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Thursday, January 19, 2006

John Kerry responds to NBC's Chris Matthews' partisan attack on Michael Moore

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Kerry just released the following statement. Good for him.
"You'd think the only focus tonight would be on destroying Osama Bin Laden, not comparing him to an American who opposes the war whether you like him or not. You want a real debate that America needs? Here goes: If the administration had done the job right in Tora Bora we might not be having discussions on Hardball about a new Bin Laden tape. How dare Scott McClellan tell America that this Administration puts terrorists out of business when had they put Osama Bin Laden out of business in Afghanistan when our troops wanted to, we wouldn't have to hear this barbarian's voice on tape. That's what we should be talking about in America." -- John Kerry
Along those lines, Dick Cheney said this today:
"It is no accident that we haven't been hit in more than four years."
Oh yeah? It's also no accident that Osama bin Laden hasn't been captured in more than four years. Read the rest of this post...

New MyDD ombudsman decides to close "comments" in the interest of openness

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From our friends over at MyDD blog:
Matt Stoller: MyDD Will No Longer Have Comments
by Matt Stoller

Jerome, Chris, Jonathon, and Scott just appointed me ombudsman of MyDD. As such, I will now represent the readers, so that you have a voice and that commentary isn't as one-sided as it has been to date. I have heard complaints, for instance, that there are personal attacks of a nature that is personal posted on the web-blog, and that is bothersome. And uncivil-like. I have heard that the people who post them, known as 'citizens', often come on to web-logs like this one, or web-sites like that of the Washington Post, and point out 'errors' and 'factual inaccuracies'.

This type of uncivil discourse is not appropriate for this web site, or any other web site. Transparency and reasoned debate are crucial parts of the Web culture, and it's a disappointment to us that we have not been able to maintain a civil conversation, especially about issues that people feel strongly (and differently) about. In other words, I have decided to close comments. Greatly awesome fabulous web sites like this one thrive on criticism, and we can handle it. But not, you know, on Thursdays.

We're not giving up on the concept of having a healthy public dialogue with our readers, but this experience shows that we need to think more carefully about how we do it. Any thoughtful feedback on that (or any other issue) is welcome, and you can send it to

UPDATE: Dammit, how do I close comments?!? Curse you, internet!
If you don't get the joke, read this. Read the rest of this post...

Congressman Brian Baird on Air America explains Frist/Delay insider-trading scandal

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Listen to the 4-minute interview here.

More background on this here, further audio and reading. Read the rest of this post...

MSNBC's Chris Matthews compares Osama bin Laden to Michael Moore

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Gee, the same day that Chris Matthews tells a fag joke on the air. I guess MSNBC is on a race to the bottom here and Matthews is leading the pack.

It seems that for some reason Matthews feels the need to become the uber-Republican. Trash Hillary for making comments that Newt, Bob Novak, and the Wall Street Journal have made. Tell fag jokes like one of the good ole boys. Defend Bush at all costs. If Matthews can just ingratiate himself a bit more, then maybe the Republican establishment will really like him.

Pitiful. And terribly embarrassing for NBC and all of its namesakes.

Peter Daou is right, we need to demand an apology:
DEMAND AN APOLOGY: "Bin Laden sounds like Clint Eastwood" -- "Bin Laden sounds like Ron Silver" -- "Bin Laden sounds like Rush Limbaugh" -- "Bin Laden sounds like Bill O'Reilly"-- "Bin Laden sounds like Mel Gibson" -- "Bin Laden sounds like Bruce Willis" -- "Bin Laden sounds like Michelle Malkin"... Imagine the outrage on the right and in the press (but I repeat myself) if a major media figure spat out those words. Well, on Hardball, Chris Matthews just blurted out that Bin Laden sounds like Michael Moore. Simple: Matthews should apologize. On the air. This has NOTHING to do with Michael Moore and everything to do with how far media figures can go slandering the left. And last I checked, Michael Moore didn't massacre thousands of innocent Americans.
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Open thread

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Another busy day Read the rest of this post...

