No on Prop 8 campaign and their high-priced consultants failed to realize what they were up against. According to Geoff Kors, who headed the campaign's executive committee, the No side anticipated needing no more than $20 million to stop the gay-marriage ban. The Yes side, by contrast, set out to change how initiative politics are played, building a well-funded operation that rivaled a swing-state presidential campaign in its scope and complexity. It also built a powerful, faith-based coalition that included the Catholic Church, Protestant evangelicals and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. "The direct involvement of the Mormon church — moving donors in a very short window to give early — was stunning," says Patrick Guerriero, who was called in to take over as campaign manager of No on Prop 8 in the final month. "It was unprecedented — and probably impossible to predict."

In fact, as documented in an internal LDS memo leaked during the campaign, proposals for such a coalition had been on the table for more than a decade. In the memo, a high-ranking Mormon leader discusses approaches for fighting gay marriage in California: "The Church should be in a coalition and not out front by itself," the memo advocates. "The public image of the Catholic Church is higher than our Church. . . . If we get into this, they are the ones with which to join."
Yeah, the Mormons have only been dropping cash into gay state initiatives for, oh, 15 years now? No one could have predicted that they'd have jumped in again. And the notion of religious conservative using gays to get out the vote in a critical presidential election year, I mean, who's ever heard of that?

Absolutely pathetic. And now we're having "the day without a gay" and postcard campaigns to Obama (yeah, that'll get his attention) because we are a movement of aimless and energized followers with no real leaders. I don't fault the followers for coming up with very sweet but useless ideas. I fault the leaders, in California and in Washington, for permitting this void in smart political leadership to continue year after year. Read the rest of this post...

Why doesn't ABC News just become a blog and get it over with?

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Some "real" journalists understand how to blog. That would include Jake Tapper at ABC (and Ben Smith at Politico). Jake and Ben understand that blogging isn't a stereotype. You don't throw credibility to the wind, and wantonly embrace sensation, simply because you no longer have an editor. But ABC figured it wanted to "blog." And everyone knows that "bloggers" are sensationalists who have zero credibility, so ABC decided to jump on the fictitious bandwagon.

About a year or two ago, ABC decided that it wanted its online presence to go more FOX News meets the National Enquirer. Whether it was The Note or ABC's "breaking news updates," everything has gotten a tad too sensational. For example, "Elisabeth Hasselbeck of 'The View' Invited by Sarah Palin to Appear at Two Weekend Rallies" is not "Breaking News" (that was an ABC email dated October 21, 2008).

This brings us to today's "news" from ABC's "blog" that a Planned Parenthood state affiliate is giving out gift certificates for abortions! Don't believe me? Check out today's email news update from ABC:
"ABC News: Gift Certificates for an Abortion?"
Oh my God, turn on the red fire alarm, it's a SCANDAL!!!!

Except it's not.

Once you actually read the ABC story you find out that the gift certificates aren't "for an abortion" at all. They're gift certificates for services at Planned Parenthood's clinic. That could be to buy condoms or birth control pills, get HIV testing and STD testing, testing and treatment for urinary tract infections (oh I can see it now "ABC News: Gift Certificates for Urine?"), LGBT services (ABC News: Gift Certificates to turn your kid gay?), men's health check ups, and more.

It's a freaking gift certificate to help you pay for America's out of control health care costs. How is that a bad thing? How is that a scandal?

Shame on ABC for buying the religious right line and sensationalizing a story that isn't sensational at all. Read the rest of this post...

Senator DeMint wants Capitol Visitor Center to focus on religion

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The U.S. is not a theocracy, thank god. Although there are members of Congress who want it to be one. That would include South Carolina's Jim DeMint who wants the new taxpayer funded visitor center at the Capitol to have a more "God" in it. Bob Geiger has the details (and eviscerates DeMint in the process):
Showing once again that whenever a transformational leader like Barack Obama comes along to lead the nation into the future, the Republican party is always there to drag us backwards, Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) tried to delay the grand opening of the new Capitol Visitor Center in Washington because be thinks there just isn't enough mention of God in the facility.

Saying that the $621 million historical exhibit is "left-leaning" and leaves out America's "history of faith," DeMint tried to use his Senatorial clout to delay the center's opening on Tuesday and, among other things, wanted the original national motto of "E. Pluribus Unum" -- "from many, one" in Latin -- replaced with "In God We Trust."

“The Capitol Visitor Center is designed to tell the history and purpose of our nation's Capitol, but it fails to appropriately honor our religious heritage that has been critical to America’s success,” said DeMint.

What DeMint's religious-right stunt leaves out is that the purpose of the center is to provide an "…educational environment for visitors to learn about the unique characteristics of the House and the Senate and the legislative process" and to teach about our system of Government -- not to talk about the private religious practices of the nation's Senators and Representatives.
All the God talk would make sense at the Vatican Visitor Center. But, this is the United States. Surely, there are bigger issues for Senators to worry about.
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The entire national mall will be used for the massive crowds expected at Obama's inauguration

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The entire length of the mall -- from the Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial -- will be used for the crowds at Obama's inauguration. Via press release from the Inaugural Committee:
In keeping with its pledge to make the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama one of the most open and accessible in history, the Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) announced today that, for the first time, the entire length of the National Mall will be opened to the public so that more people than ever before will be able to witness the swearing-in of the President from a vantage point in sight of the Capitol.