Wash Post deletes hundreds of comments to ombudsman's blog entry, claiming comments were filled with "hate speech" - Official record says otherwise

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The Washington Post's embattled ombudsman, Deborah Howell, responded to critics today on the Washington Post blog. Readers posted a lot of comments in response. And at 4pm today, the Post deleted all the comments and wrote the following explanation:
As of 4:15 p.m. ET today, we have shut off comments on this blog indefinitely.... there are things that we said we would not allow, including personal attacks, the use of profanity and hate speech. Because a significant number of folks who have posted in this blog have refused to follow any of those relatively simple rules, we've decided not to allow comments for the time being.
But an initial look at the deleted comments, all of which are conveniently archived by Democratic Underground, doesn't show a lot of hate speech or profanity. The only swear word I could find, for example, was "bullshit." And while some of the criticism is harsh, to be sure - hey, you're the ombudsman, get used to it - actually, some of it is rather hysterical, to wit:
Dear Mrs. Howell,

Gilligan, the Skipper, The Professor and Mary Ann all voted you off the island.

Thurston Howell III says he wants a divorce.

Better start looking for a raft.
The Washington Post is treading into dangerous territory here with regards to its reputation with an entire generation of pundits, opinion-makers, and readers. It's one thing for our president to try to skew the facts and stifle debate, it's quite another for what used to be one of the nation's greatest newspapers to start showing the same immature anti-intellectual qualities.

Read them all for yourself, then report back. Read the rest of this post...

BREAKING: Rep. Slaughter says Bill Frist and Tom Delay had day-traders working out of their offices

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ADDITIONAL UPDATE: Congressman Brian Baird on Air America explains more about Frist/Delay insider-trading scandal.

UPDATE: Air America has posted lots more information on the background of this story on a Kos diary here.

Oh my. She just said this on Air America's "The Majority Report."

You heard it here (well, there) first: Listen to the excerpt of the show on Windows Media format or mp3. Read the rest of this post...

Bush Justice Dept demands Google give feds EVERY search made in June and July 2005 on Google

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The Justice Department claims this is to help them combat child pornography.


This is all about Homeland Security. They want Google's records so they can try to see what every single one of you typed into Google in June and July of last year. The big question is whether Google's databases show WHO typed in that information? Does Google have records, like most Web sites do, of the IP addresses of everyone who has visited? Were you signed into gmail when you did your Google search (which means they likely would know EXACTLY who you were)?

And what exactly were you googling? Did you look for any porn? Bush's Justice Department will now know. Any gay sites? Any cancer sites? Sites about depression? About AIDS? Sites about sex? Your federal government will now know. Do you like to read Republican or Democratic Web sites, and do you think it's the government's business what your politics really are? Did you ever Google anything about guns? Or how about Al Qaeda? You're about to be put into a Justice Department database, just in case your interest in any of those topics is a bit too suspect. We are at war, after all, and you can never be too safe.

You also realize that it's now possible to keep track of which Web sites were you were visiting BEFORE you came to Google, and which site you went to next. Do you really want THAT info getting to your boss, your spouse, or your government for that matter?

It's really difficult to explain not just how outrageous this is, but how outrageous everything is that this administration is now doing to systematically wipe out any remaining vestige of privacy in our country.

And again, this has nothing to do with child pornography. It has everything to do with the federal government going on a massive fishing expedition to weed out all the "sinners" in America, and all under the veil of the war on terror.

Read the Reuters story here.

Read the actual Justice Dept subpoena to Google, and Google's response, here. Read the rest of this post...

Chris Matthews tells fag-joke on Imus this morning

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There's a part of me that wants to say, ah, he was just mentioning something he heard, he wasn't really endorsing the fag-joke. But then another part of me wonders how many "nigger" jokes Chris Matthew shares in public, even when he's simply repeating "nigger" jokes that he's heard bad people tell.

I'm guessing none. Read the rest of this post...

Republican group paying college students to spy on their professors

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Apparently, the Republican party thinks American college students are too immature to hear the personal views and theories of a professor and then analyze those views in order to figure out the truth for themselves. The thing is, I don't know how you study history, or philosophy, or even poetry for that matter, without the professor injecting his personal, or dare I say it, political views into the mix.

When I was studying for my masters at Georgetown we had an Israeli professor who clearly had his own take on issues. He had his own views. His own theories for how things worked in the Middle East and in politics overall. He wasn't just teaching "the facts" of the Arab-Israeli crisis - what kind of adult is going to pay thousands of dollars a year to take a class where the teacher simply reads you a list of facts? - no, our professor gave us his point of view as to what made the Middle East tick. And you know what, he was really good. Sometimes I agreed with him, sometimes I didn't. But the real neat trick was that I was adult enough to listen to his theories and then dissect them myself in order to determine if I thought he was right or wrong.

Another professor I had at Georgetown was Madeleine Albright. And you know what? She actually had her own political views and sometimes - eeks! - those views came out in class. Now, keep in mind, at the time I was a Republican (this was back in the mid to late 80s). Yet, I had no problem with Madeleine (as we called her, behind her back) having opinions. And I had no problem with former Reagan UN ambassador Jeanne Kirkpatrick giving lectures down the hall with HER opinions. One of the great things about going to a school like Georgetown is that you GET professors who have opinions, serious heavy opinions, because they've had such kick-ass jobs. I can't imagine what it would have been like if Albright and Kirkpatrick had to sanitize their lectures so that no one could guess what their opinion was on anything.

Finally, my Georgetown law education was ALL opinions. Each professor had his own take on the law, and again, that was fine. It was more than fine. It made me challenge the professor, and it made the professor challenge me, and I learned a hell of a lot. And even at Gtown law, I had conservative and liberal professors both, and their leanings were clear, and that was fine. It was actually great.

Republicans, or far too many of them nowadays, want to ensure that students, even adult students - hell, all Americans - don't hear any point of view at all about anything (lest some conservative idea be questioned) - or, on the contrary, Republicans want to require by legal fiat that EVERY point of view be discussed everywhere, no matter how absurd, even mandating classes to include pseudo-science that Pat Robertson dreamed up in his bathtub (again, lest the facts get in the way of somebody's agenda).

At what point will Republicans, today's Republicans, fess up and admit that they have a serious problem with extremism in their party? They claimed for years they were opposed to the Nanny State, only to now replace it with a Police State. Read the rest of this post...

Is Walt Disney endorsing Republicans now?

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I doubt it, but that hasn't stopped a Republican state assembly candidate in Nevada from using the Disney company's logo on his Web site. Sure, the political candidate's name is also Disney, but taking Disney's actual logo and putting it on the top of the candidate's Web site? Hard to see that as anything other than an infringement on Disney's trademark.

Count the hours before that trademark disappears off of the Republican's Web site.

Here's a comparison of the Disney logo (top) with the GOP candidate's logo (bottom):

And here's the GOP candidate's Web site, note the logo in the top left corner:

(Major hat tip to Corey at American Idle blog for sending me this tip.)

PS For an extra laugh, check out this page where the candidate explains to us his "Analytical Ability." Es muy interesante. Read the rest of this post...

More on congressional day-trading story

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Looks like there may be some there there. Read the rest of this post...

Open thread

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Off to lunch with my PTV (PoliticsTV) gang - that's the new name for DemsTV and it's much bigger company it's now become... Read the rest of this post...

Body Armor - Another issue the Democrats let slip away

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Oh well. The Democrats had their chance and like good little liberals, they let is slip away.

The Secretary of the Army is now saying the troops need more body armor. Now, had the Democrats jumped on this issue big-time like I (and many others) had recommended a long time ago, they'd own this issue now and the Secretary of the Army would be endorsing the Democratic proposal to help save our troops lives.

But no.

The Democrats let this issue go. Oh sure, they offered a stupid amendment or something to one bill. Big deal. Did they work up a major media plan, events to help generate interest in the issue? Did they threaten to shut down the Congress until our troops got the armor they needed to save their lives? No. The Dems offered one stupid amendment that went nowhere. Well bully for them.

They had an issue handed to them, repeatedly, over several years. An issue that proved that they cared about our troops and Bush didn't, that they cared about national security, that they cared about success in Iraq (even if the war is turning into a quagmire), and they took a pass.