The PIC has worked closely with officials from the District of Columbia government, the National Park Service, the Armed Forces Inaugural Committee (AFIC), and the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC) to make space at this historic location available to members of the public who are unable to obtain tickets to the swearing-in. Those who come to witness the swearing-in on the Mall will be able to watch and listen to the ceremony on large screens that will be provided by the PIC along the Mall.
This city is going to be crazy -- in a good way. But, it's going to be gridlocked for days. I can't wait. Read the rest of this post...

In Maine, Women rule

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My sister, Sharon, wanted to make sure I saw the following article. In Maine, the new Speaker of the House, the new President of the Senate, the new Attorney General, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the two U.S. Senators and newest U.S. House member are all women:
Maine’s glass ceiling developed a few more cracks Wednesday as women were sworn in as Senate president and House speaker. And in one of its first acts, the newly seated Legislature elected Maine’s first female attorney general.

“It’s so good to see things moving ahead,” said Janet Mills, a Democrat who won bipartisan support to become the state’s 55th attorney general. “Just because there are a lot of firsts doesn’t mean there can’t be a lot of seconds, thirds and fourths along the way. Maine men and women are sharing responsibilities more than in many other states, most other states.”

Also Wednesday after the formal swearing-in of the Democratic-controlled Legislature, Sen. Elizabeth “Libby” Mitchell of Vassalboro was elected the chamber’s president and Rep. Hannah Pingree of North Haven was elected House speaker.

Both were elected unanimously after minority Republicans, in a gesture of bipartisanship at the start of what’s expected to be a difficult session, threw their support behind the two Democrats. It’s the first time both of Maine’s legislative chambers are being headed by women at the same time.

And Mitchell is the first woman to have served as presiding officer in both the Maine House and Senate.

Maine has a history of electing and appointing women to lofty positions, although never a governor. The chief justice of the state supreme court, Leigh Ingalls Saufley, is a woman. Maine’s two U.S. senators, Republicans Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, soon will be joined in Washington by Democratic Rep.-elect Chellie Pingree, who was in Augusta Wednesday to see her daughter ascend to the House rostrum.
Also, it turns out the new U.N. Ambassador, Susan Rice, also has strong Maine roots. Her mother grew up one street over from my mother on Munjoy Hill. Read the rest of this post...

133 ballots have gone missing in Minnesota Senate race

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Oops. And it just happens to hurt Al Franken's bid for the Senate. No one could have predicated that would happen. Nate Silver does an extensive analysis showing that the ballots are in fact missing.
The latest drama in the Minnesota recount is taking place in the 1st Precinct of the 3rd Ward of the city of Minneapolis, where officials identified 133 fewer ballots in their re-count today than had been recorded on election day. As this particular precinct voted heavily for Franken, who nearly doubled Norm Coleman's vote total there on November 4, a reduction in the ballot count there would be a significant detriment to him, which the St. Paul Pioneer Press estimates as a net loss of 36 ballots.
And remember, we changed the commenting system so you now don't have to register to leave a comment about this post. Simply click the "comments" button under the title of any post on this site, wait for the page to load, then pick a pseudonym (or real name) and post your opinion. Read the rest of this post...

Obama has a 78% approval rating

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That's kind of like Bush's approval rating, but in reverse. Via MyDD:
President-elect Barack Obama gets soaring marks for his handling of the transition and his choices for the Cabinet, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, even at a time the public is downbeat over the economy.

More than three of four Americans, including a majority of Republicans, approve of the job Obama has done so far -- broad-based support he'll need as he faces tough decisions ahead.

By 69%-25%, those surveyed approve of his pick of New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, his former Democratic primary rival, as secretary of State.

By an even wider margin, 80%-14%, they favor his decision to ask President Bush's Pentagon chief, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, to stay on the job.
Considering how much people despise Bush, and how freaked we all are about the economy, it's pretty amazing that Obama's numbers are that high. Yes, sure, he's getting an initial honeymoon with the public, but let's not forget, 46% of the public didn't vote for him - but now 78% think he's doing a good job, including a majority of Republicans. Republican presidents don't usually get those kind of approval ratings without invading a foreign country.
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Thursday Morning Open Thread

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Good morning.

This week seems to be whipping by. There are only three weeks left til Christmas. Yikes!

The executives of the big three auto-makers arrived in D.C yesterday -- by car. Should have thought of that one the first time around. Michael Moore wrote a diary at DailyKos with his thoughts on what needs to be done for the auto industry. And, he knows the auto industry.

Still waiting on some cabinet appointments from Obama -- including Labor. Still waiting to hear who the next Senator from Illinois will be. And, next month, we'll get the new Senator from New York.

So, on we go.... Read the rest of this post...

Sure it sounds good on paper...

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But these things always have a catch. Read the rest of this post...

Credit Suisse to dump 5,300 and Nomura 1,000

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Not surprising, but still bad news. From Reuters:
Swiss bank Credit Suisse said on Thursday it had a net loss of about 3 billion Swiss franc ($2.5 billion) at the end of November and it was shedding another 5,300 jobs, mainly in investment banking.

The bank said the loss, primarily in investment banking, was due to adverse market conditions and risk reduction.

In addition, it will take a restructuring charge of 900 million Swiss francs, mostly in the fourth quarter.
And Japanese investment firm Nomura, who purchased some of the old Lehman Brothers in London is also announcing terminations. Lots of people talking about the substantial payouts throughout the industry to induce people to leave. Sounds like many are doing just fine compared to others who have been axed, provided one can scrape by on hundreds of thousands. Read the rest of this post...

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