Tell me again why the Democrats deserve to run this country, other than because the Republicans suck?

(Hat tip to DefenseTech.)

PS One person who IS doing something about this issue is General Wesley Clark. Check out his site to help take action. Read the rest of this post...

It's Medicare Part D for Disaster

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The complete failure of the Bush/DeLay Prescription Drug Disaster is the untold story of 2006. Families across the country are being tortured by the new program. The Washington Post reported on the District's problems which are mirrored across the country. It's considered a public health emergency:
The District will temporarily pay for medicines for thousands of elderly and disabled residents caught in the mess of computer troubles and bureaucratic breakdowns that have marked the new Medicare drug program's start, Mayor Anthony A. Williams said yesterday.

Neither Virginia nor Maryland has taken such action, though nearly two dozen states across the country have decided to cover the prescriptions of low-income beneficiaries as a public health emergency. Many people were being refused critical medications or were being charged as much as 80 times their usual co-payment.

All of these "dual eligibles" -- medically and economically vulnerable people who receive Medicare and Medicaid -- should have been shifted automatically Jan. 1 from local Medicaid drug provisions. But because of myriad problems with the new, incompletely tested system, some were never enrolled in new insurance plans, and others were put in plans that do not include their prescriptions.
Bush, DeLay and the GOP never wanted a system that would provide coverage. So this is what happens when people who hate government set up a government program. And, make no mistake, they are nefarious enough to set up something doomed to fail. The problem being is that people will die because of this mess. Read the rest of this post...

80% of US workers hit by inflation in 2005

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Let me guess, it didn't impact senior directors of Halliburton and Big Oil. What a track record of success for average Americans.
The 0.5 percent drop in inflation-adjusted hourly earnings last year followed a 0.7 percent fall in 2004 for the 80 percent of the U.S. work force that is employed by the private sector in nonsupervisory jobs.

The main culprit in last year's increase in inflation was a 17.1 percent surge in energy prices, the biggest advance since 1990, as gasoline prices topped $3 per gallon for a time.

The rise in energy accounted for 40 percent of the overall rise in prices last year.

At the White House, presidential spokesman Scott McClellan said that energy prices were still too high and that the president was committed to addressing that problem.
And? What's he waiting for?"
People see energy prices going up and they get a little worried about what they can afford to spend money on," said David Wyss, chief economist at Standard & Poor's in New York.
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Thursday Morning Open Thread

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Start threading the news. Read the rest of this post...

Blair government caught in cover-up

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Shocking. Sounds just like his friend in the White House.
Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, told Parliament on 12 December last year that checks had uncovered no occasion since the attacks of 11 September 2001 when the US had asked to use British airspace for rendition flights.

But in a briefing note to Tony Blair's office five days earlier - obtained by the New Statesman magazine - the Foreign Office admitted it had no idea how many times the UK had allowed such flights to cross its skies. As of early December it had been unable "to complete the substantial research required to establish what has happened since 1997".

The memo, from Irfan Siddiq to Grace Cassy at 10 Downing St, suggests the Prime Minister "should try to avoid getting drawn on detail" and "try to move the debate on". On 22 December, Mr Blair said at his monthly press conference: "It is not something that I have ever actually come across until this whole thing has blown up, and I don't know anything about it."

The key thing the Foreign Office did accept was that extraordinary rendition "is almost certainly illegal" and any British co-operation "would also be illegal".
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Toxic dumping on the poor

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A few days ago Greenpeace staged an event to create awareness of the decommissioned French Navy aircraft carrier Clemenceau which was preparing to pass through the Suez Canal. The problem? The ship is loaded with asbestos and being sent to India to be turned into scrap metal. Because of the ship's legal status (it is a French government ship) is escapes the Basel convention that would make it illegal to send a ship in such condition without removing the deadly asbestos.

From a moral perspective, I find this delivery disgusting. Playing the legal card and dumping asbestos on a country that will have virtually no regulations to protect the poor workers who will be subjected to this toxic mess is simply not right. India and south central Asia do a lot of work like this and the rich countries just continue to turn a blind eye because the price is right and it's "over there" and not in their backyard. Sad. Read the rest of this post...

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